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Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Thaw comments on Aug 11, 2020:
It's possible to simplify most concepts so low IQ people can get the gist of them, but low IQ people cannot figure out the concepts on their own, because they cannot see all the patterns and connections that high IQ people can see. A low IQ person could never invent the internal combustion ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw Have any sort of evidence, or proof, or reasoning for it? I think they can, but we're stuck in opinions...
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Thaw comments on Aug 11, 2020:
It's possible to simplify most concepts so low IQ people can get the gist of them, but low IQ people cannot figure out the concepts on their own, because they cannot see all the patterns and connections that high IQ people can see. A low IQ person could never invent the internal combustion ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw I disagree. They justbdont want to. They could. If you incentived them enough. The mental RAM is expandible over time given the brains' plasticity. And they innovate, but their novel input isn't anything that genius, just creative. The only difference is that they could hold it all in their minds given their academic effort to get it all in there. I am sure anybody could do it if they really wanted to and could afford to dedicate the time to it. I realize this is merely a disagreement. But I think my perspective is more logical, unless you can point to a reason why they couldn't. What's the barrier, where's the line? I don't see any. It's just that they don't care enough to take it all in because they don't care. I love Sailor Moon, you know? Surely you would never watch an episode. Well, lots of people feel the same way about quantum physics. I think that's the whole deal.
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
wolfhnd comments on Aug 11, 2020:
What is measured by IQ is not "intelligence" per se. It is a measure of intellectual ability and abstract problem solving. It may seem counter intuitive but we have no idea what consciousness is let alone intelligence. It is my belief that IQ is related to language. Language in it's broadest ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@wolfhnd well, I don't know about Dennett, I lack education, but here's my theory and why I ask. The way I see it, we must first separate the brain into different parts, not physically not functional, but... We... I'd have to do a lot of redefining. When I say "subconscious" I mean a "layer" of our brain capabilities that is not available to us. It's the core of our brain and processes, the hidden master within ourselves that controls us. So by "us," or the "consciousness" would be what we can potentially be aware of and use of our brain and capabilities. Not tu confuse with consciousness in general. Our brains are extremely smart, all of our. No exception. We can calculate the beauty of music before we are aware we are perceiving it. So IQ differences are completely meaningless as far as I'm concerned. Is like being mad at a supercomputer for not being able to be survive if submerged in water. And there are several parts that our brain uses that we don't know. Know what Blind Sight is? Some bling people can see, they just don't know it. But their limbic system do, so they can feel the information they need from the environment. There was this experiment where they asked the blind people whose problem was not I the eyes, but somewhere in the brain to guess the path of a red light spot. And they did. Perfectly. They just felt that was the answer, but didn't know why. Their subconscious could see, but their consciousness's yellow rca cable was disconnected. But their emotions let them know. Now, we know that we have these reactions that are linked to physical stimuli that we can't control, I can't remember the name, like moving your hand away if you put it on fire. Well, there's a version for the limbic system, where we can feel what to do, but it's still a conscious choice. That's why we can react emotionally quickly. I have an example in episode 6 of my series, but too long to explain Thing is, I think the subconscious is is like this black processing box that processes everything. It takes the sensorial inputs and let us know the outputs in mentalese. We think we are very rational when we do logic step by step, but we dont think like that. When we deconstruct our reasoning, we are merely tracking back our minds' logic, but we didn't do all that ourselves when thinking it. We just wonder like retards and look up waiting for our brains to send us the output in mentalese. All we do is translate it to our language. When you see the Peterson thinking face, its the same expression as a live translator has. I think that's what we are doing. And we are not meant to notice any of this. I hope I explained myself somewhat coherently. Let me know what you think. Wish I had visual aids to explain myself better.
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Thaw comments on Aug 11, 2020:
It's possible to simplify most concepts so low IQ people can get the gist of them, but low IQ people cannot figure out the concepts on their own, because they cannot see all the patterns and connections that high IQ people can see. A low IQ person could never invent the internal combustion ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
Dude, neither can intellectuals. You forget we are riding on the shoulders of giants. Their inventions are a tiny nothing in an intergenerational effort.
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Augur2748 comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Speed of thought is certainly part of intelligence, but only a part. There are concepts that some people will not understand, no matter how long they try to comprehend them.
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Augur2748 And what could possibly prevent somebody from understanding it if that person took the time to try? I am of the position that given enough time and true effort/willingness/openness, anybody could. I don't see a real barrier.
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Augur2748 comments on Aug 11, 2020:
To what you said, figuring out, translated by google to Spanish and back did I. Opening sentence of yours thusly says: *""Talk Let's IQ is, from the place of that, what would I be free of twist by means of knockers give rise to? Does not have to wait for all 80 IQ is "valuable" that it is time to ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Augur2748 ha ha That was my first guess, but I didn't want to assume.
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
wolfhnd comments on Aug 11, 2020:
What is measured by IQ is not "intelligence" per se. It is a measure of intellectual ability and abstract problem solving. It may seem counter intuitive but we have no idea what consciousness is let alone intelligence. It is my belief that IQ is related to language. Language in it's broadest ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
What's your position on mentalese, the mind's language?
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Augur2748 comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Speed of thought is certainly part of intelligence, but only a part. There are concepts that some people will not understand, no matter how long they try to comprehend them.
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
Like what?
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
RobBlair comments on Aug 11, 2020:
IQ is often conflated with human worth. This idea is promoted by materialism, a religious perspective that seems to be growing, and is at odds with the idea that all men are created equal.
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
I agree, and I hate that being the case. Geez...
Let's talk IQ, why do y'all get your knockers in a twist about the topic?
Augur2748 comments on Aug 11, 2020:
To what you said, figuring out, translated by google to Spanish and back did I. Opening sentence of yours thusly says: *""Talk Let's IQ is, from the place of that, what would I be free of twist by means of knockers give rise to? Does not have to wait for all 80 IQ is "valuable" that it is time to ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
Was my English awful when writing this post, or why the whole translating thing?
