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And the mainstream republicans still can not help but show their true socialist colors....even when some opportunistic mutt like Lindsey Graham has enough sense to know which side his bread is buttered on there are those who can't hide who they honestly work for...


KCSantiago 8 Sep 20
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“Please follow your conscience,” Biden said in a speech in Philadelphia. “Don't vote to confirm anyone nominated under the circumstances President Trump and Senator McConnell have created.

  1. Trump and McConnell did not create the circumstances - they did not kill RBG
  2. Joe, senators don't need you to tell them what their consciences say

Then there is the fact that each of the senators took an oath to adhere to and uphold the Constitution, which pretty clearly states what is supposed to happen in this situation.

"He [the President] shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law." (Article 2. Section 2)

There you have it. the President "shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... judges of the Supreme Court." There is nothing there about either the President or the senate having to follow any particular time table with respect to anything, including elections. The notion that there should be some extra-Constitutional "rule" they should have to follow is ridiculous.


Republicans are socialist?? What the hell kind of koolaide are you drinking?? The only socialists I know of are the dumocrats.

Dmwils Level 7 Sep 20, 2020

There are plenty, and they tend to be those who have stayed in office the past 30-50 years. John McCain, Lindsey Graham when he has friends that back him, and the actually accomplishments of the GOP over the past 40 years show they have not actually fought and ended any of the socialist programs the democrats have put in place even though they get in front of the cameras and talk a lot. Like when they had just enough republicans support O-bomb-a's healthcare act republicans ran in the next election with all kinds of promises to repeal O-bomb-a-care, then as election day got closer it became "repeal and replace" as in just put in their own version of socialized medicine, and once they were in office it was, "Well maybe later we have more important things to focus". There were some useless legal actions filed against O-bomb-acare but they were all meant to waste money while making it look like the GOP meant what they said, and the real icing on that cake was that Bush's appointment ot the Court, which was hailed as a great conservative victory, Roberts put the final nail in the coffin of repealing O-bomb-care. Perhaps you should try checking your koolaid as you obviously have not realized what has been going on the past 40s in this country with republican complicity allowing socialists to forever gain more and more ground. This does not even cover how every republican administration has enlarged not only government intrusion into our lives, but the national debt, and the now endless warfare they got us in that has created a debt the world has never seen before. Seriously, do you think McCain was some kind of true Christian conservative war hero? Because if you are honestly that lost please do not bother commenting on my posts any more

I bet you voted for McCain back in 2008 didn't you? He was a war hero, if he got elected the democrats would never be able to do the damage O-bomb-a would do in office. Didn't matter to you that McCain twice tried switching parties to become a democrat and the only reason he didn't was because he would never get elected in that district again. Didn't matter that his whole political career he aided and abetted the democrats with every socialist policy they put in place. You just voted for him because he had that R next to his name and you will NEVER call out your own party for their socialist tendencies, and assistance. Would matter to if if his time in the NVA POW camp was spent saving his own ass at the cost of untold casualties in the ranks of his U. S. comrades as he fed the NVA little bits of intel at a time so he could get all the medical help he needed? Or that maybe he even aided them simply because he agreed with the socialist ideals they were fighting for?

The democrats started the Vietnam "Police Action" (that is double speak for illegal war). But it was Nixon that expanded the war into Laos and Cambodia. Thailand would have been on that list, but they were favorable to U. S. interventionism. He did this on advice from the CIA who wanted to take control of the opiate trade out of the Golden Triangle. They had started making millions off the books transporting opiate products out of Vietnam into the U. S. That market was cut off to them when we pulled out of Vietnam, but they were not down long on their illegal operations because they moved to Columbia, and started running cocaine into the U. S. Right after they got started there crack cocaine became the drug of choice in American cities thanks to the CIA. If you care about the truth instead of just blindly towing the party line read up on the work of Gary Webb. Here's a start []. The movie Kill The Messenger is a good watch for information. Convenient that Nixon also started the War on Drugs so prices for the products the CIA sold got jacked up, not at all coincidental though.

