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Remember two weeks ago when everyone agreed the cops were out of control and the right-wing propaganda machine hadn't had time to form a narrative? I miss that time.

WilyRickWiles 8 June 24
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There is no "narrative" when 98% of the media is to the left. This isn't the year 2003. It's 2020. Fox and the Daily Wire are the only two outlets covering it without left leaning spin and one of those is pretty much only on the web now. The media calls rioters "protesters". They are rioting. People post the violence done to them. Social media removes it. The only mainstream narrative is: RIOTERS GOOD, Everyone Else is RACIST.

I wasn't just a leftist I was an activist. I know how this works and how media aids us. I don't know how many times we were pointed to particular reporters who were "always good to us". You can tell by the words being used, common phrasing repeated. They are on YOUR side. The narrative is coming from your team.

Why everyone is changing their minds regardless is because 1) violence against anyone who has not harmed you is WRONG. It is ALWAYS WRONG. If you want to justify it you have lost the ball. 2) Property damage against local businesses is WRONG. 3) Setting up anarchist districts and getting away with it, having the media kiss their asses and makes excuses is creating a situation of bias which will make people who had no skin in the game say "hold up--how come it was wrong for confederate states to withdraw but these weenies get to?"

The left is losing everyone of principle and instead of the remaining cultists asking "Why would someone like Dave Rubin leave? Why would Amy fucking Goodman? Why did Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald speak out? Why is Tim Pool so angry?

They're like: awwww, they're rightwing nutjob nazi racist scum.

Wrong side of history this time, my friend.

Do I think there are far far too many corrupt police? Hell to the yeh.
Do I think they were meaner to blacks? Yep, that too.
Do I think that blacks in the inner city need extra support? Yes, still do. PTSD is scientifically proven and I believe growing up with gunfire will have a deleterious effect.
Do I think that we are now in a situation where whites are being labeled unfairly? Yes, sadly.
Do I think that we are now being gaslighted to accept this bullshit? Yes, and I'm done. So are a lot of us.

Lesbians are walking in HUGE numbers because they have been so mistreated by the left. Women are also taking a hike. The actual thinkers of the progressive left are also speaking out. The left is now overrun by globalist puppets and we all know it.

I'm with you, Dave and Ron.

Well said !
It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you prefer, media is NOT part of our government for this very reason.
Media was never impartial or fair, but they are now part of the extreme leftist agenda.
Shouldn’t media be held culpable for lives lost and damage done during the riots the incite ?
Media is responsible for rendering the best form of government on earth inoperable, by publicizing only the extremists.
Anyone who doesn’t act like a lemming and goose step to the leftist cadence is branded a right wing, bigot.
Stand up a speak the truth. Say it loud and proud.
Your children’s lives depend on it.

Amy Goodman left the left? That's news to me. Scahill and Greenwald, for that matter did not leave. Scahill is a weird egg, by the way, who collaborated with RevCom, yes Bob Avakian's Revolutionary Communist Party, around Trump's election! You know, the cult often featured in the right's antifa fearmongering. Don't know what is up with Tim Pool, but he strikes me as more Marquette Park 1966 than left despite taking pictures at Occupy. Women and lesbians are leaving... are you going to tell me black people are leaving next?

As for Rubin and... others like him... not all of us have his incentives, though I understand they are easy to come by as long as you say the right things. Tell me more about how you can beat the "globalists," counter divisive narratives, and advance your causes by sucking up to billionaire right-wing propagandists!

@David42 Is having your feelings hurt a bridge too far for black people to have civil rights? Despite what Thomasina will tell you, political movements are not all controlled from the top down by "globalists." I recommend engaging their demands in good faith and being resilient. We are a nation that values individualism--why not act like it? The irony is she is asking the extremes of left movements to be centrally managed, which would lead to actual authoritarianism.

@WilyRickWiles What civil rights do blacks not have today? Specifically.

Also, I didn't say "controlled" as if implying that there is a project management GANNT with a direct cause and effect. I know you so badly want to put me into one of the left's hate categories but calm down. This aint that. They are funded. Do you deny it?

Also, I'm not super sensitive so quit with the code word bullshit stuff. If you want to imply that I mean JEW then say it and allow me to actually defend myself.

