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Many are asking why Trump doesn't do more to quell the chaos. Could it be that he has a secret weapon that he's waiting for the right time to use?


Here's text from the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

The Fourteenth Amendment — see the full text here — speaks directly to the powers of the federal government in dealing with officials, individuals and states that are engaged in “rebellion” against the United States of America.

Specifically, the Fourteenth Amendment grants the U.S. President the power to:

Arrest and indefinitely hold all public officials — including mayors, governors, state legislators, federal judges and law enforcement officials — who support “rebellion” against the United States or who have “given aid or comfort” to the enemies of America. (Section 3)

Eliminate House of Representatives positions for California and other states which are engaged in supporting Big Tech censorship platforms that are supporting rebellion against the United States of America and “abridging” the right of voting-aged citizens to participate in elections (via censorship). This implies that Electoral College votes would also be proportionally reduced in these states. (Section 2)

Eliminate all federal financial support for cities and states which are engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. Section 3 specifically states that all such claims of federal money obligations to the states “shall be held illegal and void.” (Section 4)

In essence, the Fourteenth Amendment grants American citizens “equal protection” under law, but for public officials or states which are engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States, those equal protections are revoked.


Edgework 8 Sep 6
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Her’s a sober look at the reality behind “just send in the troops.”

It’s complicated.



Watching Biden & all the rest of the Democrat talking heads.
Seemingly clutch onto this insane insistence that Trump is secretly responsible for the current spates of lawlessness..
MAGA people.. They lie in unison..BLM are 93 % mostly peaceful. CNN are mostly grizzlling . 94 % of the Titanic went swimmingly..
And the rioting looting , intimidating remaining percentage, are MAGA Supporters. .. sorry ?
Now not even the most , open boarders, free everything, Berkinstocks wearing professor in gender studies & patriarchal systematic dismantling. Would believe that whopper..
Biden may of , with this laughable narrative . Just red pilled thousands.


Remember Bush in 2004? Didn’t want to send troops into Fallujah in an election year. Five minutes after he was re-elected, boom.


I have to admit I have often wondered why Trump seems so ineffective or so reluctant to act.
I had though, maybe he didn't have the numbers in Government and the Democrats were stopping him.


It is my understanding that while he could step in, he's giving the local governments the rope to hang themselves. He doesn't want to seem a dictator by rolling in, and restoring order. He's letting them l show their true sides to the populace that elected them.


Can you prove they are in rebellion against the United States, to the satisfaction of the same citizens who put these people in power, with their vote? This is exactly the moves those same game playing Mayors, and Governors are hoping for! They want Trump to bring in the Troops! This is politics. Not who can bring the biggest Army. Played a bit rougher then we have seen in a while, but......politics it still is. (Do not think of Hitler!) These same voters who voted for these "Progressive-Capitalists", are having their eyes opened, across the Country! Please, I too feel the wish to shoot and ask questions later. We must hold fast. The Country is not Lost........


It is a foregone conclusion that the ONLY way Trump could begin to "quell chaos" would be for him to either die or to resign/abdicate his office. The "chaos" exists almost exclusively for the purpose of removing Trump from office by any and all means imaginable - not the least of which is the civil chaos intentionally fomented by the marxist left / communist / democrat party.They will settle for nothing less than total capitulation.

iThink Level 9 Sep 6, 2020

I didn't vote for Trump because I thought he'd be authoritarian, he proved me wrong. Please don't let this turn around on me after I vote for him.

Unfortunately if it continues, that will be the only answer....

@johnlondon Trump has surprised me with pulling peace out of conflict with radical, out of the box thinking. I'm hopeful but I'm afraid you're right.
So far Trump's been letting the mayors and governors own the protests and arsonists so everyone gets to see the two sides for who they are. I would not bet a nickel on next moves, I have no idea.

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