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Why is there an unwashed low-life Mexican-residing Mexican trying to motivate you to use your big educated brains and your first-world resources to save your own culture? I realize I am here because we are mindless useless sheep in Mexico who will surely go communist if you lose the Culture War. I am not qualified nor posses any abilities to be trying anything in regards to global politics. I'm a worthless nobody who should probably be looking for what the hell I'll be having to eat tomorrow. Why don't you act? I can see you are aware, and you seem to care, but... what would it take for anybody to engage? You do not want the US to become Mexico, and you don't want to become me. Sigh, it's useless... I'm aware it's the entitled communist elites causing this, but I'm starting to feel they are also being enabled. I can't do anything on my own. And it's funny I can only imagine attacks resulting from this. I'm starting to feel hopeless. Mock me as you may. I really got my hopes up when I found this site with brilliant people in it. You are the ones in a position to fight. I can't, and there is no Superman. Should I beg, or just validate your excuses in the comments so you don't bruise your egos...?

A1fredo 8 June 30
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the worst thing to happen to society is free money. people complain they don't have food but have a cell phone in their hand. why is a cell phone more important than food. the people who don't work and save want money from the people who work and save. as long as they get their welfare cheque they are happy and that is spent within minutes and they have the hand out for others money. they don't know what is going on in the world and don't care. just give me my free money.

Have you ever gone by with only food for any substantial amount of time? You rather die than to just struggle every day to survive. It's not worth it. You just gotta endulge yourself in any way possible. You can. Not. Live on just food. Try it if you don't believe me. But do not say otherwise if you don't know.


You are NOT worthless!!

But you might want to was once in a while though. 🙂

I am retired UK Civil Servant living in the Philippines and cannot do much either. All we can do is keep raise awareness by talking about it, counter the radical left/feminazi with lgical arguments and laughing at them. They have no humour and hate being laughed at.

Thank you for your kind words.

I disagree about not being able to do much though. It seems to me that this problem is expanding globally. At least it is in Mexico. We are about four years behind the US in the timeline. Right about now, people are barely starting to notice "this generation gets offended by everything" like the first world used to do, remember? I was like "woah, dude, deja vu" lol And their power relies in the numbers. So by raising awareness of the upcoming problem, you would be able to diminish its power, and the more people actively trying to persuade others, the more power we take from them. That if your country is being infected by the ideology too... Plus I think influencing is a good way to counter them. And the more there are, the bigger presence they would have over a society. Or you can help others build stronger more appealing arguments if you share your insights with other influencers. There's lots of way to help. From gathering data, putting arguments together to donations to associations doing just that. Just take noice of how the left got to be as powerful, power is a manifestation of their power of persuasion. They lack self-awarenes, whcich is bad, but that helps them sell their ideas because they seem confident. We lack that and we need to let ourselves become a little delusional with hope and passsion into our message if we are to get that social power away from them.


When the "culture war" goes hot, there will be no compromise, no turning back, no second place. we have to be sure there is no other way.

solopro Level 6 June 30, 2020

The average American hasn't savings enough to pay next week's bills. Most of us are one poorly considered public comment away from homelessness. We do have some really cool shit, though.

govols Level 8 June 30, 2020

i know, i do window shopping online all the time... you do have really really cool stuff...

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