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Britain Tories (Boris Johnson) officially bend the knee to BLM, by pushing new coins... Diversity Built Britain 🙄

....and also support same globalist agenda as the Biden's, namely "Build Back Better" campaign.

“Build Back Better”: Biden Rips Off Orwellian UN Slogan

With the new “Build Back Better” campaign slogan, 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden has been caught plagiarizing yet again. However, compounding the seriousness of this “faux pas,” this particular instance of plagiarism, which was ripped off from the United Nations, has enormous implications for the American people and their liberties.

The slogan is now a catch-all phrase to push every Deep State policy prescription ranging from globalism and Big Government to “climate” schemes and “sustainable development” that would crush whole sectors of the economy. It goes hand in hand with the UN-backed “Great Reset” and the totalitarian “Green New Deal.”

Perhaps hoping nobody but globalists and Deep State bigwigs would notice the obvious connection, the former vice-president’s campaign for president has been touting its “Build Back Better” scheme all over its website and beyond for weeks. However, there was no mention of the UN’s own “Build Back Better” scheme upon which it seems to be based — and that is not surprising, since American voters would likely be horrified. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is using the same phrase, too, as are authorities in Canada and multiple other nations. The World Economic Forum, which is pushing the “Great Reset” alongside the UN and the IMF, is also peddling “Build Back Better” as a slogan to “reinvent capitalism.”

In all cases reviewed by The New American magazine, the goal of the “Build Back Better” campaigns is to promote a “rebuild” of society or different elements of it based on progressive, globalist values in response to some sort of crisis. Originally, it was about “building back” in a UN-desired way after natural disasters. But COVID19 did not destroy any buildings or infrastructure. Now, then, the phrase is being applied to rebuilding the economy and governance — and hence, the framework of society — following the economic devastation wrought by governments over coronavirus hysteria and other ongoing crises. It appears to have much in common with the radical Green New Deal promoted by communists in the United States and other nations.

First approved by the UN General Assembly in 2015, the UN’s “Build Back Better” machinations were originally promoted by the Japanese government as part of the UN “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.” Among other points, the UN scheme called for building better infrastructure following disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. However, the plan was openly globalist in nature, also promoting “international cooperation” as well as “psycho-social support and mental health services” amid the aftermath of disasters. Before the UN adopted it, Bill Clinton used the slogan in 2006 while serving as UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery.

Today, the UN’s use of the phrase has now morphed into something much broader, with the UN peddling the “Build Back Better” concept across a wide array of policies. In line with the UN, national governments and even the Democrat presidential candidate are using the slogan as cover for restructuring their societies and nations following the devastation unleashed by government responses to COVID19, as well as the Deep State-backed riots that plagued Democrat-controlled American cities in recent months.

“Make no mistake: America has been knocked down,” Biden’s campaign website says, pointing to massive unemployment and destruction of businesses amid coronavirus lockdowns (ironically engineered mostly by totalitarian-minded Democrat mayors and governors). “And, Black and Latino Americans, Native Americans, immigrants, and women have never been welcomed as full participants in the economy.”

The chaos and destruction now offers a perfect opportunity to “Build Back Better,” the campaign explains on its website. “Biden believes this is no time to just build back to the way things were before, with the old economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities still in place,” the campaign states online, again echoing the UN in terms of strategy. “This is the moment to imagine and build a new American economy for our families and the next generation.”

Among the key policy prescriptions offered by Biden’s handlers as part of the “Build Back Better” scheme are massive wealth redistribution schemes. Basically, the federal government would seize more money from taxpayers (or steal it surreptitiously by printing it, thereby diminishing the purchasing power of the dollar) to hand out to those same Americans, corporations, state and local governments, and others. Of course, Congress is actually responsible for all appropriations, but the Biden campaign never mentioned that complication.

The Biden campaign’s “Build Back Better” schemes also called for creating a “Public Health Jobs Corps” that would supposedly “fight the pandemic.” While the campaign was short on details about this massive new “corps,” presumably this would including hiring massive numbers of snoops for Orwellian “contact tracing” programs that have been backed by George Soros, Bill Gates, the Clintons, various socialist schemers, and other insiders. Biden’s campaign wants to create a New Deal-style “Environmental Conservation Corps,” too.

Biden will also “mobilize the American people in service of four bold, national efforts” outlined on the site. These schemes include boosting “sustainable” projects, helping Big Labor bosses acquire more dues-paying union members, handing out more corporate welfare, fighting the supposed “climate crisis,” having government take more responsibility over the raising of children under the guise of easing the “burden” on parents (and especially mothers), and much more. All of this will be paid for with higher taxes, Biden’s campaign admitted. The “climate” schemes alone would cost $2 trillion over his first term.

Finally, the “Build Back Better” plan seeks to “mobilize across the board” to fight against what the Biden camp called the “systemic racism” of America — the nation that literally elected his half-black former boss to the highest office in the land, twice. This mobilization against racism would include federal wealth transfers from Americans with lighter skin tones to those with darker skin tones, federal funding for “entrepreneurs” with the correct skin color, police and “criminal justice reform,” and much more.