BTW, I can't wait to tell my family that someone implied I'm a Jew hater today. They'll laugh their latkes off.

@WilyRickWiles Amy Goodman still has the same beliefs as she always had. So do I. So does Glenn. So does Arielle. So does Dave. I can make a list of all of the people who no longer trust the mainstream media or the Democratic Party.

All of us non-insane people are disavowing our affiliation with Democrats and with violent extremists. Why? Because we actually believe in peace, love, free speech, compassion, finding common ground, and disavow violence, collusion, sexual assault, etc.

I do not know why you cannot fathom having principles. They usually mean that you are forced to go against more than just your ideological opposite but your ideological bedfellows. Sometimes to save something you have to fight it.

@ThomasinaPaine "BTW, I can't wait to tell my family that someone implied I'm a Jew hater today. They'll laugh their latkes off."

If you're not super sensitive, then act like it. This is like the left/right debate about racism. I'm not impugning you as a person. I'm criticizing your use of the word, which has a bad connotation. Using "globalists" obscures the discourse about multilateral institutions and their model of governance as well as the debate about elites in a way that is favorable for the nativist position. It suggests that internationalism is inherently bad and undemocratic, and yes that a Jewish conspiracy controls the world. It erases capitalism's role as a force for cosmopolitanism.

@ThomasinaPaine "I can make a list of all of the people who no longer trust the mainstream media or the Democratic Party."

Then why can't you compute that I am among those people? Is it because I haven't bought the right-wing talking points hook line and sinker?

@ThomasinaPaine Why do you lump all progressive candidates and most progressive media figures in with establishment Democrats for taking money from Soros, Omidyar, et al. yet you give the benefit of the doubt to Goodman, Scahill and Greenwald who do the same?

@ThomasinaPaine "What civil rights do blacks not have today?"

You said yourself: "Do I think there are far far too many corrupt police? Hell to the yeh.
Do I think they were meaner to blacks? Yep, that too."

There you go. An example of inequality before the law.

@ThomasinaPaine "I do not know why you cannot fathom having principles."

To paraphrase the maxim, right is right even when no one is paying you.


By Right-wing Propaganda machine do you mean ?

I'm going to address the Star of David as I am ethnically Jewish and not easily ruffled by mean words.

It is true that people of Jewish culture or ethnicity lean left, especially the non-religious Jews. It is not true that we're raised from birth with the goal of destroying Western Civilization. There is a cultural attribute of "Jewish Mothering" that I think does lead to this--the "I know what's best for you" attitude. Beyond that --not really anything. Jewish culture is very much: become a doctor or lawyer. Which leads to: representing the wealthy, which leads to: becoming wealthy, which leads to: having political connections, which leads to: power. It is also true that many ethnic Jews became communists and behaved in ways that reinforced the fears people had of them.


It is also true that there are many religious Jews, none of which are pro-communist. None of which would even approve of half of what is on the Disney Channel let alone supporting it financially. Those Jews also tend to believe, as I do, that Israel is a people not a place. They are not Zionists.

There's my 2 cents.

@ThomasinaPaine This is what you have thrown your lot in with. Have you reconsidered your use of "globalists" yet?

@WilyRickWiles I warn you, I don't follow the narrative on the left that there is wrong think or wrong speech or that speech ought to be stifled because it triggers people. People ought to be triggered. If you don't engage life all its mess you aren't living it.

To quote Meg Ryan's character's response to Tom Hanks saying "nothing personal"--if nothing else, what we do in life ought to be personal. We ought to feel a certain way when people say things. We ought to be challenged. We ought to have stumbling blocks in our way from time to time. It is how we find out who we are in this world.

But since I used to do that whole leftist thing--I know you've been taught that "globalist" is a code word for JEW.

As a Jew, I don't adhere to the philosophy that "globalist" means Jew. Globalist to me is the original definition of people who wish to create a one world government with them in charge. I don't see it as a "INTERNATIONAL JEWRY" thing and in fact this is another case of the left taking the token loonies and hyper-elevating their position to denounce the entire concept. There are globalists. They exist. There are four banks that own the debt of everyone--they're why Bitcoin scares the shit out of countries and why its being so demonized and regulated. It is simply a group of rich people who believe they are smarter and better than all of us --not that we're not proving them right.

