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very rough draft ive put down in a rush to do so before it had completely vanished from my thoughts..

Would anyone mind looking over, and let me know if what I believe is as a being very profound explanation of how Communism and fascism unintentionally form eachother simultaneously, both sides becoming paranoid with the belief that theyre witnessing what seems like a very strategic plan being played out by their enemy....and tell me they are able to make sense of what Im attempting to say.. lol a little burnt out at the moment and need to wind back down before editing

The mob identifies anyone who takes pride in individuality as a threat, automatically labeling them as a fascist..they fail to realize that by doing so they only force them into a mob of themselves. The dictator of a Communist regime stays hidden within the shadows only to reveal themselves once the opposing mob has been completely destroyed leaving the mob in a neutral like mode, with no understanding of how to survive without first being given a direction to the group as a whole. They are content with whatever commands they are given, aslong as they are acting as a whole, making them seem very drone like, which is what makes them dangerous being that they have a lack of emotion..they're downfall is their inability to take take on any task which takes the least but if skills, causing the commander to drain them of as much as use as the mob will provide

The mob of individuals are led by a charismatic individual like themselves, who unknowingly was likely the trigger that would activate the communist mob which they would soon be aware of who was an enemy in a war which was inevitable from the start.. ...neither side has an agenda they are follow of their own...but they both are acting based on the perceived agenda they have imagined was that of the others

What is seen as a strategically predetermined planned out string of attacks, from the perspective of either side...was in reality just a civilization who unknowing lived together on the same planet, having completely different was of viewing the land they shared becoming instantly apparent as soon as one side to openly express the way they viewed reality

I believe the opposing sides can be explained as Alphas vs Betas
The Betas growing to have a lack of confidence due to the was they were raised, or simply due to unfortunate physical appearance as a group the would dilute themselves down to equalize to almost merge as if they were one

While the confident competitive individuals would go back and forth with one another gradually improving each others athletic abilities, allowing them to experience small levels of adversities and while their individuality became more easily defined, doing so together brought them closer as their connection wasnt based on their similiarites, but on knowing the differences of eachother

DesireNoDesires 7 Sep 14
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I have difficulty distinguishing between fascism and communism... It seems to me that communism is basically fascism, just at an even higher level of evil/stupid... at least in terms of what they do.

Yes, communism has the ultimate goal of going global, but the movement inevitably has to start in one country, and not all countries will be inclined to embrace their vision, so it will inevitably involve conquest, which so far, has never conquered the whole world (thankfully).

Yes, communism seeks to eliminate class divides, but the inevitability of class divides in society combined with communist theories of equity is what ultimately forces communism into totalitarianism. Societies are simply incapable of maintaining equity between people without a dictator to enforce that. A dictator can't control a whole country alone, so they need to create a class of people to forcibly maintain equity among the masses.

In some ways, fascism and communism may be opposites on paper, but they are effectively the same thing... or so it seems to me, anyway...


I dunno. There’s a lot to unpack here, and I don’t think I can do a thorough job. But let me say this. We never heard of communism prior to the mid-19th century when Marx and Engels started promoting it. But it was brutally implemented by Lenin and his mob in1917. We didn’t hear about fascism until after that, when Mussolini and others started promoting it. And fascism was implemented (again brutally) in Italy and Germany in the 1930s by Hitler, and Mussolini and their respective mobs. You can argue that each system came into being as a result of oppression (by the czar and the imposition of the Treaty of Versailles), but the fact is that each system usurped and maintained power by means of a mob mentality. And I think you can also argue that ultimately communism and fascism are not opposite ends of the political spectrum, but simply ruthless, oppressive competitors for power and domination.

I recall hearing Dinesh D'Souza explain fascism as a socialist movement that saw what was happening in Russia and chose a slightly different way to implement the socialist agenda. Mussolini decided it would work better if the government did not take over all industry directly but instead allowed private ownership of industry which the government would coerce and control. Of course, he had to use force as a dictator to accomplish this. So, fascism was born as a sort of hybrid version of socialism. Then Hitler liked what Mussolini was doing and decided to copy it, except that Hitler was also much more focused on wedding it to his views about the supposed superiority of what he called the "Aryan race." Anyway, D'Souza's talk sounded like a pretty good synopsis to me.

@KeithThroop Makes sense. Thanks!

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