3 8

No solutions from Democrats, only meta-solutions, like knocking over the chessboard, or shooting the referee... or stacking the Supreme Court, or making DC a state. Or, their Holy Grail—get rid of the Electoral College because, you know, Hillary really won, and it’s unfair and reasons and stuff.

Adam Schiff is the latest Constitutional scholar to hitch a ride on this train and he shows the same depth of knowledge as when he found “obstruction of Congress” to be a high crime and misdemeanor, or saw evidence of Trump collusion with Russia when all his secret witnesses claimed otherwise.

The arithmetic is simple enough that a millennial steeped in Common Core math could work it out. Hillary won the national popular vote by 3,000,000 votes. No contest there. We all saw the results on election night, 2016. But less publicized is that she won California alone by 4,000,000 votes. That means Trump won the rest of the country, including New York, New Jersey and all the other blue bastions, by 1,000,000 votes.

That’s “the rest of the country.” That’s every place that’s not California.

That’s why the Schiffs, the Pelosis and the Schumers among us want to change the rules of the game, or just destroy the game altogether. They can’t stand the fact that the rest of the country, including all those Deplorables, have a voice. They can’t stand the fact that, despite their bleating, we’re not a democracy and the mob rule they’re striving to install is held at bay by nothing more than that flimsy piece of parchment all those “white landowners and slave holders” devised two and a half centuries ago. And the cornerstone of that bulwark is the “creaky, out-dated, overly complex, unfair, and, yes, racist” Electoral College.

It’s all there is. When they talk of getting rid of it, what they’re really saying is they want to take a match to that flimsy piece of parchment. After that, it’s full-speed ahead to “Liberté égalité fraternité,” the democracy of the mob and guillotines in the town square.

What would be left to stop them?

Edgework 8 Oct 11
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Here is one of the REALLY scary things of "OUR MODERN" education system!!!
I have twin granddaughters, who completed their AA degrees when/as they graduated from Public High School!!! Smart kids, here is the problem, they CAN NOT read the United States Constitution as written!!!
Someone has to interpret for them!!! They can not read cursive, as the Constitution was written!!!
This may not be an immediate problem for this generation, but when does it become a "Problem" ?????
"Civics" is no longer a required or even an optional class in most high schools!!!
And, from most of the teachers I have tried to have a discussion with, on the subject, I get blank stares!!!
(Damn, it is good to be old)!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Oct 11, 2020

It has always been thus, they just stopped trying to hide it. What the party leadership seems to have cognitive dissonance over is that a substantial part of their base thinks they should "get the bullet" same as conservatives.

wolfhnd Level 8 Oct 11, 2020


If revolutionary extremists or democrats get the power they will also get access to largest military in the world. That mens they will do what we saw in French Revolution. Not only socialism and class divided, but because France was in bad shape economically, they were nationalistic as well, declaring war to rest of Europe, in attempt to divert from problems at home and to fill in their treasury from war booty. From it off course , Napoleon rose to power. I don't know if it would be the same, but I'm pretty sure if Kamala and rest of them get to power, they will find someone to fight somewhere for some reason. Someone will be violating "human rights" and military force must be used. This can than distract from problems at home , at least temporally and can keep the remaining swamp rats happy with their military industrial complex that Trump is threating. Lot of people in D.C. don't want that to end. And if by some revolution the BLM gets to power than nothing is off the table. From domestic excitations and prosecutions to declaring actual war to some foreign country.

Not looking good. Trump better win and Americans that are not Marxist better start getting ready to stop watching Netflix and start reading history books to know they can't play dumb and think this will go away.

I think the win has to be decisive win. 2018 they were finding votes in runoff elections weeks after. This will be bigger.

@Penrodster Sure, although I don't see it being just a win for Trump and that is it. Democrats and BLM/Antifa will contest it and try to play every dirty game they can. They are hell bent of getting the seat of power and they control so much already, so official win for Trump is just beginning for America. Than the whole other episodes of subversion, riots and cheating and discrimination starts. There is no democracy in America. Democracy only works if both sides accept the results of election. Which has not happened. There are at least two Americas pretending to be one.

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