People say other people won't even notice when America stops being free, as they fail to notice it ...
timon_phocas comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Howdy @A1fredo, We did have a COVID a century ago. In 1918 we suffered through the Spanish Flu. The US had about a hundred-million people and we lost about a million of them. It was the height of our World War One effort, so it was covered up. A lot of our reactions to COVID are based on our ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
I really hate the government intervention though. It takes away the opportunity of society to realize that there are people who don't care if they live or die. It's important because those outcast are neglected, there's a reason for their negligence. I don't think societies won't get far as long as they keep going for they easy route of pretending to be nice, and lying all the time to keep on being selfish, instead of dealing with the issues. If people don't care if society does, maybe it's because society is an asshole to them. But with Big Bro interfering, I guess the outcasts will have to keep enduring.
People say other people won't even notice when America stops being free, as they fail to notice it ...
Grandoodle comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Was America ever Free ? Depends on the what you consider Free to mean I quess? Has any country or kingdom on earth at any time been Free? Semantics and philosophy may help to understand. Some say Anarchy is the only road to total freedom but many including myself don't believe anarchy is ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
I think that we may be able to make Anarchy a sustainable social system when we finally come up with an appropriate religion/set of beliefs. But what do I know heh heh
People say other people won't even notice when America stops being free, as they fail to notice it ...
FrozenSoul comments on Aug 11, 2020:
You are pretty inquisitive. Did u say u r Mexican? It’s not just America that’s falsely free. It’s the whole Caucasian world that has been “duped “. It started when Constantine decided to force the Nordic people to follow the Desert God. Before that, they were good Earth Religions ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 11, 2020:
Yeah, Mexican. Part Irish, but that's not really a thing here heh heh
Hey, I'm not familiar with Spotify.
LukeWatkins comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Spotify has basic for free And a paid premium service I use to download
A1fredo replies on Aug 10, 2020:
Awesome. Thank you.
Setting everything up preparing to launch my miniseries by August 22nd.
LillyGreer comments on Aug 10, 2020:
What kind of ministries?
A1fredo replies on Aug 10, 2020:
It's intended to explain the Culture Wars very subtly. First, so people won't tune out because Mexicans are very apathetic to these topics, and to make it entertaining since it's such a complex topic to explain given both cultural differences, and all the craziness that will be hard to believe for anyone who haven't heard of any of it before. Also, there's the whole not getting banned from you tube thing too. I don't mention this directly until episode 10, the last one. After hopefully, I've kinda explained all the crazy stuff without overtly let them know what it's about.
Hey, I'm not familiar with Spotify.
WilyRickWiles comments on Aug 10, 2020:
You can't download. Paying gets rid of ads. You can save to your computer, but that only allows you to play a song when you're offline through the apps, not access the actual files.
A1fredo replies on Aug 10, 2020:
Got it. They don't play for some reason tho. Ugh... Thanks, man.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z You're welcome. I'm happy to help. Feel free to message me anytime you may need some help trough this.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z Trust me, I understand is incredibly hard to go against the majority. The White Privilege concept is everywhere and you just start wondering how could it be that you happen to be right and all the world is wrong. I understand, I'm a lonely outcast, and have always been because I refuse to give up on my morals in order to get along with people here. I don't like them, and I rather be alone than to keep trying to trust them and encourage them not to hurt me with their thoughtlessness. So I am miserable and wonder if I may be wrong, or crazy all the time. But I am not. It's just that societies are made of people, and people are wrong. The perspective of the majority is only one, just like yours, and chances are even for either side to be right. It is usually the outcasts who are right given we are the ones who think about things the most since we don't have emotional support when the majority call us wrong. We don't have people going "Don't listen to him, he's crazy." We do have to process the situation. That's why we have come to the right perspective. Adversity makes you grow. So don't let the propaganda get you back into the blissful ignorance. Please. We need you.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z I mean... it's as simple as "it's all bullshit." From the outside, I can tell you your country is being brainwashed by an ideology. Please don't get me wrong, we as human beings need to create a belief system in our minds, so we are all brainwashed in that sense. However, your comfy lifestyle has made you vulnerable to shameless emotional blackmail. For example, if you tried some White Spaniard guilt on Mexicans, they would all be like "Fuck off with that shit, you asshole," because we ain't in the mood for bullshit since our lives are so hard in the day to day (the elites may may be vulnerable to it--pretty sure they'd fall for it.) But there is absolutely no reason for you to feel bad for your ancestors' history. I mean, you only came into being when you were born, and had no control over what happened before. Period. But besides that, you just don't know the circumstances. Besides, why do you think they are always trying to censor and to ban history classes? Because they're full of it. Once upon a time, we were all poor and miserable. And let me tell you first hand, your morality is subjective. You can't help it. It is very, very easy to be all love-goodie when you have no problems. You can afford to care about your behavior. But let me give you a very extreme scenario to make my point more easily, then we'll re-contextualize. Imagine you get kidnapped and brutally whipped... until you kill a puppy. So there you are, with a gun in your hands, and the scars on your back. You may love puppies and reject it for two weeks or so. but misery is not in the pain, REAL MISERY is in time. That's the biggest secret. They keep whipping you hard and mercilessly, you will eventually give in and murder that puppy looking straight into its eyes. You won't give a shit. And that's okay. We can only take so long. So, there is so much there don't put in history books. We Mexicans, we are morally pieces of shit. Not me, but I'm a really rare exception. But how can I blame those people who are starving and being shamelessly taken advantage of, for stealing what they can when they get a chance? At least I'm educated. I am poor because i refuse to lie, and it's almost impossible to get a job when you don't lie. I used to work as a video editor so I didn't have to interact with people at all. Now I struggle so bad to get by food. But I refuse to become one of them. It's the price I have to pay for morality. It's not nice and I can tell you, when you are at the edge of dying, you wish you could just do anything, no matter how evil, just to stop the pain from going on. It takes extreme emotional strength to pull it off, and most, MOST, like 99% of people don't develop it. Even in first world countries, just me trying to motivate people to do something ...
