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Does anyone believe that the toothpaste can be put back into the tube when it comes to the islamisation of Europe? If Europe receives no more refugees, is it still too late to save themselves?

Facci 7 Feb 29
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No, toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube. The same way as Islam cannot be reformed. A Pew research done a few years ago showed that around 80% of the followers of the terrorist Muhammad would choose Islam before the host country they migrated to. Their retrograde ideology won't allow them to integrate, and is the reason why many parts of EU which they have flooded have become no go zones for Westerners and Western law.

angelo Level 8 Mar 4, 2020

Whatever happens Europe will change. Everything changes and the history of Europe is one of continuous change.
Even if Islam were to develop much more widely in Europe it would over time be a ‘European’ version which in itself would change. However all this takes time, a lot of time. But what we have currently is an EU which has declared its intention to effectively get rid of the existing Countries. The intention is for Europe to be more like the US ie one big country and at the same time there are millions of (mostly male Muslim) immigrants flooding in. These changes are being imposed on an increasingly reluctant population and opposition is being suppressed. Censorship is increasing and even in the UK which has stepped back from what is happening across the channel political correctness is being imposed and the media is rife with what many see as anti white propaganda. These tactics and the imposition of such change at such a rate is not conducive with peaceful change but the authorities are intent on maintaining their course. If I were a conspiracy theorist I would say that something is setting out to destabilise western society and that many of the politicians are for whatever reason facilitating chaos. One question I always ask when someone denies doing something for nefarious reasons is what they would have done differently if they wanted to avoid the problems they are creating. In this case I cannot see a better way of creating chaos than what is being done.

Will Ireland stop being Ireland? France, France? Will all of the national identities be lost?

@Facci That is indeed the aim of the EU. What are currently countries with governments will become some sort of ‘States‘ (not necessarily matching the existing borders) run by a European government.
Taxation, welfare systems, foreign policy etc will all be Europe wide. This is not conjecture. The EU will not be a collection of existing countries. Obviously Ireland being an island ( ignoring for the moment the North/South divide) might be more likely to retain a somewhat separate identity but being very much out on a limb might not necessarily be beneficial overall. You have to wonder whether those running Germany and (to a much lesser extent France) see mass immigration as a way of diluting cultures and indeed countries.

@Facci eventually yes. But remember that France only came in existence with Charles the great.
Before that it was different tribes, different cultures and languages. Some back then may also have lamented his everything change.

@Facci, @Kravman2 you also need to understand how the cultural differences are ever decreasing among countries the past 400 years.

I have been to many countries in my life and we are all Americanised and before that Britishised.

@Hanno You have a strong point. I hope we don't lose Ireland before I get there. They resisted the Roman's, Norman's, the Scots and the British yet they will dissolve into the Islamist EU?


Nietzsche is right I think in that Muslims in the West and eventually in their hinterlands will also face a vast crisis of faith and belief leading to nihilism in the same way that us in the West has with Christianity as per his ‘Death Of God’ parable etc. Perhaps they see this all too well which explains Islamist ideology as they seek to put the brakes on but the whole structure of Islamic belief is still careering ‘headlong’ down the very same hill as Christianity whether they know it or not, certainly whether they like it or not. They have similar options to us which is to use their religious ideas as placeholders for higher ideals etc as the grounds of Islamic objective truth claims slips from their credulity as well. Probably gonna get messy though as they spin in empty circles firstly blaming our culture and us then themselves as it dawns on them too that the old ideas as presented in the past just won’t work for them anymore and I don’t see even the slightest reform of Islam even starting yet as they desperately cling on shutting their eyes to monsters in the dark like children. The jury is very much out with us as to exactly how we will cope going forward never mind them, overly reliant as they are on simplistic wish fulfilment and unreconstructed 7th century style religiosity.

What is frightening is the protected status and their sanctuary from local law. Same as illegal aliens in America, this is the nefarious aspect of what is clearly a coordinated effort. How can this end peacefully?


One will never be certain with Muslims.
In general they mostly come across as peaceful and law abiding
The problem is when something like ISIS pops up, then some of them tend to display their Jihadist sentiments.
The large numbers of refugees is a particular problem as many of these don't speak the language of the country in which they rock up.
They.They are often unemployable and to make matters they don't assimilate in the culture of their new countries.
Their demands sometimes are absurd. Like it's happening in the UK, a liberal, enlightened society is requested tuck it's forelock to the whims and wishes a religion which tenets is rooted in ancient Saudi tribal laws and customs.

JakesB Level 4 Mar 1, 2020

Is the EU trying to form an army?


I honestly feel that the march to agnosticism/atheism is the only way the situation will resolve itself.
They will not convert to modern Christianity (most christians don’t practice anyway)... however they will slip into apostasy in time.
I have worked with many Turks and other Muslim nationals... most educated ones are atheists. Nice good people, just like you and me.
It is the religion that ruins them.
In time they too will abandon the religious stupidity and then it is just a matter of slight skin colour variations and some culture issues that will be minor.

Europe will survive... it will just be different.
Hard core Christian Europe was not a nice place... in time the people become reasonable... the same will happen to the Muslims.
It is just the next 50 years that are gonna be hard.

Hanno Level 8 Mar 1, 2020

Do you spend any time in Europe?

I went to Western Europe every year for a couple of weeks at a time for about 10 years and then spent two years in Belgium full time at the EU and Belgium Research centres. That’s now 7 yrs ago and I only go to Northern Europe every second year now, and that is only a few weeks a time.
So things have changed a lot I agree.
And my experience was mostly with highly educated Europeans and foreigners.


The Muslim threat has been thrown off in the seesaw of conflict between the West and Islam since Islam began. Every conflict leaves a little more of humanity conquered by Islam. It will indeed be "the religion of peace" when it has killed off every infidel.
Everyone who understands this will fight them with every ounce of strength.

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