10 1

Any measures taken by non-Jews to stop Jewish plots is defensive and pre-justified. It is even conceivable that actual warfare tactics, such as rounding up or large-scale killing of Jews, might become necessary to counter Jewish warfare tactics.

Is this acceptable speech in your group?

Is this acceptable speech in your site?

TheMiddleWay 8 Sep 10
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This said might, like you might be a retard, if you thought this was bad.


After reading @Thaw's clarification in his bio it sounds like this quote leaves out some relevant context.

Does anyone have the original conversation saved? I'd like to see it.

@TheMiddleWay Would you mind messaging me some screenshots if it's not too much trouble?

@TheMiddleWay That's fine. I got a copy of the thread. I think @Thaw's explanation is reasonable, but bans are up to the mods so that's their business.

However I'll say this to everyone. It's shameful of everyone here to denounce him in public without his being able to answer their accusations, especially while the only source for context is his ideological opponent who refuses to provide it. I would no sooner this than gag a man at his own trial.

@Flagherty He's the only example of a ban. So... And.... I have no shame of using him as an example because he was a shit weasle asswipe. So sew me, chuckle

@TheMiddleWay So they just banned a guy for a hypothetical and you think I'm going to get drawn into another hypothetical with you? I'm not stupid.

People can read the clarification in his bio for themselves.


(Based solely on the quotation) I object to the ban of @Thaw because if he truly believes what he wrote - that, "any measures taken by non-Jews to stop Jewish plots is defensive and pre-justified" - then you just cut him off from the only people who might convince him otherwise.

Suppose a friend of yours comes over to your place and says something to the effect, "I've had enough of getting pushed around by [insert ethnic slur here]. They deserve whatever they have coming." That is NOT the time to get judgmental about prejudice and cut off communication with him. If he's really fed up, if he really believes "they" deserve whatever they get, then your friend might not be on his way to shoot up the object of his angst right this minute, but you can be sure as shit he's thought about it and that puts him about 500x closer to actually doing something extreme than your average Joe.

Point being, it's best to leave channels of communication open, if possible.

@TheMiddleWay I see your point, but what's the alternative? He still has access to the internet, only instead of going to #IDW, maybe he's going to #Stormfront or the #DailyStormer. How do we know this ban doesn't just serve to confirm his biases and harden his view?

We don't have an answer to the 'maybes', but I"m 90% certain a ban won't cause him to reconsider his opinion of Jews, so how do we handle extremist attitudes? Obviously we have to cut them loose if they're using the forum to incite imminent violence, but how do we respond to a person who's somewhere in between light skepticism of Zionism and loading up the cattle cars?

@deipnophobe I think he was just banned from the group for 10 days.


Result TheMiddleWay.


Naomi Level 8 Sep 11, 2020

Admin wrote:
"For full disclosure, we put @Thaw on 10 day probation for advocating for violence in this comment. We allow for frank (and important) conversations regarding Jewish influence but such comments cross several lines and violate our terms." (Where it says "this comment" is the comment you quoted here.)
Banning Thaw from this community will also be considered.

@TheMiddleWay You're welcome.
We can't like everyone and may hold hatred towards someone, but inciting violence against that someone is a completely different matter in my opinion.


It depends on the context. For instance, was it prefaced by, "How was this statement employed to engender the Holocaust?" Or, perhaps, it was posted in order to create a discussion of scapegoats despots have used in the past to gain power? Particularly, germane as we see the postmodern left seeking to polarize the west, vilifying and offering up the human rights of the opposition in exchange for power.

On the other hand, if it was posted for the sole purpose of inciting violence, then it should be removed.


Trying to be provocative are we? The old Nazi ploy. Gets them every time. You are a bot


If you are going to quote mein kamph you have to put A - and the name of the author. That's how a quotation is made... Right ?

@TheMiddleWay I believe that the Quran is a plot against humanity. I beleive that the Crusade should never have stoped. And you don't see me ban myself.

@TheMiddleWay Go read the sword verse.. I don't appreciate ANYONE who think they have the RIGHT of life or death on me... It's is NOT a culture... it's a cult who has one simple goal... Conversion by force or extermination.. It's very v ery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery simple.

@TheMiddleWay The crusade were a rightful answer to the arab conquest . Go ask the Visigoth...Oh yeah sorry...You can't... They were wiped out.... Let me be VERY clear with you... 609 Mohamad start wrting the Quran.... 622 The arabian conquest start... 634 Mohamad finish the Quran.. (OMG the religion OF PEACE couldn't even resist going to war while the writing of it's most important book was in process)... It is my believe that this cult should be wiped out of the face of the earth. And every Muslims should be look at with suspission Because there is always a chance that they believe in everything that medieval mein kamph is putting on the table with all the Takiya they make.

@TheMiddleWay Is that your plan ?

@TheMiddleWay The Crusade did not do that. The Crusaders did not perform Genocides.. They did fight and kill many. But they did not perform genocides. They were ...too business for that and wanted silk and spices.. The Muslims... Did many time.. (And still do) Perform forced conversions... If not Genocides.

And No I am not for the nrounding up and the large scale killing of Muslims... But I am for large scale deportation of them from EVERY occidental countries. And I am for the interdiction BY THE LAW of any Burka Hijab or any custom not in line with the occidental civil rights. I am for...the taxation of ISLAM and the christian Churches too (All flavor of it) .


Would they claim the same if a Jew came onto the site spouting anti-white bullshit? Highly unlikely. The world bends over for the Jew.



"It is even conceivable that actual warfare tactics, such as rounding up or large-scale killing of Jews, might become necessary to counter Jewish warfare tactics."

It sounds like inciting violence, and in that case, it can be regarded as hate speech. But then is hate speech part of free speech...? Jeez, rabbit hole!

Naomi Level 8 Sep 10, 2020

The definition of free speech seems to vary from person to person; some support "anything goes".


I prefer to have such "speech" available for all to see. Keep it out and in the open. Believe me - it will not go unchallenged

iThink Level 9 Sep 10, 2020

@TheMiddleWay Any flagrant and obvious call to violence is NOT speech - the obvious response would be to block it down and to at least try to trace it to its source and arrest that person and charge them with the crime.

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