If you wake up to nothing else wake up to the fact that the people teaching you this tripe don't respect you. They are trying to divide all of US. There's no mysterious set of code words that, once said, you expose yourself as a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, et al. Human beings are not so easily categorized, their thoughts not neatly boxed into categories as you've been led to believe.

I guarantee you that Ben Shapiro, an orthodox Jew, does not use "globalist" as a slur to his own ethnicity or religion. I guarantee you that Blaire White, a transperson, is not transphobic because she defended JK Rowling. I guarantee you that I am not a misogynist because I won't vote Democrat.

In my life I have put far far more hours into actually working at soup kitchens, domestic violence shelters, crisis pregnancies, developing women's cooperatives, sex education, gay rights, and donating free time to the criminal defense cases of the wrongly accused than most of these kids have spent even playing Xbox. I wasn't a keyboard warrior. My passport has me working in almost every continent on this earth in relief. I have pictures from anti-war protests, from Egypt where I worked to educate families about female genital cutting.

I am not a conservabigotjewhatingracistnazihomophobe. I am me. I can sing FUCK DA POLICE and also say that Antifa is a bunch of violent little man babies that need to shut the fuck up and go home.

There is no narrative. It's people pissed off that what ought to have been peaceful protests have turned into two months of tantrums.

@ThomasinaPaine "taking the token loonies and hyper-elevating their position to denounce the entire concept."

The ideology of the John Birch Society has consumed the right. They are no longer token loonies. This isn't just Richard Spencer we're talking about. And you're amplifying their message. If you don't want that, then be specific about power structures. That's where it actually gets interesting and constructive.

@WilyRickWiles I have NO IDEA where you are meeting all of these racists white people. The conservatives I meet in real life maybe disagree with me on abortion laws and man's contribution to global warming. They agree on pollution. They agree on GMOs. They just don't think automobiles have contributed to warming. They disagree on cops--that one I'll give you. They think they are all innocent lambs. Which reminds me I need to post about the cops that talked about killing people and had it recorded.

I think I just don't hang out in those shift places like 4chan or go to Klan Rallies. It also could be our age groups. I know of 1 person who talked to me about John Birch (he's 80).

For your sake I just looked it up only Politico (and let's at least be honest enough with each other to admit its partisan) says its rising. Saturday Evening Post (same time) said this: []

Why there is a resurgence of anti-communist is because they do things like Chaz Chop that turns into a giant clusterfuck after tearing down monuments of everyone from Lee to Stevi Ray Vaughn. They also say really dumb things like (Jacobin Mag): Don't Let Blackwashing Save the Investor Class.When the Soviet Union collapse countless people starved. When Venezuela collapsed--same thing. When any nation, capitalist or communist falls people die but these little dipshits act ignorant of history. It's all fun and games until its you who have no food.

Or this woke anti-white focus that has no credence in fact. The New York Times is talking about The Last Airbender without understanding its a Japanese made story series. They are how the Japanese draw themselves. Should they give themselves squinty eyes or something? This stuff is so racist in trying NOT to be racist.

It also doesn't help that you can be a Professor at Cambridge and say "White Lives Don't Matter" and "Abolish Whiteness" and have the University back you while also firing a woman who defended JK Rowling.

If you want to actually save the left, SAVE the principles of the left as someone on the left its your responsibility to try and shift the message back to one that is 1) responsible 2) loving, and 3) that will lead to reconciliation and cooperation.

@ThomasinaPaine One of my grandfathers was a Bircher. He made my mother go to a really conservative college where she couldn't wear jeans, play cards, or associate with boys. She was spied on if she went off campus. They lost their accreditation before she was able to graduate. My other grandfather was part of a Catholic anti-communist cell. They were taught to surveil and undermine leftists and liberals because their ideologies made children disagree with their parents and undermined the traditional family (classic cultural Marxism conspiracy theory). As descendants of immigrants from the mid-1800s, they believed that they were exempt from fixing racism in the state. They never owned slaves and were discriminated against, after all! They participated in white flight and then moved, settler-style to a poor black community in rural Florida to start a resort (it failed) in the middle of desegregation. My dozens of cousins provide an informal survey on the evolution of political beliefs.

