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Am I the only one that is wondering why there are so many "NEW" CV-19 cases turning up in Washington DC????
These cases seem to be centered around the White House and the Halls of Congress!!!!
I am no expert, but I would think that these areas would have the highest/tightest screening protocols in place, as anywhere in the the country!!!
So, of all areas, why would Washington DC have so many NEW cases???
It seems that Republican Senators are having a disproportionate number of new cases!!!
Could this have anything with the upcoming hearings to pick a new Supreme court Justice, not to mention so many other issues that need attention to get this Country back up and running??????????

Serg97 8 Oct 5
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I'm not sure. There've been WH cases here and there this year. This October spread seems to stem from Hope Hicks? It's hard to say for sure with the limited information so far. I find it hard to believe it's a simple negligence issue or left wing conspiracy, though. I've been putting together some October cases.

GOP Positive COVID-19


Updated Oct 3, 2020 at 3:24pm

Trump & Several Senators Have Tested Positive for COVID-19

  • President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump
    At nearly 1 a.m. Eastern time on October 2

  • Utah Senator Mike Lee. Politico reported that Lee tested positive for the disease on October 1

  • North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis. In an October 2 statement, Tillis announced that he had contracted coronavirus.

  • Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. In a tweet, Christie announced on October 3 that he had contracted coronavirus.

  • Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Johnson had tested positive for coronavirus on October 3.

  • Hope Hicks. The former communications director and a current adviser to Trump, tested positive for coronavirus on October 1.

  • Ronna Romney McDaniels. The chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, tested positive for coronavirus on October 2.

  • Kellyanne Conway. The former advisor to Trump, announced that she had tested positive for coronavirus on October 2.



Republican all, interesting!!!!


That is true. Covid 19 has become just another hazard of living. Glad you are still around.



This is about the "Arrows in our quiver" that Pelosi was talking about, not sure if the Truth will ever come out but this is far too much of a convenient coincidence, these Dems are evil and will stop at nothing to get their way.

@TheMiddleWay Typical leftist comment. Snarky and unsubstantive.

@CANADIANIMAL You left out , "STUPID"!!!!!!!

@TheMiddleWay The Dems bailing rioters out of prison and supporting riots and violence show that the severity is far less than the narrative they are pushing, that is why there are no massive outbreaks in these Dem controlled, human waste fouled cities. Many of these republicans that contracted it were mask wearers so how did they get it? I would say one of those arrows in the queen snakes quiver was used.

@TheMiddleWay First off, Trump has made a full recovery and is leaving the hospital now. Secondly, it is being said that a nurse that administered the tests did so with covid infected swabs. There will be plenty to hear coming up. Intentionally infecting a sitting president with a 'killer virus' would be considered an assassination attempt. What is the charge for that? I hope they pin this person for it and they get the full extent of the law. The Intolerant left need to feel the full weight of the repercussions of their actions for a change.

@TheMiddleWay You will see in the coming days.

@TheMiddleWay Super informative post.


It seems to have been linked to the Barrett nomination event, where there were many Republicans celebrating and embracing in close quarters without masks. It easily spread among a group of people willfully ignoring precautions and denying the science for political purpose. I'm surprised Trump and his inner circle didn't get it sooner with how careless they were, but that is a topic for a different time.

I am not sure what you are insinuating with your query. Do you think the Democrats engaged in chemical warfare and intentionally gave it to Republicans to delay the court hearings and upend the election?

No, I think your antenna is clogged up with.

Do you actually believe that ANYONE allowed into these political gatherings are not THOROUGHLY SCREENED before they are allowed in??????
Why would you think that I would insinuate any skulduggery from the Democrats????
Could it have anything to do with what the DEMs have been trying to do since before the 2016 election????
If you have a reasonable explanation for the number of new CV-19 cases that would answer my questions, I am all ears!!!!! Given the screening methods used, "NO Mask" doesn't cover what is happening!!!

@TheMiddleWay From what the Media puts out, Trump is tested daily!!!!

@Serg97 I already provided my explanation. Did you know you can test negative and be asymptomatic while still being a carrier? That is what happened with Hicks - she was contagious before she tested positive. And all it takes it one spreader at a packed event to give it to everyone.

@TheMiddleWay Did you note, I said, " From what the Media puts out"!!!
But then, why wouldn't TRUMP be tested frequently??
PS: the lady I sleep with every night, has much more education and experience in the medical field than you, and she thinks your comments are at best, misinformed!!!!


It seems that Covid is just doing what it does. It's not going to disappear to any extent until there is a vaccine which not everyone will take anyway. People have Covid fatigue. They are tired of sheltering and have gotten lax about protocols to prevent the spread.

Bottom line, we are not going to survive this life!!!!
I have lived through over a dozen epidemics/pandemics, lung cancer, aortic valve replacement, 25 plus years in Law Enforcement (over 5 years undercover narcotics), volcanic eruption, earthquakes and raising five daughters!!!! And, I just got home from the hospital yesterday (CV-19)!!!!
Not much scares me, I trust my GOD!!! He has a plan for me, as he does for each of us!!!!

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