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman Back to the civil war? I already clarified that to you. Right. If you think a Culture War is about politics, you're wrong. You'll see. I'm done trying.
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman They would be, except that people who don't engage don't count. They are not a factor in any of it. So no....
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z I'm glad. I just really think you guys in general don't appreciate it enough. Nothing of what's going on would be happening if you did, imo. I can't say other than the way us Mexicans perceive it. We know blacks have lots of culture, but we simply would never differentiate one from another. Obviously we can tell when some artist make some black piece, and when the author is white lol What I'm saying is--Okay. We need to zoom out for me to explain it. It will sound a little rough but it's the o nly way to say it the way it is. We never ever think about "culture". That's a term too abstract for us to care for it. In general, most of us are piss poor, so we don't care about "culture this, culture that". That's it for most Mexicans. The elites are the ones who consume mostly American culture (I know all this because I was born into wealth, then got disowned for being gay and became piss poor, so I know both worlds.) So elites consume lots of American culture, but they never, ever separate because we just don;t discuss culture war stuff. The closest we go to talking about it is when we say stuff like "Hey, you like this negro rapper, Kanye West" "Oh, I don't know, I've never listened to him. I don't like rap". In México tho, the word "negro" doesn't have the connotation that it does in English. In here, you can use the word even as a term of endearment no matter the color of your skin. We just don't really care about that. Obviously, most would look down on Snoopdog or Gangsta thinking of it as ghetto, but that's because of the drugs, looking unclean, and the gang violence. But if we say Kanye or Usher, or the pop black artists, or Beyonce, we would love them because they look wealthy. We just aren't racist, it's all about class here. The closest we come to categorizing your culture is--"Hollywood" for movies, "Pop" for your plastic singers, "rap" for everything black from R&B to Gangsta (we don't listen to it, so we can't tell the difference,) and "American TV shows" for everything from Desperate Housewives to CNN. Mexican just really really really don't care. Perhaps you may think so because those who call themselves "Mexican Americans" do care like regular Americans do. You've got to understand tho: Mexican Americans are not Mexicans. They grew up there, so they see the world trough your lense. They have NO IDEA what we think or care for. So, yeah, that separation of black and white cultures... that's an American thing most Mexicans aren't even aware of. It's all just songs, and movies, and buildings, and politics, and people to us, that's it. PS. Just because I say we're not racists, I don't mean we are better in any way. Trust me, our classism is just as bad if not worse. And money is much more important than any race issues ...
WhiskeyM comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Tacos that don't come with a lime are not tacos.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
Lime? ha ha That's cute n_n <3
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z I'm working on a 10-episode mini series to help prevent the culture war to have such an impact in Mexico (hey, I do what I can.) It's subtle and I don't mention what it's about until episode 10. Point being, episode 1 is about Mexico. I use episode 1 to try to create a Mexican identity in people's minds by putting lots of Mexican culture together and explain who we are as a group. I got inspired to do that by this very video. And it's actually the very first clip of the episode. I use it to put us into perspective. I follow it immediately by a Mexican joke-version of that. Just thought it's interesting trivia.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z And by saying it's not all white, okay, is 87% white enough for you? That's still shitloads of culture. But you just said race-based categories aren't valid. I agree. Nobody in Mexico will say "that's white", they will say "that's American." The race divisions are part of your culture too btw. We don't see the world like that.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z Culture is culture, whether ridiculous or not. But it is not ridiculous, you just aren't looking at it the right way? For example: The way the sing is sung: it's sung with a shamelessly patriotic and stupid brainless, yet daring and full of bravado lyrical content. What that means is that you are free to have dignity, to have pride. No matter how stupid, or uneducated, or poor you are. You don't have anybody who can shut you up or who forces you to be, act, or think a certain way. You may think everybody is so traumatized with their own country like you guys are. You guys have America merchandise up your butts. Mexicans for example, we don't give a single shit about Mexico. Why would we? We are all dysfunctional families with inner problems. However, none of us would be all like "What did you say about Mexico? We're all gonna get together to defend our pride!" Fuck that shit! PLEASE colonize us! FREE US from our narco government! We are more than happy to give up our culture if it means being free and wealthy like you are (don't even start, a poor American is the equivalent of an middle-upper-class Mexican.) There's so much, much much more of stuff like this to take from that video. You just can't appreciate it because you've never lacked it.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z Using leftist lingo, you may not realize you have a culture, but that's only because all the world has been culturally appropriating it for decades. Don't be fooled. Your culture is the awesomest, that's why you are a cultural empire. You didn't colonize anyone to adopt any of these things. And I don't mean the lyrics, but every bit of culture integrated by the editor who put those clips together. You don't notice it because it's your everyday. I'm telling you, that is not our every day. I wish it were. And I don't mean the bullets, and the big boobs, and all that fantasy stuff. But that doesn't have to be an everyday. Most Mexicans have never ever wore a sombrero--still our culture. Same with yours. All of this. totally American. You should be proud.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@saramarylop3z You may not be able to find anything on that because that came from me. I realize this video is a parody, but still, all of this is completely 100% white culture.
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman The bulk of the people is well-intentioned mindlessly following the herd. Their power is in the numbers, strictly in numbers. You persuade or distract that bulk, you strip them of their power. Problem solved with no war.
