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Peace with the other side

“We should always seek to compromise” say many people who want peace. However, is compromise always a virtuous choice? I will prove that while compromise has its place, at times it can be the enemy of all. There is a much better choice called synergy.

First, let’s address synergy. Synergy, also called “win-win”, is a strategy that focuses on commonalities among all principal parties. The way ahead is built based upon critical common ground. This should be the starting point to negotiate lasting peace.

Compromise is a strategy that focuses on the issues that separate the parties. This is a more convoluted strategy that can be characterized as “lose-lose”. This strategy has its place as well, but only if the differences at issue are honestly and accurately prioritized and if both sides are willing to make concessions. As a strategy, it requires concessions to be made on both sides; concessions where the least strongly held issues are surrendered first in exchange for the adversary’s concession of the first party’s higher priority issue. It requires that there are some (if not all) issues that are not as important to one party as they are to the other. This strategy has many weaknesses (e.g. requires honestly weighted/prioritized differences; requires adversaries’ willingness to surrender sufficiently high priorities; requires both sides to feel that their adversary has suffered sufficient loss in comparison to their own loss; etc...)

Defined in this way, it becomes clear that synergy should always be sought before compromise. Synergy allows more transparency and makes some degree of success more likely. These successes can be built upon. After achieving an acceptable level of success using the strategy of “synergy first”, it MAY be necessary and even advantageous to use the secondary strategy of compromise in order to solidify a lasting peace.

I could give examples when the different strategies should or shouldn’t be used, but that is a topic for later discussion.

Daveclark5 8 Oct 10
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Over the decades conservatives and Christians have just about compromised themselves out of existence.


#Balkanization is the answer. #PeacefulPartion ✌🕊☮

As long as those states we turn over to them, have NO natural resources ( LIBs claim they have No use for them), no access to shipping lanes, (they don't want to make anything, so why ship?) or any of the things it takes to make a productive society!!!
Of course, the old " You Don't Work, You Don't Eat" thing comes up!!!!!!

@Serg97 Oh, don't worry. They'll fuck it up in less than 30 and we'll get all that back.

@ZuzecaSape But then WE get to cleanup the mess!!!!

@Serg97 I'd rather clean it up than pay for its welfare.


The problem is not so much with compromise itself. The real problem is people do not understand the definition of the word. Compromise means both sides give a little to get a little. Today compromise means one side screams and rants, protests, and riots until the other makes a "compromise" by giving them exactly what they want while they give nothing in return, but only go on to the next thing they want a "compromise" on.


I agree. Synergy would be best, but off course America has passed that point. As for as compromise goes, no one is really forcing the fanatics on the left to negotiating table. They keep asking for more absurd demands and in the more and more aggressive way and they keep getting them. Why would they stop?

Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.
—George Santayana (1863–1952)

From "we want equality" to "we want to burn Western civilization", they say. This is religious fundamentalism, terrorist style. How do you shake hands with clench fist? Curious what kind of compromise you had in mind?

I was actually not advocating for compromise. I was advocating for synergy. An example of the type of synergy in the context liberals vs.conservatives in congress would be the aid package they seem unable to negotiate.
It seems clear that the easy thing to do is to start with the “low hanging fruit” of common desires. Both sides say they want all citizens to get a check to help them get through the shutdown of the country where they are not allowed to work. However, they say they won’t agree on this until they get their own “Pork” in the deal. (Tit for tat). Politics as usual means, “let’s compromise; you let me attach my graft and I’ll let you attach your graft and then we’ll allow the taxpayers to have their pittance”. They both want to say, “the other side is holding up the pittance we wanted to give you”.

A synergistic approach would be to agree upon common priorities they say they hold (i.e. another government check for everybody of how ever much money they can agree on as a minimum). This way they can succeed at delivering piecemeal help for those they purport to represent.

Personally, I’d rather see them both lose than see them both win. However, I understand many people are suffering. This method, if properly publicized, also exposes what kind of graft is holding up the success and ça place the blame where it belongs and pressure the greedy to be more reasonable.

The problem is that neither synergy nor compromise will bring peace with those who only want war. (e.g. BLM, ANTIFA, Congress, lying politicians in general, etc). The value of the strategy of synergy is that it makes more clear when one party really doesn’t seek peace and is only pretending they want what is fair. Then the strategy can move logically to methods that compel compliance with reason.

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