The paleoconservative ideas of the John Birch Society, co-founded by Fred Koch, father of the main patrons of the right, Fr. Coughlin, and Joe McCarthy were present at the establishment of the conservative movement, which mobilized in response to desegregation of schools. They filtered through Pat Buchanan, the Tea Party, and now Trump. In fact, Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn, McCarthy's lawyer. Their ideas are the same now as they were then, only now they are mainstream. There are true believers and there are the exploited. White people whose status is declining, albeit from a higher starting point than minorities, are ripe for indoctrination. You can see their politics among police, Evangelicals, nationalist or anticommunist immigrants, and rural small business people. And you're right, it is mostly popular with older people. Younger people are disproportionately progressive. At the end of the day, it is a neo-feudal project that serves the class interests of right-wing billionaires and to a lesser extent those who seek their patronage. Political conflict is now heightening because of the coming of age of Millennials.

@WilyRickWiles My grandparents were communists. Of course they didn't really have a choice but that's another matterMy "communist" uncle was forced to go to a happy camp where they reeducated him in what it meant to be a good communist so that he could get this super excellent job in Siberia. My parents didn't feel like the happy camp would do them much good and just decided to not discuss issues like why communism sucked and instead chose to buy black market jeans, tapes, and books from America.

My father's friend was from Cuba. He fled to the Soviet Union because Cuba was too machismo and he was afraid of being reeducated or suicided for being gay. His problem was that no one spoke Spanish and although the Stalin era laws against being gay were repealed the only good paying jobs for gay people were in Siberia.

It's funny how all the really fun people ended up in Siberia. You can tell that today. It's a helluva fun place to hang out. In summer. Winter not so much.

We all have horror stories that affected us. Mostly, the USSR did 100x better than other socialist countries and i mean real socialist countries not countries like Norway where the socialism is paid for by oil and allows capitalism to also exist. I have to say its was a successful experiment.

Until Chernobyl everyone had food. Not great food but food. Everyone had health care. Not great health care but health care. Everyone had a shitty apartment but it was an apartment. Of sorts. Where you shared a kitchen and bathroom with other families. Everyone had clothing. That looked like everyone else's clothing. People had a choice of one movie to go see. It was heavily edited.

The ballet and concerts were apparently top shelf. I just remember snow and Yeltsin being popular.

I should mention this. One of the things that happened after communism fell, the KGB files were opened and made public. We actually DID send our people to Hollywood and universities. McCarthy wasn't wrong. You guys did the same and that is why Russia is pretty pro-capitalist and the US is going the other direction. Funny that.

Did you know that you can now own up to 10 guns and a pistol for protection in Russia? Yep. Kids who sign up for the militia even get AKs if they take care of them and keep it registered. What a strange world.

@ThomasinaPaine I hope society can learn lessons from both systems rather than refighting old battles.


Whatever commie. Shouldn’t you be in CHAZ/CHOP helping your comrades hold onto Utopia?


"Right-wing propaganda machine - narrative"?

I don't recall "everyone" agreeing that the cops (all cops) were out of control.
What's the so called "narrative"? That the Floyd death should not have happened? Or that peaceful protest is a right, but burning, looting, vandalism, attacking the innocent, isn't a form of protest - it's simply mob violence?

Your post is left-wing propaganda. "Who says protests have to be peaceful?" "Chaz is like a street festival" "It'll be a summer of love." That's the left's narrative...

Tycho Level 7 June 24, 2020

My point is that now you probably think that incidents of such violence outnumbers the peaceful protests. Perhaps they have been linked together in your mind, changing your opinion on the entire course of events and the people involved. That's the power of the right repeating the narrative over and over even when nothing has changed!

@WilyRickWiles They are linked because the MSM and left-wing politicians continues to link them and excuse the violence.


Signs of grand TDS, maybe?

Rick-A Level 8 June 24, 2020

You mean before the Marxists burnt down urban Democrat Party run America and scattered the DNC voter base to the wind to manufacture the 2020 GOP landslide?

Facci Level 7 June 24, 2020

What do you think of when you use the word right-wing?

govols Level 8 June 24, 2020

Anyone to the right of Lenin...

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