6 0

Okay, we know that the greatest minds ever were total eccentrics, and we worship them all day and night; but still keep treating today's eccentrics as if they were crazy. I mean, nothing wrong with being 100 IQ, but come on! Can't you differentiate between a genius and an asshole? And we all still believe in IQ even whe--WTF's wrong with people? Seriously, can't help to think we just don't care, just wanna use what they did for us, but won't bother trying to be fair to the next ones so maybe at least they won't die virgins in love with a bird or something. No wonder they all went coo coox klan.

A1fredo 8 Sep 16
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We should set up a little MENSA group here. We gotta keep each other’s spirit up! It’s boring (and sometimes difficult) living with TALKING MONKEYS!

An unofficial mini Mensa chapter might be interesting. What would the cut off IQ be, 135? 😉
Just kidding! Seriously, if you set up a group let me know, I will definitely sign up.



And Why That Matters

 Chances are very slim that if you are reading this that you are  A descendant of the Semites (the area around what is now Israel). This is proven fact from genetic testing.
   Most Nordic people (and Native Americans, and Sub-Sahara Africans) were Nature worshipping Earth Religions. So let’s just have an AWAKENING: hardly ANY Americans are Sons of Abraham - it’s all a big “Shim Sham” carried on for a couple thousand years!!

  ***But why?  Written law verses spoken tradition*****

     So the Semite was better at documenting their law. Documented laws SEEM more legitimate, but is it really any more legitimate than spoken laws?

So you may ask a VERY REASONABLE question: WHY does it really matter?

And I reply: How can you know your future until you know your past?!

So most people agree - both spiritually and physically, we are at a never crossed point in human history. The earth is at SATURATION. We can not sustain our population (at current consumption). There are no new frontiers (except maybe Antarctica). And what plan does the Abrahamic teaching have for earth and our children? Go forth and multiply? Man is master of all creatures on earth?
What’s special about man ? Because he was created in exact image of God? Was God white? Was he black? Oriental? Didn’t make sense to me the first time I read it as a teenager. As a matter of fact, I saw it as smoke and mirrors.
>>>frankly: Bullshit.

But nonetheless this is why it matters

***What’s really scary about the Zionists: (Biblical Prophesy ists)

   They don’t give a shit about environmentalism or the future of Earth. They believe the Earth is going to be destroyed anyway! And “They” will be swept up to heaven. Fuck the rest of us!!

>>>>>> For Real..... Daaamn! Nice bunch ey? Assholes <<<<<<

 What made more sense to me? 


   Not to me because the smartest people I ever knew were not atheists. Then I studied eastern religions and the old earth religions. No Eternal punishment wrath. No boogey man (you don’t need one if people choose based on the rewards of wisdom). Man doesn’t have domain over any other creature. Earth must be respected. And you have life after death in some fashion.

If you pulled abrahamic law right out of history - almost all the “eastern, Nordic and native religions “ can be malleable enough to morph into one big earth/goddess/multi-deity type religion. No serious dogma. Man is just like any other creature. Things EVOLVE! We are PART of GOD - not withering unworthy sheep

. >>We can effect our future! <<.


We can “make God PROUD “

With the gifts God gave us. People are not born into sin. People pay for what they do right here in this life (Karma). All these earth religions believe in Dualities and Balance. It’s a “circular” universe instead of linear. (Heaven or Hell)

>>>>>. And Pagans could live very peacefully with Atheists. Pagans have no complicated laws and
Dogma. Just like Atheists, pagans feel its “up to us “ to make a nice
Place to live for ourselves. How can atheists not work with us on making this mortal life better?
Also, Pagan s have No waves whatsoever with open sexuality, equality of race and women.

   So, if we shed our fake Abrahamic skin - we could accelerate into the future. We could limit our population. We could feel no guilt in enjoying alternative sexuality and life styles. We could never feel guilty about a bunch of dogma. Genetic engineering could make us reach toward immortality. And we could have one short explanation on what is GOOD and EVIL:

“That which decreases suffering (in magnitude and in numbers) is GOOD.” (U gotta do a lil math)

>>>> EVIL is Vice Versa <<<<

And we don’t need a HELL (that’s the biggest shim sham there ever was). What possible reason would a merciful god have for this? It’s eternal suffering for a mortal crime (life in prison for stealing a candy bar).

