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Do you judge others by their appearance, especially their genetically inherited appearance like the colour of skin or facial features? Why does it seem so difficult for some people to pass through the outer layer to get to the inside?

Naomi 8 Aug 27
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As an artist, I look at people from head to toe, analyzing a person's combination of attributes in order to appreciate uniqueness and beauty, and/or reproduce them on canvas. It is wondrous that we're all different from each other and visually interesting, and that the roll of the genetic dice makes all of us one of a kind. This should be valued, not feared.


I believe as humans we are hard-wired to judge on appearance. It's an evolutionary survival trait that had developed over millions of years. I also believe it's not very useful in modern society, and that it takes deliberate thought and training to overcome. And as we often see, people go overboard with it.


It has never ever been about color , but culture and character. The left just wants to make it about color so they have a tool to divide. They did the same in the Soviet Union with ethenicity.


Skin color is just like the color of a car you might want to buy. You may like the features of the car and the fuel mileage and performance etc. If you are intelligent at all, you will choose on what the car can do for you. Color comes second. It is mostly the same with people. 25 years of Black Criminal Rap Music and glorifying violence, rape of women (gang bangers), home invasion, car jacking, drive - by shooting, and etc, has made the black car a poor choice for most.

Hello. Would it be fair enough to say that the crap car you bought happened to be red doesn't mean that all red cars are crap?



drptree Level 6 Aug 27, 2020


Yes, I have an initial impression that begins to form on sight. Yes, in part that impression is based on inherited physical characteristics. In part it includes dress and manner of expression, and especially changes in expression in the very earliest beginnings of interaction. Dress, accent, vocabulary, the very early stages of a developing relationship my impression grows and a level of liking emerges. Or doesn't.

But yes, impression begins on sight, and is in part based on basic physical qualities.

govols Level 8 Aug 27, 2020

Hello. I agree with you. But do you see how those people in the video struggle to fit in the society they live in? They were born and bred in America. They speak perfect American English; if anything, it's just their faces that give away that they're mixed-race, yet they find it difficult to identify themselves within the society. America has always been a melting pot, no? What changed?


America has, at times, been a melting pot. What changed was "multiculturalism." We've always had sub-cultures, and individuals could live as immersed in their sub-cultures as they desired, but there was usually a broader expectation of normal that one practices in the "public space" of general American society.

Did you ever see Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood? He shed his worldly American coat in the opening scene and put on his "neighborly" sweater as he invited you into his "sub-culture." It's a piss poor analogy, but it offers a perspective.


America has a grand tradition of "you ain't from around here, are ya?" and "where are you from." I understand that some might prefer it to be different, but the fact is "what's your history and lineage" is a major part of building relationships. Many of us are curious about that sort of crap, and in many of us it might derive from the fact that we haven't a deep tradition of our own. I have no idea how to answer those sorts of questions, personally. I know almost nothing about my lineage beyond grandparents and some vague impression that most of them have ancestry that came here at various times from various parts of the British Isles. If I get a chance to participate with someone who know the history of their ancestry I'm usually curious.

It sucks for some that they aren't fully American, and feel instead like they're torn from their culture by their ancestry. That is, in part, because America shrugged of its notion of melting pot and assimilation.


Race is poorly defined so I prefer ethnicity.

There are general ethnic characteristics what accounts for them is both genetic and cultural. Like all statistical characteristics ethnic ones don't tell you much about a random individual selected from the group. The idea however that genetics plays no role defies common sense not to mention science.

The question that never gets ask is as our genetic understanding improves should it not be put to use?

The argument that skin color is just a evolutionary happenstance is ridiculous. Skin color in specific environments contributed to fitness. That it no longer has an impact on fitness is irrelevant. Just as skin color is hereditary so must mental and emotional predispositions be. A large percentage of our DNA is devoted to mental and emotional development.

Many people choose to ignore the obvious. They want to live in a "color blind" society and ignore group statistics. The same people want to ignore the fact that 20 percent of the population is mentally or emotionally unable to care for themselves. Statistically most of those people in the U.S. are not going to be of any particular ethnic group. This "color blind" idea is getting in the way of identifying and helping those people. Testing people as it turns out has demonstrated some unpleasant realities but the answer is not to stop testing that includes gross measures such as IQ and the emerging more precise study of genetics. The bottom line is you can't solve problems by ignoring reality.

Knowledge always gets misused. That is never going to change. Treating people as individuals however must recognize the fact that there is nothing more individual than genetics. In comparison to genetics culture is fairly simple at least at the individual level.

wolfhnd Level 8 Aug 27, 2020

Hello. International or mixed-race marriages are ever so common nowadays, and I don't think that two ordinary people from different ethnic backgrounds decide to have a baby in consideration of genetic advantages/disadvantages, let alone IQ levels, unless they are aware that they have some kind of genetic disorder and therefore they don't wish to pass it to their baby.
Colour blindness is a nice idea but it is impossible. I don't find anything wrong with spotting differences in other people from mine. For example, if someone walks up to me and this someone has only one leg, how can I not notice it? I would be lying to this person if I said I can't see his/her disability. But I will probably quickly get over the fact that the person has only one leg, and will get to know him/her over time just like with any other. Apparently, small children have this ability much more than adults.