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman You are assuming that by "engage and organize" I mean in a physical and confrontative way. There are other several ways to go about it. Just think of how all of this happened. It's an information war so far. So we could information our way out of it. The power in a culture war is influence. Sigh, I won't expand further as I don't really know if you want to know, but yeah. I don't mean to escalate. There are other ways. I don't know why you assumed that. We are not in the stone age.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
saramarylop3z comments on Aug 9, 2020:
"Rule 1: I don’t tell you what to do or how to act because I don’t want you doing that to me." --Got it😁 "Rule 2: it is not racist to talk generalities about your own race publicly, let alone privately as you are willing to hurt yourself because you believe what you have to say is worth ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
First off, you don't see generalities based on your race? Really? Are you serious? Anyway, I do agree with you. Obviously not as race, but the real separations in society has nothing to do with any of the current categories in which people usually tend to put us all in. I would suggest simply this one: the majority (personality-wise,) and everybody else. that's it. And it's always the majority those who don't ever grow up as society is built around them and what they want, and those whose personality are the most different, well, they can disapear and no bother them, and probably kill themselves off so they don't waste their air. No logic matters if the majority agree the unreasonable argument is the right one. It wasn't Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao, it was the majority who killed all the people. You don't need a leader for the majority to go for it. Ask the Salem's "witches." The majority is the evil. Just in the way that government managed to separate the power within three institutions, we should separate the majorities as well, based on the three types of people according to which area of the brain they use mainly, to perceive life: reptilian (body,) limbic system (soul,) and neocortex (mind.) So there would be a powerless socialistic-type of powerless institution dedicated to the preservation, enhancement and integration of any inner issues of society, which the feminine people could take care of, while the masculine people run the capitalistic power-based constructive, legislative and defense-related affairs. That way we could all chip in and not feel let behind.
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman haha Sure you did.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@KeithThroop I wanted to award you the last word as a symbol of me not trying to get the last word at all either... but not replying would be rude... Maybe say something else and I wont reply? lol I think this last word thing is silly, I prefer talking things out, but I respect your desition whether to engage or not.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
Hanno comments on Aug 9, 2020:
And who will decide what is a lie. A good Christian can claim that his god exist. Of course that is not true since gods do not exist. However the Christian did not lie because he honestly believe that and he believes he has evidence for that. So even though he may be wrong, he still did not ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
And I do not lie to others in daily basis. You don't even believe in honest people existing. That's why we need more virtuous people promoted instead of denigrated in society. It is sad. There are a few of us who dedicate our lives to this kind of stuff. And end up in psychiatric hospitals for it... unfairly.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
Hanno comments on Aug 9, 2020:
And who will decide what is a lie. A good Christian can claim that his god exist. Of course that is not true since gods do not exist. However the Christian did not lie because he honestly believe that and he believes he has evidence for that. So even though he may be wrong, he still did not ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
Dude... sigh, once again, being objectively right or wrong about stuff is not the same as telling the truth or lying. You can truthfully say something wrong if you don't know better. And I don't mean for it to occupy all of our days everyday investigating every claim from everyone. You could read more about it if you want in the other comments, I just explained this very thing...
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman As you wish. That's fine. And I am clueless in lots of things. What are the consequences you think that I do not consider?
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Serg97, @KeithThroop Being objectively right or wrong, has nothing to do with telling the truth or lying... People need to consider that not everything has to be objectively measured. There are lots of stuff you can not measure from people, get over it. Maybe we could start trusting each other instead of obsessing with trying to prove things empirically? That's what I would say..
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@KeithThroop Why would freedom of religion be affected? It has nothing to do with lying. If you choose to believe in something, you choose to believe in something. If you believe so, then it's not a lie and you can say all you want about it as long as you believe it's true.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@KeithThroop I appreciate it.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
You are blinded by your perspective. I said it's very very few cases where you would be able to prove it. I agree. That's not the point, and that's not an argument not to make it illegal. It would still help just like a gun in your house you will never fire. Just to prevent people being assholes to you. Get it?
Am I the only one bothered by the Weinstein brothers' Madonna-shaming levels of ego?
1patriot comments on Aug 9, 2020:
haven't seen any of it!
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Lightman Man. How about you meet me at a humble place? I am very ignorant, and I know there are levels of "bad" I don't know either. It should be self-evident to us. Or would you say you have it just as bad as anybody else at all, ever? Come on. Please realize our perceptions are subjective, so what we think is 100% is not a 100%, it's only as far up as we have gotten to experience. And you won't realize you were wrong until you go farther up. Nobody is perfect and intellectual pride is nothing but a wall that prevents your from emotional strength. I have no interest in offending you or hurting you emotionally. That's because I have no ego. I'm a piss poor Mexican piece of shit, and I can accept it because I am strong. So I use my emotional strength and my intellect to do whatever it is that I can do with it to help. I wish you could join me instead of pretending to be all-mighty and defend your ego instead. your choice... I don't really think you could fix all of this alone, can you?
Siege of the house... Another pay per view opportunity []
A1fredo comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Once you become another Mexico, it will be too late. And then you'll hate when first-world country people tell you "you should fix your country before blah blah blah" because they don't live in a place filled with NPCs. You don't want that. That's what you'll get if you keep enjoying yourself by ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@DeplorableToo Thank you, I really appreciate it <3
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@Serg97, @KeithThroop, @maxmaccc Of course. First, calling somebody a liar is not an ad hominem. Liar means you lie a lot, that's not an insult. Especially if that's true. Besides I don't know you, that's the conclusion I reached because I see no other reason to be against it. About the objectivity of lies. Lying is a subjective matter. If you think it's true, then you're not lying. If you are wrong about something, you're not lying. It's only lying if you are aware of what the truth is, yet still decide to utter other than the truth. Which leads me to the legal aspect. Of course that by making it illegal to lie that wouldn't mean that all lying would stop, any less than any cheating on taxes stop because it's illegal. Just remember that people are not computers, and the legal system is not there just to serve the people who neglect their limbic systems, emotionless cold people. We need it to defend us as well. So I am not suggesting that we all go sue every depressed person when they reply "fine" to "how are you," but it would most certainly help us with the people who just keep lying to us in our faces over and over, and over, taking advantage that we are the only ones affected by deciding to trust them over and over. Noticed society has no interest in forgiveness lately? Well, that's what you get when you build a society where emotional virtues are not incentivized in any way shape or form. Want to have a lovey-dovey society? Start paying people who make you feel positive emotions. Capitalism after all, would agree that you pay value for the value you receive, and there is nothing more valuable than positive emotion. You know that you need to inject shitloads of money into "science" in order to get all your tech gadgets and stuff. Why are neglected so harshly when we propose that maybe emotionally virtuous people should get something in return as well? Doing the right thing, or doing good for others shouldn't be punished by becoming a victim. Back to lying, I am one of those tusting people who choose to trust even though when I realize they are lying. How are they to see that compassion and a chance to change exists if nobody ever extends such a chance? But the world seems to be against us. So at least having a little protection to those who abuse lying would be nice. People would know that if somebody is on to them about their lies, they could plan something and start gathering evidence to prove that they were knowledgeably lying to us. And THAT would help. In this culture, being virtuous means giving up on success. As you can see, I'm not some retarded moron from Mexico. But I am in fact extremely poor and struggling to come by food to eat. I bitch about it all the time because I can't stop thinking about it as my stomach keeps reminding me. ...
