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If there is something anybody can do about all of this, that some thing is something you could do as well.

A1fredo 8 July 12
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I've done two things that can help society and they are the MAXIMUM that I could do:

  1. Live my life with respect towards all others and own the consequences of my actions
  2. Taught my child #1

Leading and living by example. Though to be honest, most others are doing the same, and their effort is NOT #1

Yeah... I'm undersand your point. I've had a shitty shitty upbringing due to neglecting parents and I've spent most of my adult life trying to overcome it. I don't want to live trough a couple of decades of transitional times and miss my opportunity to eventually be happy. Bad birth timing I accept, and its no one's fault. But I don't think I'm at fault for trying to influence the world in a situation where I desperately need it not to go to crap in order for me not to die as a complete and total victim.

@A1fredo Yep. Except make sure you are dealing with the right 'forest'. Often it is our immediate surroundings and times that are corrupt/corrosive when there are other places where you can avoid the 'societal crap'. I wouldn't want to be in Seattle right now - for any reason. But there are other places with less issues worthy of consideration. Often it is impossible to move and you have to make the effort to improve the place you live.

But.....I agree with where you are coming from and it absolutely sucks trying to fix what is broken when it is people thinking they are 'fixing society' when destruction is all they are really doing.

I don't have a good argument or suggestion other than to be a good example for others and to be vocal and actively participate in our society (community and larger)

@tracycoyle I appreciate you last comment, but... I'm in Mexico. In here, there is no such thing as vocal and actively participating in society. There's only work non-stop to make not enough to feed yourself, and don't you dare to even give the government a not-nice-enough gaze or else... That's why all I do is to try to motivate others who can actually do something. That's all I can possibly do. Arguibly, really can't afford to be doing this either, really.

@A1fredo You are in a part of Mexico that I wouldn't even visit. I know it is all but impossible to change/move. But I'd recommend it. I know someone that I've worked with that lives in Mexico City. I've told him to get out (he has this year but it took 3 years to make it happen). I'm in San Diego and have dropped in to TJ (Tijuana) a couple times. I know lots of Americans that live there and commute. I wouldn't do it because I don't want to live in that society. The people are great - their country sucks. Sorry.

You are right that encouraging others is the limiting factor - and dangerous depending on what and to whom you are speaking. So, be safe, and try to be the person you want others to see and support.

@tracycoyle I have trouble coming by food. I cannot possibly move. Dont get me wrong, but it seems strange to me that people from the first world don't seem to understand the limitations you must be under in order not to be able to buy food... that means no money for buses, or buying absolutely nothing at all, let alone suitcases and rent deposits for first and las months in some new place. You are grounded here, and you just struggle to survive every day. At least for the people in the kind of neighborhood I live in. I don't understand how could I possibly skip a meal if I had money for moving out. No offense. I just don't get it.

@tracycoyle Because its something that's very common, it confuses me every time.

@A1fredo My parents are immigrants to this country - I was born here 2 months after my mom got here. They came from Ireland. But even they spoke of culture shock and money issues.

I am NOT diminishing your struggles. I can't imagine your situation. I understand it as an intellectual exercise, but not the emotional personal issues.

As little as it is, I offer at least friendship.

@tracycoyle Thank you, much appreciated.

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