For years Afghanistan was the number one supplier of opiate products to the world. After Russia exited Afghanistan in the 1980s and the Taliban (the same Taliban Ronald Reagan claimed were the moral equivalents to this country's founding fathers) virtually destroyed opiate production there. Then along comes Bush. A couple of years after his infamous celebration for alleged victory in Afghanistan, under the watchful eye of U.S. and allied troops, it was once again back to the number one spot. The MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner on the air craft carrier behind Bush was not about the war, obviously as we are still fighting that war, it was more about all the billions the CIA would bring in for illegal operations with no Senate over sight and interference. Your tax dollars helped bring that opiate based economy back as this country, under your republican president, financed the sowing of new fields, operations for making the finished products, and the U. S. military has been helping protect and transport those products around the world for the CIA. Your republican party got all that put in place. A little secret, Soros is not funding all these attacks on our country through antifa, and BLM like the republicans say. The CIA has a big hand in that thanks to your republican president setting up their illegal financing through illegal wars. Yet democrats have NEVER complained about any of this. One should wonder why? Could it be because the top levels of both parties are at the very least, working together? Hhmmm...maybe, just maybe the billionaires that control the DNC are the same folks that control the GOP. That would certainly explain why the republicans have never been able to effectively stop any socialist programs the democrats put in place, and why, for all their complaining, the democrats never bothered to end the wars O-bomb-a was elected to end.

You hate democrats for their Dream Act under O-bomb-a allowing illegals to became citizens, but will not hold your republican president Ronald Reagan for getting amnesty for illegals started, or Bush and his GOP comrades that tried three times to pass a much larger amnesty for illegal program than what Reagan gave us. You won't hesitate to point fingers at the democrats over a crate of cash sent to Iran but wash over Reagan's Iran-Contra scandal that funneled far more money there and in direct violation his administration set up and forced NATO allies into complying with under threat of sever penalties against them for violating, yet never suffered any penalties for violating.

Over and over for the past 50 years GOP standard bearers like yourself will scram and rant and gnash your teeth because the democrats did this, or they did that. When it is pointed out your own party reps did the EXACT SAME THING before that, and after that you make up excuses, you white wash what republicans did, or you make personal attacks. Accuse folks like myself of drinking koolaid, or smoking too much dope. My favorite is accusing us of being some kind of long standing sleep cell cell that has been activated to talk people way from the republican party by telling you THE TRUTH!!! It is especially humorous and ironic having some right wingnut of the republican party accusing me of smoking too much pot when they are in an alcohol fueld rant online and do not like the truths I shared.

If "drinking the koolaid" has what helped me face the truth then perhaps you should try some yourself.

@KCSantiago you mean songbird McCain? Nope didn't vote for him. As for liberal ramblings you've got them down pat. Now here's the important part..what have YOU done to stop the march of socialism into this country.

@Dmwils And you have just proved my point. But one thing I do not do is vote for an socialist evil simply because it has an R next to it's name or because it just is not as evil as the other guy. SO do tell in the 2008 preisdential election if you did not vote for McCain did you vote for O-bomb-a, third party or simply not vote at all. Personally I voted Constitution Party across the board having decided not to waste another for a republican because it is obvious to me there are no real differences between the two parties when it comes down to what they force on the American people. That is one thing I have done to stop socialism, not a big thing but how does that compare to what you have done?

@Dmwils I also noticed you did not actually refute any points I gave in my commentary you just pulled a simple typical move by the likes of an antifa member when presented with ideas they do not like and launched right into an ad hominem attack. You don't don masks and run the streets tearing up other people's stuff on weekends do you?

@KCSantiago i don't refute anyone's points.if you ent to believe in your ramblings that's fine. As for who did I vote for in 2008? No one Sir I was at my late husband beside in hospice. I think we've cometo the point in our lives we are intelligent enough not to argue with everyone all the time. Good night KC

@Dmwils So just fly by ad hominem attacks with no substance. Way to stand up for what you believe.....

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