Make lying illegal. Hard.
cRaZyTMG comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Lying will never be illegal as long as politicians and lawyers exist.
A1fredo replies on Aug 9, 2020:
Yeah... even if they didn't, regular people are too attach to it to let it go. Too complicit.
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
wutthafuk comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Indeed. This battle must be fought in the mind, people have got to realize the ability to think multi dimensionally, AKA "Out of The Box". Increase the resolution of your interface.
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
That sounds interesting. Could you expand the idea?
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@Lightman There are bad things and there are bad things. You are a first-world person. With all due respect, you have no idea what bad things are. And I don't want you to find out. I would rather have MAD than to live the way we do. At least you would die painlessly without having to serve a lifetime of slavery. You can just ignore me and call me crazy, it's still a free country. I wouldn't feel good if I did not warn you though.
Siege of the house... Another pay per view opportunity []
A1fredo comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Once you become another Mexico, it will be too late. And then you'll hate when first-world country people tell you "you should fix your country before blah blah blah" because they don't live in a place filled with NPCs. You don't want that. That's what you'll get if you keep enjoying yourself by ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@DeplorableToo Yes, and after writing this, I kept thinking about it. Because I never saw Mexican people this way before. We've obviously not gone trough the same story. But there is something to them being in that NPC-level of brainwashing, where it's impossible to deactivate. I mean, you know how much I keep posting on here, and trying to motivate people, and stuff. I only came to this site after being banned from Facebook three times for being such a nuisance, I guess. Trying to get people to react. I got NOWHERE. Because I endure those comments of "fix your country" with no problem as my consciousness is clean, God knows I've done everything I possibly can, and I keep doing it. So it may be a good way to understand what's to come. In the future, once you become as socialists as we are, still on a capitalist base; just long enough that those people aren't used to the good stuff anymore. They won't just snap out of it. They'll be like the frog in boiling water, getting used to it. And if you try to remind them, they'll just tell you it's not that bad. I'm no super-Weinstein-PhD-man, I can't objectively diagnose our situation, but after seeing Mexico trough that lense, I can see how you may end up here. And Jesus Christ, you so really do not want that. I wish people were more willing to defend the wonderful country you have. It is incredible.
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@Lightman Haven't you learned life isn't fair, by now? Plus, your math is faulty. No human being has the capabilities to judge all the rights and wrongs involved in these global messes. So that's just an excuse not to get involved, sorry. I'm open to hear any other reasons not to if you have one.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
I'm open to hear any other reasons if you have one.
Make lying illegal. Hard.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I think that lying is only currently illegal in cases like perjury, giving false information on certain government documents, or defamation, but I could be wrong. There could be other instances. In my view, such laws are sufficient; we don't need any more.
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
I disagree. With all due respect, you think so because you are another liar and it's inconvenient. I see no other reason not to be for it
The left: Siege and Shutdown plans. They engage and organize. You? Nada. That's why you lose.
Lightman comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Some people choose not to be lunatics.
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
I understand though that won't prevent the lunatics from taking over as you can clearly see in society. Shouldn't that be a good reason to go crazy? How come people are so willing to give up everything all those people in the past have worked so hard to build for you, the ones you all allegedly respect so much.
Goddammit, America.
MosheBenIssac comments on Aug 8, 2020:
3 million is nothing for the primary US trading partner, thats Mexico. It seems kind of low, do you have a reference for that?
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@MosheBenIssac Our COVID shouldn't be their business either.
Goddammit, America.
MosheBenIssac comments on Aug 8, 2020:
3 million is nothing for the primary US trading partner, thats Mexico. It seems kind of low, do you have a reference for that?
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@MilesPurdue Yes, but there are levels. When you live in a country where working every woke hour and still not being able to make enough to make ends meet in the cheapest possible way (housing, food, everything,) that certainly prevents social mobility because you can't save in order to invest. I would differentiate that as slavery, as opposed to other corrupt governments where they have certain-country's-dream and you can get out of poverty if you work hard enough. Just check these Wikipedia pages: very top of hours worked per month, very bottom of wages. So hopefully you weren't implying we are all going trough the same thing.
Goddammit, America.
MosheBenIssac comments on Aug 8, 2020:
3 million is nothing for the primary US trading partner, thats Mexico. It seems kind of low, do you have a reference for that?
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020:
By donating to a slave-owner you only make it stronger, which makes it harder for us, the slaves, to finally liberate ourselves... That's why I'd say it would be better to just not help us at all. Let the government die so maybe we could finally rebuild from the ashes in a civilized first-world worthy kind of way.
Goddammit, America.
MosheBenIssac comments on Aug 8, 2020:
3 million is nothing for the primary US trading partner, thats Mexico. It seems kind of low, do you have a reference for that?
A1fredo replies on Aug 8, 2020: It's in Spanish. May be nothing to you, but it would be incredibly amazing to us, if only we could actually get any of that, instead of politicians stealing it away like they always do. I wish there was other way to distribute it. We could really use any help.
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmm. This conundrum reminds me of a the eleventh commandment. "Do it on to others, before they do it on to you." Democracy can only exist if both parties accept the results, which since Trump was elected was no the case in United States, and speaking of United states, it seem that there is only ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@KrunoS Thanks, brother. Appreciate it.
