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Thank You for the latest report, Ms Watson. Even at the beginning, the VPN sketch was exceptionally original and LMFAO funny to someone like me. I've always thought of you as Wonder Watson, and that's not just because you could pass for Linda Carter in a lineup. It is good to see you again, doing the Youtube thing while The World warps into the maelstrom of authorised nonsense.

The main theme of the report was also upto your highest standards, again. One point to mention about the feminising of academia is that in the earty 1980s the entire matriculation qualification from high school to university was based on the end-of-year exams, which would run for maybe two weeks, to make sure that students knew what they had learned over those years. Then in the late '80s they changed the system so that matriculation to university could be achieved by a mixture of final exams, (as before), and also assesments of 'assignment's over the years prior. This put a personal measure on what were previously anonymously marked exams, and no wonder so many dunderheads found their ways onto tertiary campuses and administrators had to dumb down the curriculums or answer some serious questions.

I have come to believe that that feminising of the academic system might have likely had a hand in the dull-mindedness we now enjoy in the public lives we endure such as the stupid media, the stupid academia, and the even stupider public services than there used to be before the 'everyone gets a prize' strategy took over the schools.

Please be sure to make another movie before Christmas. You and your alter egos put a smile on more faces than I could count with my shoes on.

Pontiac 4 Dec 7
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Posted by WeltansichtBeep beep beep

Posted by WeltansichtSluggers are everywhere, like 'savoir faire' lol

Posted by WeltansichtHappy St. Pat's Day to the Eire people as well !!!!

Posted by FEgersdorferSAMA 2021 winners Die Heuwels Fantasties are currently busy with the recordings for their VOLUME II album, which is due for release in early 2022.  []

Posted by AlpineFinally we are making progress here in Australia. Im so proud of Jordan Shanks and his legal team for continuing to fight for our freedom of speech.

Posted by FraggleHey gang! It's me again... the only cartoonist on Slug apparently. I'm back with another 80's movie parody! Want to see more?

Posted by TheHerrDarkLook Sydney, you brown eyed devil, I found a picture of you, with your fangs as well.

Posted by FraggleHey gang, It's Sunday and I'm back on Sydney's Slug space with a full page of Hitchhikers for you to enjoy! Feel free to leave me a comment or follow me to see more of my many many cartoons! FB: ...

Posted by KalkiWho would YOU rather SIMP-OUT on via OnlyFans?

Posted by KalkiWho would YOU rather SIMP-OUT on via OnlyFans?

Posted by FraggleHey gang! Here's another one of my cartoons.

Posted by FraggleHey Sydney fans, I'm back with another cartoon! Please enjoy this page from my comic strip One Big Shoe.

Posted by TheHerrDarkAnother US Government agency violating the Hatch Act Hatch Act, 5 U.

Posted by KalkiI wonder what the brown-eyed devil will do after The Antichrist DESTROYS ALL CULTURE WAR SIGHOP NONSENSE? She will date him and they will become the new royalty... []

Posted by KalkiI wonder what the brown-eyed devil will do after The Antichrist DESTROYS ALL CULTURE WAR SIGHOP NONSENSE? She will date him and they will become the new royalty... []

Posted by FraggleHere's another cartoon for you folks. I hope you guys like it.

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