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We need a marriage between economics and sophilogy (the science of emotions.Yes, I know the ethimology doesn't work, fuck you. "Sophilogy" I said. Yes, I know that's not a science, but I will change that when they change the "social sciences" name into something that is appropriate too, so fuck you. Back to my stupid idea.) Here's the thing: we need to stop lying.The amounts of money, lives and suffering from the wars, tyrannies and social problems that could be avoided by just using language wrong are just astronomical. We can fight for another millennium over whether capitalism or communism, or if either Islam or Christianity, or whether Internet Explorer or Netscape (it's a funny reference, fuck you.) Or we could stop doing the equivalent of using a mop to brush our teeth by being compulsive liars as we are right now. Sadly given our unhealthy unbalance in our contemporary hierarchy of values, we have moved far, far away from any type of spiritual enjoyment, let's say. So in the world we have created, it is simply counterproductive to tell the truth. Just try it for one day. You will be in a nut-house before you can finish replying to whomever it was that asked you "How are you doing?" So we must bring back our human homeostasis back before we can attempt to accept truths. What's the difference? Well, without our custom of not being heartless bastards, we are not taking advantage of the benefits of being actual red-blooded feeling people. It's like Santa. Real or not (he's not, fuck you,) we were happier because of the belief. It was magic within ourselves. However, we have been more and more conditioning ourselves to feel less and less because X, Y, technology, and assholes not wanting to deal with our impulses. Emotions are not more than an illness to take a pill for these days. Remember love? Anyway. In the search for economic growth, marketing has been deleting those memories, and cell phones places the last nail on our emotional coffins. Here's an example: crying. When was the last time you cried? When was the last time you saw somebody cry? What is your opinion of somebody who cries? Well, you may think they are immature retards, but I'm afraid nature disagrees. Sadness and our reaction of crying has its evolutionary functions. It's one of the ways in which maintain ourselves honest. If the subject matter is overwhelmingly important, you are supposed to cry in order to convey the message required for the other to take notice, who will immediately feel compassion--an evolutionary feature as well. It's just undeniable how lacking we are in the compassion department. You just can't state if you're in need of compassion for some reason without getting incredulity, aversion or even disdain. You must be crazy by contemporary standards for you to show a picture of you crying as you do so in order to try to evoke compassion in the person you are talking to. So, what happens? Social media and cell phones take over our human interactions. Nobody will be socially allowed to cry at all in front of anybody else ever again, and could you possibly argue against the idea that compassion would simply poof dissapear? One of my points in my video about North Korea is how the North Korean didn't feel compassion at all even when faced with dead people on the streets. They didn't know the word, so they didn't understood the concept. If this is not addressed very soon, compassion may just die with our generation. And if the 20th Century happened while compassion was still around, just imagine what a future without it would be like. So in order for us to take advantage of all the benefits of telling the truth, we need to bring back the emotional benefits of being a virtuous person and in order for us to achieve that, we must create an emotional economy of some sorts. Don't look at me, I'm having a hard enough time trying to convince you to support me at Patreon, I don't have all the answers. But what is for sure is that in our modern times and without the emotional incentives to become better people, we need to implement financial incentives in order to pretty much brive people into feeling again. I'm afraid most people just don't remember what it's like anymore. And please, don't be basic and simplistic. You know how there's some people who just "can't think?" They may be retarded, but we all can technically think. Well, in the same way, we all may technically still feel something; but we are certainly not in any way emotional enough for us to act in virtuous ways. You can't just tell people and swear to them that it does feel good when you help somebody. I bet lots of people already would rather believe Santa is real by now. Remember making love? Yeah. Exactly. If you're a millennial, you probably think that's just an euphemism for fucking each others genitalia until the drugs' effects are gone. No. It's a completely different experience in which you get to experience what intimacy is. And it's just like color red. You can't understand it until you see it. Or feel it. So.... Sigh, I know I won't get any support from anybody and that all of this rambling will be just characters lost in cyberspace in about half an hour. But if there's still some resemblance of care in your cold, cold heart; do think of the future generations who will be in a reprehensible heartless world if you don't share the idea around in order to keep it alive so it may get some traction somewhere with somebody somehow. Sex and money are good and all, but if you kill love... I can't bare to think about it. Sigh... Why do I get the feeling everybody thinks I'm just a crazy person, are we at this sick twisted point already? Didn't any of you got to experience the beauty of being free in regards to your impulses as a child? Sigh, it's lonely out here without actual humanity around.

A1fredo 8 Sep 12
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Get a fucking job

I can't. China's virus killed my industry. Do you have an argument, or just don't care about emotions at all? How much is your wife's love worth? Have one at all? Sure all the incels would kill to get one. Oh wait.

@A1fredo You write to see how many words you can put into one message. Nobody but you is impressed.

@parsifal I totally am. Totally complements my hot looks. You didn't either answer my questions nor gave me an argument though. So perhaps you should be looking into putting more words in yours instead of criticizing the wordages of others.

@A1fredo No reason to respond to inane and verbose comments

@parsifal Great rationalization!

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