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmm. This conundrum reminds me of a the eleventh commandment. "Do it on to others, before they do it on to you." Democracy can only exist if both parties accept the results, which since Trump was elected was no the case in United States, and speaking of United states, it seem that there is only ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@KrunoS It is when you have enough to build from there. Sadly -and trust me, I do mean "sadly" as it's humilliating- but sadly you need to ask for help by exposing that you cannot build up what you need if you want there to be any chance for you to maake it at all. How I wish I could be proud and never to let anyone know if I'm having any deficiencies. But I cant. It's either try to get help, or die as a proud fool.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I am always willing to engage someone in a conversation about race. They've been saying for decades, "We need to have a conversation about race in this country," but their 'conversation' is actually a lecture to Whites about what despicable people we are. #Whites are constantly brow-beaten about the...
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape Yeah, that was the base. I didn't like the original because it looked too much like Canada, so I modified it ;)
hahahaha Every now and then, they make something good here
DaveO276 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
> I don't know whether to roast it or ask it for a visa. Is that roughly what it says?
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Lol Yeah
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 6, 2020:
War is coming.
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Yup. that site seems real good.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I am always willing to engage someone in a conversation about race. They've been saying for decades, "We need to have a conversation about race in this country," but their 'conversation' is actually a lecture to Whites about what despicable people we are. #Whites are constantly brow-beaten about the...
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape So that's where the Benavides pharmaceuticals' name come from... lol Nice flag. I designed a flagged myself when i was still thinking Mexicans could grow some balls, and started uttering that we should out the republic as a Sonora-Baja California union. Good times... Wasted time, but good times...
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I am always willing to engage someone in a conversation about race. They've been saying for decades, "We need to have a conversation about race in this country," but their 'conversation' is actually a lecture to Whites about what despicable people we are. #Whites are constantly brow-beaten about the...
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape I'll take it! Count me in then! n_n
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmm. This conundrum reminds me of a the eleventh commandment. "Do it on to others, before they do it on to you." Democracy can only exist if both parties accept the results, which since Trump was elected was no the case in United States, and speaking of United states, it seem that there is only ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@KrunoS Yup, like this guy. I wish it could be easier like being constant working at a McDonalds, and not spending too much, so I could save up. Just... seems safer... u know...
hahahaha Every now and then, they make something good here
Lightman comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmmmm if it was pork you'd be saying Trump is a pork chop.
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
dont know the difference, i cant afford meat
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmm. This conundrum reminds me of a the eleventh commandment. "Do it on to others, before they do it on to you." Democracy can only exist if both parties accept the results, which since Trump was elected was no the case in United States, and speaking of United states, it seem that there is only ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@KrunoS Mexico here. So... yeah, total slave...
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmm. This conundrum reminds me of a the eleventh commandment. "Do it on to others, before they do it on to you." Democracy can only exist if both parties accept the results, which since Trump was elected was no the case in United States, and speaking of United states, it seem that there is only ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@KrunoS Yeah, we just got promoted to "employees" from slaves, just because Kings updated themselves to CEOs and they were too good for slaves now.
Listen to the cognitive dissonance.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Hmm. This conundrum reminds me of a the eleventh commandment. "Do it on to others, before they do it on to you." Democracy can only exist if both parties accept the results, which since Trump was elected was no the case in United States, and speaking of United states, it seem that there is only ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
Democrats have whined in every single Republican win, except for two. They're like lil' bitches long time.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I am always willing to engage someone in a conversation about race. They've been saying for decades, "We need to have a conversation about race in this country," but their 'conversation' is actually a lecture to Whites about what despicable people we are. #Whites are constantly brow-beaten about the...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
I agree, man. And I'm not white, but I would take white nationalists purging the crazy over the communists driving the whole goddamn world to mass starvations and unreasonable stupid entitlement-based ego genocides any day. There's still time to find another way, but people just won't engage. It's like they can't tell every day that passes, it takes more effort to turn this around... Tik... Tok...
Enjoy. []
KeVince comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Things he forgot to mention When the national guard/ military showed up at the Watts riots looters where shoot on site the riots stopped very soon after. funny how getting shot takes all the fun out of looting. India is still anti Muslim after winning their independence from Muslim control, the ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@KeVince Yeah... Thank you...
Enjoy. []
KeVince comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Things he forgot to mention When the national guard/ military showed up at the Watts riots looters where shoot on site the riots stopped very soon after. funny how getting shot takes all the fun out of looting. India is still anti Muslim after winning their independence from Muslim control, the ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@KeVince Interested in being an actor instead of just reading about it? I'm sure we could use some knowleadgeable people helping us out building up some very useful... i don't know, timelines, analogies, or just letting us know of history-related events that might be useful to share with people, precedents and stuff. I keep trying to motivate people to do something about it, but Ive had no success at that at all...
That's it.
DaveO276 comments on Aug 6, 2020:
The effects of estrogen on the immune system have been know for a while now. Why are they suddenly floating this idea for COVID-19? This reminds me of the 16 year-old boy forced to take estrogen at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in Los Angeles last year as an "experimental treatment" for Oppositional ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@DaveO276 Yeah... I don't mean to try to convince you. But just wanted to share that there is something to that about the "trans kids." Not like they say, I'm against injecting anything into any child, I don't even think "being trans" is a solution for anything. But it is true that some of us "feel like a woman." Doesn't mean we are women, but it's probably the whole imbalanced administration of hormones by our brains into us, that make us feel like a woman. And we see in culture that feeling like that is what a woman does, so we come to the conclusion that we are women in the wrong body. But we're just men who have the hierarchy of values and emotionality usually associated with women, and we can perfectly live as such. However, it does become really hard, especially when it comes to money. Imagine a regular woman who was being treated like a man and people expected from her what they usually expect from men. It would be really hard on her. That happens to us too. But that's our business and the LGBT agenda is DEFINITELY not the way. We are men, and that's what we need to make peace with in order to be able to understand ourselves within our bodies. Fake vajay-jays won't really do anything for anyone. Anyway, just thought I'd share heh heh
That's it.