And without biblical law - then how do we define HEAVEN?

 Heaven is a place where everyone is so in tune with each other’s needs that MONEY would NOT be NECESSARY! Just ponder that a little. Everyone respects everyone’s needs. It’s life with ONE SPIRIT. That’s not possible with juvenile GREED. But who are the biggest CAPITALISTS? The Christians!

You can feed me all the bullshit you want: I don’t believe Jesus was a hard core Capitalist/Materialist.

   ** if you are a New Age Spirituality:  I believe you cannot be Complacent!   You have to “Fight For Your Right!”   
  >>>. Young people need Spirituality and the traditional church is mortality wounded.  As Glen Beck said - “What will replace the dying Church?!@

I’m not sure what happened, but the script on your Abraham post appears to know no bounds! There are large portions of sentences, I can’t see. Did you cut and paste this from a Notes app, or Word program?

I did cut and paste from word. I dunno?


It is possible to be a crazy, eccentric, genius asshole... That probably describes a lot of geniuses. It's sad that so many of them seem unable to use their ingenuity to figure out how to be more likable. I'm not going to feel obliged to like someone just because I happen to benefit from their invention - I typically use hard currency to trade for products and services.

Native intelligence also does not necessarily equate with wisdom and more than with likableness.


Listen I hate saying it because it never sounds right but I have an IQ of 168 which is way above the human average of 90(george bush jr was the president of the United States and leader of the free world and he had only 94) and I don't have any friends... I am pretty alienated by my family because of the way I think... Sometimes I don't know if my "intelligence" is worth it... You look around and you can't find your equal... Maybe it's better if as a race will get dumber... I don't know... Good day... 🙂

Hey, bro. I feel you. I'm probably not quite as smart, but for some reason, I've had the circumstances that allows me to. So if you ever want to talk of something, that'd be fun. It definitely sucks, doesn't it?

I have about 130 IQ. My wife has a similar IQ. I feel isolated with most everyone except her. She is better at math and I’m better at philosophy and history, etc.
I think democracy is “rule of dumbasses! I mean 100+ IQ is the small minority. So it’s an idiocracy.
I’m curious- do 160 people lean socialistic or capitalistic? I run down the middle. Are you Atheist, Agnostic, or “other”

@SocialDarwin can totally relate to you my wife is the only person that tries to understand me and love me and it's not easy for her... As for your questions I believe a capitalistic society is the only viable option since the invention of paper money or currencies that's not based on precious metals like gold, silver and copper... And as for my beliefs I do think that a creator is surely possible maybe not in a sense of god of course but a super smart alien or spirit or energy of some sort is totally an option maybe even a higher dimensional being who knows... We can of course be an anomaly in this universe who knows... But anyway I don't follow any religion although I was born Jewish and I'm from Israel... I actually believe religions are the source of a lot of evil in this world sadly... Hope this helps... Good day... 🙂

I agree with @MegasYosef, I am reticent to discuss my IQ. (It is 180) People look at me like I just told them the moon is made of veiny green cheese. I was reading at a university level in elementary school. In grade six they told me, if I wanted to, I could join Mensa. My life has not been particularly spectacular. As appears to be the case with the rest of you genii, I am a misunderstood social misfit who feels more at home on the keyboard than face to face. For the longest time I believed myself to be a misanthrope. Over the past few years, I have come to realize, it is not aversion I feel for humanity, rather it is a highly informed sort of empathy.

@SocialDarwin You are so fortunate to have found a wife who understands you, and even more fortunate to realize how lucky you are. Does she have an unattached sister? 😁

In my opinion, both socialism and capitalism are dangerous when taken to the extreme. Taking the best attributes of each and remaining firmly ensconced in the middle is the wisest course.

Is democracy "rule of dumbasses"? I think Robert Heinlein expressed the true nature of democracy best in his superb novel, Glory Road:

"Democracy can’t work. Mathematicians, peasants, and animals, that’s all there is—so democracy, a theory based on the assumption that mathematicians and peasants are equal, can never work. Wisdom is not additive; its maximum is that of the wisest man in a given group."

“But a democratic form of government is okay, as long as it doesn’t work. Any social organization does well enough if it isn’t rigid. The framework doesn’t matter as long as there is enough looseness to permit that one man in a multitude to display his genius. Most so-called social scientists seem to think that organization is everything. It is almost nothing—except when it is a straitjacket. It is the incidence of heroes that counts, not the pattern of zeros.”