What I'm concerned with is people like Charles Murray being labeled racist because they publish the best available data. There are reasons to consider people as a group not as individuals if public policy is the issue. That said the question of public policy directed at groups may itself be undesirable. That is where public policy means government or institutional policy. Charles Murray himself is something of a libertarian so the information he presents is more about how we act voluntarily as individuals who are also members of groups. For example we didn't outlaw tobacco but it's use was substantially reduced by education. Similar Murray recommends that social economic groups stop voluntarily segregating.

@wolfhnd Well, there is no group without the individuals in it, so... I don't know much about Charles Murray; I'll check him out.


I would expect a silly question like that from a black and white siberian husky who can't even decide what color eyes to have. Phaww...

Many Asian cultures, notably Indian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese cultures are demonstrably racist. The idea that people who aren't racially similar should be treated as equals is a western culture export, which seems to be under siege in the world today.

Hello. The video is about mixed-race people born and bred in America, though.

@Naomi - without a baseline the comparison is between an expressed view against an expressed sense of perfection. America is the worst country in the world unless you have happened to have been to any other country in the world. In this case, mixed-race Asians would be rejected by pure Asians in countries like Japan and Korea.

"... mixed-race Asians would be rejected by pure Asians in countries like Japan and Korea." Not sure where you get that view from. I very much doubt that - maybe 50 years ago but not now. My question is more about multiracial Asians, born and bred in America - they ARE Americans - yet finding it hard to fit in the American society they've grown up in. The video ends with positive views about themselves so they are not victims.

@Naomi - [] - My cousin's sons are half Korean (full American). I remember hearing about this about 10 years ago.

@RobBlair We're sidetracking from the original post, which is about multiracial people struggling to identify themselves within the country in which they were born and grew up. I rest my case.

@Naomi It's a completely different story depending on the country. However, at the heart, we are all minorities of one and we all struggle to identify ourselves. A culture that promotes the value of the individual over the group identity, is the correct culture. It is also historically, abnormal.


Your skin is simply an organ that covers the other organs!!!
Skin does not think, form opinions or control your behavior, you supposedly have another organ that does that!!!
So, someone needs to step up and point out where the real problem lies, it ain't the skin!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Aug 27, 2020

Hello CharliePrime,

Racially related natural behaviour, IQ level, wealth... So you make friends with people from different racial backgrounds, or determine whether or not you like them, on the basis of these factors... is that what you mean?


Maybe it’s a tribal thing that goes back thousands of years and it’s embedded in our DNA somehow. I don’t know because I’m not smart enough but it’s possible.

Hello. I'm not smart enough either, but you're probably right; we're all tribal deep down. However, people move around the world and settle in foreign places all the time, plus mixed-race marriages are ever so common nowadays. Those people in the video are results of such marriages. They may be mixed-race but they were born and bred in America. America has always been a melting pot, no? It's odd that appearance like skin colour and facial features still matter to some people.

Hello dd54. After all, it's all about identity politics - ugh! At least the video ends on a positive note. Those in the video don't see themselves as victims, which is good.

@dd54 By playing up the skin color issue, THEY are able to keep us seperated and suspicious of each other!!!
Of course, some people think their color absolves them of responsibility, and they have a right to act and react how ever They want!!!!


I don't judge individuals by color but I do judge by actions. Take what is going on now with the riots and all the BLM crap, that has taken a hard toll on most every one I know. The divide is not closing it is getting wider, people are more divided and racist now than ever and every time there is another riot, another business burnt down..another dream destroyed it puts the black race back one more step. It's not just blacks either the young white animals are in the same boat. Every one talks about save the planet with climate you think climate control is really important with all the rioting and chaos in the streets??

Dmwils Level 7 Aug 27, 2020

I think we all do to a certain degree because we are creatures of patterns and we are primitively superficial. I tend to care more about how a person carries themselves. If I see a black person with a "wife beater" shirt on, sagging pants and cornrolls, even I will be cautious but I won't hate the person until they give me a reason to. However, if that same person was wearing a button down shirt and a blazer, my initial reaction would be different and more positive.

It matters more to me on someone's character, behavior and their outward portrayal. Trashy people come in all colors and it takes effort not to prejudge because it's super easy to do so.

Man, a lot of truth there. Great post...

Hello. Character, not the colour of skin - I agree.
Why do you think those in the video struggle to fit in the society? Apart from their faces that give away that they are mixed-race Asian. They are born and bred Americans.

@Naomi I think they are taking it more as a slight rather than seeing it as curiosity in some of those situations. For example, if I'm stared at while in America, I might see it as hatred but when I was in the Czech Republic, it's curiosity. They don't see black I stick out. I get the same way when I see Asian people because I never see them.

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