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If you think that this kind of billboard is a problem, then you are the problem. While there are complexities involved in urban issues, the path forward must involve all of these things. All of our society's problems are made worse by people who won't do these things. Those who try to make the situation seem too complicated for people to try to do these things are the ones who are making every problem worse.


WftRight 6 Aug 20
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Victimhood is the epitome of self centeredness, selfishness, and failure. Unfortunately, it is being taught by many parents, teachers and politicians. Their words are condescending and harmful because it tells the child that they are not worthy or capable of success. And it is brainwashing. Any time these young people have a problem they point a finger of blame. And it is generational to boot.


great conversation, I was a single parent for many years and as a white male there was not a lot of support for me, I decided to go back to school when my son was 5 years old and busted my ass to provide him a better life. I think that we sell defeat to so many people who find themselves in tough circumstances and instead of finding a way to motivate them we just give them sustenance programs with no conditions, and they end up parked. In addition we excuse bad behavior and bad decisions as though somehow that was an inherent trait what? blacks, poor, uneducated? At any rate it seems to me our culture has already shown us the way out, its work, discipline and family, there are so many examples in every racial category where this leads to success. The stupidest thing we have done and continue to do is somehow look as someones skin pigmentation and act like they have to live differently.


Great post. Thanks.


They live in a word of no consequences for their foolish actions

B1967 Level 7 Aug 20, 2020

Messages like this is a waste of time these people are what 3 generations or more as a victim embrace the welfare state
They Don't want jobs, schooling and less marriage,

B1967 Level 7 Aug 20, 2020

If individual effort, initiative and actions can make a difference in a person's life, where does that leave the systemic racism argument?

On the dustbin of history, that she where.

Individual effort is a threat to those who live by the government. Personal freedom is best left to those pesky capitalists while government oversight is best run by the Marxists.


not a darn thing wrong with that but the left is offended by the truth. The message does not offend, and is factually correct it should not have been taken down it should be copied profusely.


It is funny when sound advice is seen as an attack. That woman, willing to bet, is likely a single black mother. She probably sees marriage as an attack on her situation when it isn't. Life doesn't always work out but advocating for marriage is a good thing and has always been a good thing.

Honestly, I was waiting for something controversial but that is a sound message. Do those things and you will uplift yourself. "We need livable wages", well I guess you can keep waiting in poverty for someone to give you something.

I'm tired of my community not being responsible for their own individual successes and waiting for handouts or platitudes. Advice is an attack when you are living the life of a victim. We need to move pass this and stop falling for the liberal agenda.

Very well said. Especially the part about living the life of the victim. That’s the root of it isn’t it? Play the victim card. Don’t go out and try to do something about it. Did you grow up in a bad situation ? That’s a shame...but then do better. Make life better for yourself. Those around you will benefit also. But DO NOT sit on your ass waiting for someone to do it for you or give it to you! I’m so sick of this shit!

@HeatherNiven Right. A victim asks for reparations for something that they didn't experience for example. To be fair, being a victim is very popular all over America and it's to our detriment.

Yes, very well said.

BlackoutNJ, But, your community, has a 60% Middle Class, that no one sees as Your community, because they have become Americans. And hard working and responsible Americans. I know one rotten apple in the barrel, saying, but, this is madness. When 90% of your Community are Middle class will the race hustlers have no one listening? Finally? It is getting to the point, where they have cute little white girls acting for this oppressed class, no one has enough of to even fill their race quota! Black face is going to be mandatory, or their gig is up!

@Machiavelliwar While we may be 60% middle class, we rank just above Native Americans in income. This indicates to me that some of the 60% barely have their head above water.

I think the problem is that where there are problems, they are glaringly obvious and it's a huge gap. With such a small population of Americans, we dominate in or equal other racial groups in the worse categories.

@BlackoutNJ It would be nice to have some real numbers. Stats always make things hard to read, when Basketball player's salary may be so large in comparison to the middle-class business man or woman, it is had to know how well or badly they are doing! The Government workers among that middle class, if Federal, do better then a local small rural town. I want to know. Because we destroyed the Communities black citizens had with their own movie companies, Baseball teams, and doctors Lawyers, etc. That the families were stable and communities stable is forgotten now. Professor Tomas Sowell has written on the subject better then any one, and a young black Librarian Recently told me. she had never heard of him.

@RoscoNovaro I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s pathetic. No wonder I work with people who seem to just show up and expect to get paid. For doing not very much in my opinion. Participation ribbons...yay!! Brutal

@Machiavelliwar Here is the 2018 Census for median household income:


@BlackoutNJ .Thanks. The median, means the Basketball player or Hollywood, maybe a few Wall St. Types on top then those who have nothing, (because, I think they do not count Welfare ?). That means The Black populace has more, people with nothing by percentage, then any other race, to bring that figure down so low. Especially with the number who cannot work, as they are in jail, in larger proportion. You see the problem. It is like the female income numbers, when a good group of them have years out of the work force, having children. Since the 60's men have been excluded from the "help" government gives to that one community. It is definitely a men/boys problem. I listen to, and support Jessie Lee Peterson. It is the place he has made most of his efforts. Thank you for help, in a piece of the puzzle.

@Machiavelliwar You're welcome. Also consider this aspect as well...that is household income, so when we have nearly 70% of families setup as single parent households, that is effectively cutting the total income in the black home. Imagine if that number was 25%? From an household income perspective, the median income would skyrocket and the two working parents could combine, raising themselves out of a situation of poverty.

Family is the number one issue for child development and for economics. It's my number one issue as well and that's why I'm always talking about it.

@BlackoutNJ . Yes! this is The Most important, to help the boys lives. It is so, frustrating, that such a large part of our culture just wants to stop reporting the stats, as an answer. I wish you much success. . It took the political class about 5 years to destroy your community....they have been working on the rest. If the vote does not come through for the Dems this year, perhaps they will turn their attentions else where, and leave you the heck alone, to recover!

@Machiavelliwar I personally believe that this is the year that many black americans are looking at the other side as a viable option. 2 years ago, I was a look at me.

@BlackoutNJ Indeed, "Look at you now".....😆 You have not chosen the easy path. As you know. It makes me proud Americans are standing up, and rejecting the EASy route! Thanks for that. We are a better people when we have to give up the easy, or well rewarded way. (ps. I am 80, and this is what is important for me now. thanks.)

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