DaveO276 comments on Aug 6, 2020:
The effects of estrogen on the immune system have been know for a while now. Why are they suddenly floating this idea for COVID-19? This reminds me of the 16 year-old boy forced to take estrogen at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in Los Angeles last year as an "experimental treatment" for Oppositional ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
The same thing came to my mind, along with the few months where they were trying to normalize getting small children on hormones.
That's it.
curvycom comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I'm sure these soy boys already have a pretty high Estrogen level and pretty low T.
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@curvycom Oh, no, that's cool. Getting rid of the uncertainty only makes me feel more conviction. Appreciate it btw, man.
That's it.
Edgework comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Don’t doubt it for a second. Link?
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
That's it.
curvycom comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I'm sure these soy boys already have a pretty high Estrogen level and pretty low T.
A1fredo replies on Aug 6, 2020:
Sure do. That is unrelated though. That was the threshold for me.
Since apparently emotions are harder than quantum mechanics, allow me to explain.
ktpinto comments on Aug 5, 2020:
It's because they're sheep with limited education, who are spoiled rotten and are being allowed to do whatever they want to get their 5 minutes of fame... But, like you said, my comment doesn't matter. And what have you done about this but write... a lot?
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@ktpinto Sweetie, that's me being nice. Not to pretend I'm rude, but I dont have an unicorns and rainbows existence, so. So you say. ... I guess I'll take your word for it.
Hey, you guys! I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 3, 2020:
For the blacks willing to have a conversation - they already are aware of the problems, have left the 'ghetto of irrational thought' and are engaged with and succeeding IN "polite society". The number of such blacks is increasing while the upper tier inciters (the celebs and talking heads and race ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@tracycoyle You would know better than me.
Hey, you guys! I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 3, 2020:
For the blacks willing to have a conversation - they already are aware of the problems, have left the 'ghetto of irrational thought' and are engaged with and succeeding IN "polite society". The number of such blacks is increasing while the upper tier inciters (the celebs and talking heads and race ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@tracycoyle Wow... I cannot believe... Er... Have you seen "Cruel Intentions," the 90s movie? There's this scene where Cecile's mom is being a racist towards her daugther's black music teacher. After he demands respect from her politely, she responds something like: "Don't get me that crap. I donate to a black charity regularly" or something like that. That's all I had to say, I don't mean to be more unpleasant that I need to be. Tahnk you for keep answering my questions, I appreciate it.
The "other side" is not democrat, liberal, libertarian, independent, conservative, or republican.
A1fredo comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Tyranny of the majority. Imagine every person as a gummy bear. The color of the bear represents its personality. You put them in a blender, and cook them into one big, big bear. The color of the big bear is the average personality of this society. Now, you could compare how similar each bear's ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@Pand0ro Where are you getting I want to go around killing everyone or torturing people, or kicking people when they're down from? Seriously. Where?
Since apparently emotions are harder than quantum mechanics, allow me to explain.
ktpinto comments on Aug 5, 2020:
It's because they're sheep with limited education, who are spoiled rotten and are being allowed to do whatever they want to get their 5 minutes of fame... But, like you said, my comment doesn't matter. And what have you done about this but write... a lot?
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@ktpinto Call it what you want, but you can't deny I'm doing something. Why won't you? That's all I'm asking. Why? And get over likes being useless. They are, you know it, grow up.
Hey, you guys! I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 3, 2020:
For the blacks willing to have a conversation - they already are aware of the problems, have left the 'ghetto of irrational thought' and are engaged with and succeeding IN "polite society". The number of such blacks is increasing while the upper tier inciters (the celebs and talking heads and race ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@tracycoyle Aren't you lucky. I have value to contribuute. I built up, which include the Culture Wars Timeline projects, and the Evidence Archive. Also working on and my main project is a 10-episode mini series called E|Motivo which I'm soon to launch. And I can't get professional help. I am struggling to even just getting by food. So lucky you that can afford not to care about the rest of us anymore, as we deal with the messes you've made of this world. So you should be ashamed of paraphrasing Jordan Peterson if you are going to have such morals.
Since apparently emotions are harder than quantum mechanics, allow me to explain.
ktpinto comments on Aug 5, 2020:
It's because they're sheep with limited education, who are spoiled rotten and are being allowed to do whatever they want to get their 5 minutes of fame... But, like you said, my comment doesn't matter. And what have you done about this but write... a lot?
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
What's so funny?
Since apparently emotions are harder than quantum mechanics, allow me to explain.
ktpinto comments on Aug 5, 2020:
It's because they're sheep with limited education, who are spoiled rotten and are being allowed to do whatever they want to get their 5 minutes of fame... But, like you said, my comment doesn't matter. And what have you done about this but write... a lot?
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
I built up, also working right now on and I did set up the project of the Culture Wars Timeline. Oh, and the Evidence Archive to gather valid counter-arguments to the left in the first website. Also, am working on a 10-part mini series trying to prevent the brainwashing, each being an hour long in Spanish called E|Motivo. I'm about to launch it. Here are the trailers All of this while really struggling to get by food. That's why I am so damn moody all the time. And writing a lot. Writing a lot takes effort too. I have an article on the Slug magazine you can see at the main page. At least I am really, really, really trying. You?
Enjoy. []
KeVince comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Things he forgot to mention When the national guard/ military showed up at the Watts riots looters where shoot on site the riots stopped very soon after. funny how getting shot takes all the fun out of looting. India is still anti Muslim after winning their independence from Muslim control, the ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
Wow, you know so much!!!!
The "other side" is not democrat, liberal, libertarian, independent, conservative, or republican.
A1fredo comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Tyranny of the majority. Imagine every person as a gummy bear. The color of the bear represents its personality. You put them in a blender, and cook them into one big, big bear. The color of the big bear is the average personality of this society. Now, you could compare how similar each bear's ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@Pand0ro I have no idea what you mean.