And yet, for all of its faults, democracy is the most equitable political system humanity has devised. Hopefully, the imminent global technocracy and rule by AI will be benevolent...

@SocialDarwin, I was an Atheist in my youth. Later, when I realized that atheism required too much faith, I became a devout Agnostic. Later still, I found the fortitude and perspective to dare look beyond society’s rampant anti-spiritual chauvinism: the materialistic cult expressed in music, television, and movies; the educational system lorded over by bigoted, neo-Marxist, Darwinian acolytes intent on proselytizing their amenable charges by forbidding dissent. Isn’t it interesting that this same strategy has become quite popular lately even outside of the classroom and lecture hall? I am now "other", specifically a Christian "other".

I agree with more than Megas on politics. I agree with Mega more on Spirituality

What do u guys do? I work in sales

I have suffered from depression off and on because people around me re so materialistic and selfish

I call my faith “NOT SON Of ABRAHAM “!!
**. I stick true to my Nordic Ancestors belief(Pagan). I think if u removed the Dogmatic Abrahamic faith from the world, all other religions could “mesh”

It seems like People of Jewish background are highly intelligent. I think genetics can’t be denied. I’ve read some Jewish law that makes the Hebrews sound as if they are better than other people? I’m in the Zionism Alert school.
But we really just need to adopt a new age religion. Scrap the bible

@SocialDarwin I don't know if Jewish people as a whole are better in any way than other people also the Jewish fate is a religion so I don't know if there is actually a biological impact... I am for instance is what's known as a Sephardic Jew my ancestors came from Spain and we were banished from there to arab nations... My father is Moroccan and my mother is Iraqi... We have no relations what so ever to Islam and all of our generations have been Jewish... The majority of Jewish people in the US for instance are Ashkenazi Jew which come mostly from Europe... So our biological ancestors are varied... Maybe that's the source of our intellect the diversity of races in our genes... But I think it comes down to the fact that most Jewish people I know are better than average in solving problems... And solving problems is highly appreciated and regarded in human western society... And as for your question of what I do in life for the last 9 years I used to work as a coffee machines technician for a international conglomerate... Lost my job like 2 months ago and am now unemployed... It's a nice change as I was working without a break since I was 16 years old... I'm 32 now... I'm taking this year off and collecting unemployment benefits... Good day... 🙂

@WorldSigh Beautiful quote on democracy which is absolutely true... Mathematicians and peasants are equal... Story of my life man... Gonna tattoo that across my chest... Good day... 🙂

Good luck with a new job

@SocialDarwin Thank you appreciate it... Good day... 🙂


Have you heard about the lonely man with the 200 IQ?

It seems this fellow was not able to communicate with people of average intelligence. Sadly, this left him bereft of companionship. Women could not understand him. He had no friends capable of comprehending his ideas. He could no longer deal with the chronic loneliness and was seriously contemplating suicide.

Fortunately, a research scientist he knew from university had just invented a machine that was theoretically capable of lowering IQs. The device looked quite similar to a TV set 😉 with headphones. The disconsolate genius begged the researcher to test the machine on him. He agreed, reasoning that a mind with a 200 IQ could bear the loss of 10 or 20 points.

The scientist sat his subject in front of the device. Carefully seated the headphones, and threw the switch. A small wall mounted gauge gave an IQ readout of 200. Slowly, the number fell to 199, 198, 197... At this point, the researcher’s phone buzzed indicating a text message from his girlfriend. As he was typing away on his phone, the scientist forgot to keep track of his experiment. After several minutes had passed, he realized his mistake. He dashed across the room and tore the headphones from the head of the erstwhile genius.
The wall mounted gauge read IQ = 42...

Certain that he had effectively lobotomized his unfortunate test subject, the scientist fell on his knees before the still seated man: "Are you all right?!" To which the fellow calmly replied: "Orange man bad... orange man bad... orange man bad..."

Jesus, man. You've seriously have too much time on your hands xD lol That was fun


If my IQ was 100 I would be a bit worried.


There truly isn't' anything wrong with that. Not that you do, but if you did. Or anybody else.

Perhaps, if you cut down on social media for few weeks, you may be able to get it back up to 100? 😉

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