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Thinking Outloud:

written by ME! LOL for what its worth.

Sometime back - 10 to 15 years ago - give or take - there was a sea change in how the general population regarded one another and more importantly treated one another. For reasons too complex to go into here suffice to say that it is no longer acceptable to hold oppositional sociopolitical opinions.

I am profoundly saddened by the "new normal" whereby anybody - anybody at all whether kin or friend who does not share YOUR political opinions is a bad person - no, make that a very bad, make that an evil person.

This sea change brings tragic consequences. I suggest that before "social distancing" became a thing because of disease we were already socially distanced from one another by virtue of our political leanings.

There is fear and loathing and utter hostility in discovering that once loved and trusted friends and kin hold to political ideas of which we do not approve much less accept as their right and privilege to do so.

Speaking proverbially that lovely couple next door to you - yes those people who smiled and waved at you and who shared stories with you about pets, grand kids and the labor of love that is the upkeep of your gardens and the neighborhood - yest that couple. They are the same people they were before you discovered that they voted for a political candidate you happen to dislike.

They haven't changed - not one bit. What has changed is that some folks seem to have a pathological need to shut out and shut down ideas to the degree that they reject and shun people. Not rejecting ideas - but shunning people. And for what.

Here is the thing - I can still love you because you are the person I knew and loved before I found out who you voted for. You can still love me because I have not changed either. Same person I was before you found out how I cast my votes in the last election.
Because really - after all the political fighting is over - after the dust settles for another 4 year interval - we still need each other. YOU are exponentially more valuable to me - you matter more to me by far - than any ideologies I may or may not hold dear.

iThink 9 Apr 14
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Eloquently stated. Sad that our relationships have become so one-dimensional, so flat and lifeless. 💐


Interesting read. I have always said that such touchy subjects should be able to be discussed intelligently without offence but I have found people become offended and fight you regardless unless you support and agree with their speak. I will fight for your right to the death for your ideals and speech, unless they are criminal by average moral standards. I have very few friends as there are very few people who are capable of honouring your right to hold an opinion regardless of their agreement to the idea. Wasn’t it about 15 years ago when political correctness gained traction. It was about 10 years ago when I coined the phrase, “ the les of cowards and politicians are couched in the words of political correctness”. Speak honestly, that’s my only requirement.


The left morphed into a REligion long ago. When youth started holding up lighters at Wock concerts, I knew it was over. America was founded on freedom from religious percercution as it existed in Europe where 80% of us come from. Apple does not fall far from tree. Nothing new.


We are called to love each other, even our enemies, which, as you point out, seems to be increasing exponentially, as the United country is being divided. It is said that two will not walk together unless they are in agreement, and a man's enemies will be those of his own house. And, we know that a house divided will not stand. But, as Facci points to...what fellowship hath light with darkness? Of course, everyone thinks they are the light and the other is the darkness. Everyone thinks they are right about everything. I suspect the only path we have to take is one of humility.

dmatic Level 8 Apr 15, 2020

I think humility is the right word.


I agree with your sentiment, but I lost a best friend when I started voting Republican in '04. I was being asked to front a firearm discount for a family member who was a Bernie supporter, conversation devolved when I asked why purchase something you want stolen by your own vote? I can't be in this person's presence without being baited into political talk that I don't respond to, so I don't talk and I don't make friends on Facebook, because they don't need to see my posts. I was attacked and harassed for my political posts in 2016. I debated until I was was being ridiculed and insulted. I would never end a friendship or family tie over politics, but I withdraw because I have a right to believe what I believe. It is a complicated situation. I've lost important connections to me. Perhaps it is me and not my politics, but that's just how it is.

Facci Level 7 Apr 14, 2020

you're personal experience is exactly the subject of my post.

Just put your opinions out there and let the trolls prattle on. The fact that they read your posts means you are putting thoughts into their minds. Drip, drip.


I was recently told by a member of our neighborhood online group that as a member of the bourgeoisie who doesn't believe that children should be exempt from ordinances that impose fines on people who don't clean up after their dogs that I'm morally bent. She went on to explain that manners were a way of oppressing the poor. Time to defund our universities me thinks.

wolfhnd Level 8 Apr 14, 2020
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