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Ideology has officially replaced aesthetics in American film making with tough new race and gender quotas imposed on movie makers who want to win an Oscar.

Beginning in 2024, anyone who fails to meet a stringent quota will not be eligible for an Academy Award.



GeeMac 8 Sep 9
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Honestly having just read the demands being made you can kiss the movie industry goodbye.
People go to movies to escape not be indoctrinated.
As for the Oscars, when did they start being political, its been going on for years... IMO.
Some of the picks, some of the acceptance speeches...

Oh, I think this opens the doors for independent movie makers. I think this will be the end of the big film company industry. Smaller companies will take over making movies and shows by genre, almost like what happened with books.

@Starlight Nah small companies have less resources and fewer staff... they will never fill the criteria.
Have you seen the criteria?
Oh and they are never likely to be up for an Oscar.


Fine, then!

Let's start another awards program for art that challenges, art that's cerebral, and art that is real art.


I suspect that the Oscars have already begun to diminish in their reputation, and many people have stopped watching the awards show. I know I stopped caring some time ago about whether or not a particular movie has gotten any Oscar nominations, and I suspect that this move will cause many more people not to care either. It used to be that Oscar nominations would tell you if a movie was a good one or not, but that hasn't been true for a while now.


For a long time, the evangelical Christian community has existed in a kind of parallel universe, media-wise, one that functions along side secular institutions, but which remains largely invisible to them. Robust music, publishing, television and movie industries, news organs and a vast array of web sites provide The faithful with the kinds of entertainment and information mainstream media abandoned and banished years ago. And they’re doing just fine, even if you have no idea who’s on the top-ten of the rock music list.

I see this process spreading to conservative communities in general as we separate ourselves more and more from the propaganda organs of the left. It’s already happening—Parler over Twitter, Gateway Pundit, Brietbart, and OAN over the Washington Post and CNN, Brighteon, Bitchute over YouTube, Rantingly over Drudge, DuckDuckGo for honest search results, sites like this one, where disagreement free of trolling is still possible. There’s certainly nothing like a fully formed alternate culture yet, but there are choices. As always, in a free economy, if there’s a demand, a market will spring up to fill it.

I cut the cable, ignore much of what is called MSM. Maybe I’m building my own echo chamber; but that’s what we’ve come to, everyone crafting their own private Matrix to explain the world.

Thanks for that thoughtful and interesting perspective.

It’s great to talk up the alternatives.


This is long time coming, since the 2000's really, but now its official.

@CharliePrime Yeah, things started to go downhill for a while it was around 2000's that it started to get very very political and not just in content of the movies, but the people who got hired were hired on political connections and cultural sympathies. And with the rise of superhero movies, its only blockbusters that make money at the time, 200Mil budget and as much for marketing, and the low budget indy movies that are by and large crap. The middle class movies, the movies that had high enough budget to be well made and best people hired, but not so high budget that the studio is micromanaging it all, those class of movies are almost entirely gone. Now you have either crappy Indy movies or high budget propaganda , generic superhero movies.

Than they started to increase the budget for TV shows so now there are 10-15 mill per episodes shoes like the star wars and game of thrones. Problem there off course is that they get greedy for more seasons and more political SJW crap as the series get more successful and ruin everything.

Now Hollywood is just SJW , feminist run bunch of pedophiles that killed off any chance of good film-making and with all the lockdowns and streaming services. they will have to either shift over to Netflix style productions and distributions or go Chapter 11. Not even low demanding general audience wants to see female Thor anymore and gay superman.


They ALL knew about Weinstein sexually assaulting women for years and did fuck all (silence is violence, right?). What a bunch of clowns.


Well I guess Black Panther would be out then.

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