Hey, you guys! I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 3, 2020:
For the blacks willing to have a conversation - they already are aware of the problems, have left the 'ghetto of irrational thought' and are engaged with and succeeding IN "polite society". The number of such blacks is increasing while the upper tier inciters (the celebs and talking heads and race ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@tracycoyle My country is dependant on the US. And I've had it bad enough here. I've got to do something. Otherwise, it's like giving up on the opportunity to finally have some sort of a life beyond Mexican slavery. It would be better to just kill myself off already if there is nothing better to come.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
FrozenSoul comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Most Mexicans are catholic which means no birth control which is cruelty. If you believe the catholic faith then u have low IQ. The biggest success of Europeans was turning Protestant
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@SocialDarwin Mexicans are as Catholic in the same way Americans are Christians. Religion have lost its influence here too. It's not how it used to be anymore. Most people don't really care.
Hey, you guys! I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 3, 2020:
For the blacks willing to have a conversation - they already are aware of the problems, have left the 'ghetto of irrational thought' and are engaged with and succeeding IN "polite society". The number of such blacks is increasing while the upper tier inciters (the celebs and talking heads and race ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@tracycoyle Okay... it's okay to let the country fail if they just won't stop themselves?
Where are white supremacists when you need them?
Jmann44492403 comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Do we really need them at all?
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
Well, I'm not seeing anybody else trying to fix the country... so maybe...
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
FrozenSoul comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Most Mexicans are catholic which means no birth control which is cruelty. If you believe the catholic faith then u have low IQ. The biggest success of Europeans was turning Protestant
A1fredo replies on Aug 5, 2020:
ha ha You need to update your stereotypes. The only thing Mexicans are protesting for right now is abortion rights.
No investigation over why was Floyd asking to be put on the ground as he made sure he yelled that he...
BlackoutNJ comments on Aug 4, 2020: would make sense that he couldn't breath. Side Effect of Fentanyl (remember, he had a high amount in his system) Sleepiness Confusion and disorientation Constipation Nausea Intense flushing or hot ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@BlackoutNJ Well, the bill was one of those Chinese bills after all... Man, we don't have enough to persuade each other. Agree to disagree for now?
No investigation over why was Floyd asking to be put on the ground as he made sure he yelled that he...
BlackoutNJ comments on Aug 4, 2020: would make sense that he couldn't breath. Side Effect of Fentanyl (remember, he had a high amount in his system) Sleepiness Confusion and disorientation Constipation Nausea Intense flushing or hot ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@BlackoutNJ Sorry, I cannot accept that out. As I said, meth doesn't make you do anything like that at all. I live in a country-sized meth factory, I know. But mostly because psychology is always used as a weapon. People who act differently aren't crazy, they're just different. When a brain brakes, you do weird things in different but predictable intervals. There is no real disease of the brain that allows you to act normally some time, and be plain crazy when you utter opinions others don't like. I'm being a little hyperbolic, but you get what I mean. I'm very familiar with anxiety problems as well, there is nothing I can possibly think of that could justify that request other than he needed it for some reason. I asked for an alternative from you, but I cannot take the one you gave me. It's not that way, i know it well.
No investigation over why was Floyd asking to be put on the ground as he made sure he yelled that he...
BlackoutNJ comments on Aug 4, 2020: would make sense that he couldn't breath. Side Effect of Fentanyl (remember, he had a high amount in his system) Sleepiness Confusion and disorientation Constipation Nausea Intense flushing or hot ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
What about the asking to be put on the ground? What would that be about?
Hey, you guys! I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The ...
FrozenSoul comments on Aug 3, 2020:
This is the white guy Honestly saying way I feel for real, no filter Blacks sold their own people . Life was so primitive in Africa that the blacks thought it would be better to be a slave in America than a free (but starving) man in Africa. Blacks continually score lower on academics! This...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@SocialDarwin No....
Imagine that poof You suddenly find yourself in a city with only SJWs around you.
skaarda comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Understood. I have been to many places in Mexico over the last 45 years and it is sad to see the changes there that deny your personal freedom and advancement. Is it possible for you to find an enclave somewhere in which you could maximize your potential; Vera Cruz perhaps, or somewhere deep in ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@skaarda Please. It's not that kind of poverty. There is no "goals" and there is no "future" here. Just stop. Sorry.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
DaveO276 comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Unfortunately, no. We cannot have the conversation about race and get it over with so long as there are those who actually want to divide people and gain personal advantage through grievance politics. I think human nature is flawed in such a way that makes it inherently impossible for this issue ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@DaveO276 Well, if you find you have a space left, please let me know.
Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?
DaveO276 comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Unfortunately, no. We cannot have the conversation about race and get it over with so long as there are those who actually want to divide people and gain personal advantage through grievance politics. I think human nature is flawed in such a way that makes it inherently impossible for this issue ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@DaveO276 Well, I am not interested in going trough it. The first half of my life already sucked enough. And yes, lots of great leaders have inspired people. Me sucking at it is not proof of the contrary. Plus I do think the cycles can be stopped, it just take a perfect non-religion and abolishing the government. Anyway, we don't have the time for that. What were you suggesting with "That said, those of us who actually want peace and harmony, and who are willing to work for it, should absolutely do our best to get along as well as possible" then, Negative Nancy?
Imagine that poof You suddenly find yourself in a city with only SJWs around you.
David42 comments on Aug 4, 2020:
This scenario is going to make the worlds worst horror movie
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
May be a good unintentional comedy like The Room.
Imagine that poof You suddenly find yourself in a city with only SJWs around you.
skaarda comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Understood. I have been to many places in Mexico over the last 45 years and it is sad to see the changes there that deny your personal freedom and advancement. Is it possible for you to find an enclave somewhere in which you could maximize your potential; Vera Cruz perhaps, or somewhere deep in ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 4, 2020:
I wouldn't know. Traveling is for the rich. I'm bound by the prices of the bus. And pretty much grounded at home right about now.


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