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The effects of the opiate crisis have been obvious..I believe the "alpha male"has been the main victim to whether being imprisoned or losing their lives.

With that being said, we seem to be witnessing the side effects from the over prescription of Anti-depressant and Anti-anxiety medications, mainly to women making them behave in a way that only a ..."beta male" could tolerate. Zanax is the only thing that could cause so many people to call for the abolishment of the police one day, just to call the same department to file a allegation against their beta bitch for making a mistake like challenging an opinion of hers..

we have a country that is infested with weak men, being lead buy entitled women, who are completely oblivious to how their actions are actions are damaging the country. Since they have continued to reject the once ideal male, and instead of take accountability for their own unhappiness, they would claim to be victim to a "mental disease" and continue on through life with false sense of entitlement using pills to silence their consciousness preying on weak men that could be easily manipulated by some pussy and used to reinforce her negative behavior, sustaining her delusional perceptions...

DesireNoDesires 7 July 9
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Video wouldn't play. Drugs of all kinds are insidious, with nobody knowing what they do or will do. Then there's individuality, so some seem fine, others not fine.
I'm not up on ways of alpha male. Respectful? Crude? Rational?
Many have gotten into the SR cycle. Stimulus, response.
It can take years to teeter totter.

When you say men are weak, do you mean the woman is boss?

What I found was that era of Frank Sinatra, my way, was about the boys.
Terminology is telling.
Then, the mafia model of that double life with the woman praying, icons everywhere, while he's out killing.
Overall, no relationship, no real caring.

by alpha male Im referring to a man who stands on his principles, rather than giving in as soon as they are challenged. Today though the concept has been misunderstood for t he most part, and is ego driven..
I feel the more the idea of the women staying at home to care the children was shamed. and perceived as being unimportant, it caused women to feel a sense of resentment towards their husband. Then it became politicized, and started being pushed to seem like the men were oppressing their wives by keeping them stuck in the house, when I believe for the most part they didnt want to have to worry about the kids not being taken care of efficiently.Then it sorta pinned the husband and wife against each other as if they were in competition . Which was probably very damaging being that most men are motivated to impress their wife, but when he would attempt to impress her by say sharing when he got -a promotion for example, it would be taken as if he was bragging to make her feel when there -was no positive feedback from his wife, it most likely caused resentment between them and the traditional family began to fall apart

as for the meds, benzos and ssi's are mainly prescribed by women for anxiety and depression. Neither are diseases, theyre defense mechanisms to let you know that theres somethin being ignored that needs to be attended to.So imagine a bunch of women. who are constantly being agreed with, as well as the built up persona developed over social media that she has learned to believe is her reality...topped with pills to block any repressed thoughts that might slip into her conscious ...


The video isn't working...

In terms of what you said in your comment, I'm no expert in psychiatric medicine, but you're definitely spot on with the rest of it!

I see that maybe many women just aren't 'mothers', thus post partum depression. The increased stress levels from kids is high. And many men aren't ready or plain don't want that. They have all they can cope with.
Thus, off they go to the pubs, hanging with the guys cause
they don't want to go home.
What's at home? Entitled small 'me wants', a long litany of hassles, problems? Does ANY human want that?
Some women LIKE working. Like it better than dull, dreary, endless HOUSEWORK.
For some, maybe many, it's a dull, boring life.
And humans BLAME. I think they're scared to blame the kids, so each other gets blamed, often silently.
I empathize with men who opt out, smoke weed, ESCAPE.
They don't like their life. Many men WANT to give their wives/family a good life and CAN'T. Work is often rotten, nobody to really discuss(they'll seem WEAK).
Kids need to be far better thought out, and not having them often the best option.
The bible says 'the whole word followed after drugs', and we see it all over.
People need to feel reasonably good about their lives,
and...they don't.

@2FollowHim Some women do want to be part of what is traditionally called "the workforce" while others have simply been taught that this is what they are supposed to want. The more free people are to choose their place in society, the more likely they are to gravitate towards more traditional gender roles.

It's rather ironic that the people who most vocally advocate for a woman's right to make her own decisions are often the same people who are most likely to shame women for the choices they make.

@DaveO276 Respect. This sounds like Islam which teaches(and is debunked) that women have 1/2 the brain of a man.
Trust what INDIVIDUALS want.
Group psychology for male(eg. WAR, fights) or female is altogether different.

Due to childbearing ability?, women are usually REALISTS, or used to be? Only way was stay home.

But given choice, many want to...
See, socialize, talk to ADULTS, not kids.
Many don't want that endless chore of housework.

I think this is your male fantasy of what you want women to be, think.
And feminists are pushing back, upset.
Of COURSE, push back is always extreme.
They're ANGRY and I think it's cumulative.
The BEST MOTHER I ever saw in my life was a MAN, an alpha male. His wife was professional, at a big university, no interest in kids. I was fixated on his timing, natural skills, interest.
Don't bully people, but let them find what's best.
You do the same for yourself.
And maybe your wife will be your ideal.
I hope it is.
Finding out WHO we are/are not.

@2FollowHim Not my fantasy... Science.

I am not advocating for any enforcement of gender roles... quite the opposite! I want individuals to be free to choose their own path. I am simply pointing out what TENDS to happen when they are afforded that freedom.

Relationship of gender differences in preferences to economic development and gender equality
Science 19 Oct 2018:
Vol. 362, Issue 6412, eaas9899
DOI: 10.1126/science.aas9899


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