Nowhere does Biden give credit to the UN for the “Build Back Better” slogan, despite its well-documented origins. But this is no surprise. In 1988, the New York Times reported that Biden “quit the 1988 presidential race in the face of accusations that he had plagiarized part of a speech from Neil Kinnock, the British Labor Party leader at the time.” Incidentally, the same Times reporters also noted that Biden “was found to have suffered two aneurysms” shortly after withdrawing. According to media reports, Biden also plagiarized while in law school, and even stole material from a Bobby Kennedy speech. The media has remained largely silent.

Of course, it is not just Biden or Democrats who are hopping in bed with the UN to re-build society based on new values while using UN slogans to market the schemes. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is also leading the way. “If we are to defeat COVID19, achieve a global recovery, and avoid a future pandemic, we must work together across borders,” he said. “Our national efforts will count for little unless they are fortified by international cooperation…. Once we move beyond the emergency phase, we owe it to future generations to Build Back Better.” Building back better, according to Johnson, means enforcing a “fairer, greener and more resilient global economy.”

Not everybody is buying the catchy but Orwellian slogans, though. In May of 2020, the brilliant British commentator and climate-hysteria-destroyer James Delingpole argued that the Build Back Better terminology was merely the latest “code phrase” for “green global tyranny.” Pointing to the slogan as employed by Johnson and the UN, Delingpole explained in Breitbart that “what it actually means is more world government, more green taxes and regulation, more expensive energy, more identity politics, more corporatism — and, of course, less freedom and entrepreneurialism.”

Delingpole is right. And the U.K. “Build Back Better” campaign, backed by a dizzying array of fringe left-wing and environmental extremist groups, was literally initiated by “Green New Deal UK.” As Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore explained to The New American, the Green New Deal is a “recipe for mass suicide” that, if implemented, would decimate humanity and the natural environment.

Deep State Insider Mark Carney, former head of the U.K. and Canadian central banks and a Bilderberg attendee, has also been peddling the “Build Back Better” scheme. Speaking of the ongoing economic devastation, Carney said the “sustainable” so-called “new economy” that is emerging will require a “massive re-allocation of capital.” The former Goldman Sachs banker suggested who industries would be wiped out as part of this transformation.

“Every financial decision will have to take climate change into account,” he said, adding that Big Government would force these dramatic changes under the guise of stopping supposed man-made “climate change.”

Building on that, Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and the radical left-wing administration of Justin Trudeau are promising to “Build Back Better” in Canada. Even the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is urging nations to adopt “Build Back Better” as a tool for achieving a more “sustainable” future after COVID19.

While plagiarism is bad, that particular Biden scandal pales in comparison with the devastation to freedom and prosperity that would result from allowing him to implement the plagiarized UN-OECD-WEF-globalist-Deep State plan to “Build Back Better” and use a “Great Reset” to transform life on the planet. Biden, who recently boasted of working for Council on Foreign Relations boss Richard Haass, should acknowledge where he gets his dangerous ideas and slogans from. But more importantly, he should either respect the oath he took to the U.S. Constitution, work to amend it using constitutional procedures, or withdraw from politics completely.


Krunoslav 9 Oct 19
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If diversity is a synonym for integration, I have no problem with that.
I would like to think that the definition of integration is a model of governing cohesion and diversity by which all the members of the community can have full access to the opportunities, rights and services available and can be represented in all social processes. Idealistic, I know, but still. 🙂

Naomi Level 8 Oct 19, 2020

Diversity off course its not synonym for integration, but rather euphemism for forced multiculturalism. And how that is going , it was pretty obvious in France few days ago, where young radicalized Muslim beheaded professor in school for showing kids Muhammad cartoon. Or the other Islamist who was stabbing people on the London Bridge not long ago, and many many more incidents so numerous across the multicultural EU that is no longer even news. Just statistics. Its suicide. And Boris and the rest of the spinless hypocrites are killing their own country for the sake of their own pockets.

Various groups don't want to be part of culture of Britain, they want to economic benefits, so they segregate themselves. And others, like Islamists want to set up Sharia Law. And in the case of Pakistani Grooming Gangs, or violence across the Sweden, which is not epicenter of rapes in Europe, even crazy lefty politicians are admitting its a complete failure. But by all means lets leave it to Boris to solve all problems.

Meanwhile the actual native British are err..... racist of course if they don't want their daughter raped or son stabbed. Or their children brainwashed into Critical Race Theory in schools.

Multiculturalism is Going Great

The Woke Control the Language of the Left

@Krunoslav I don't deny those aspects of British society you mention, but I do not wish to put them into a pigeonhole either. You say "Various groups don't want to be part of culture of Britain, they want to economic benefits, so they segregate themselves." That is a heck of generalisation. It is simply not the case as a whole country; I do not recognise it in my town although my town consists of residents from various countries and regions. I myself am a non-Western (legal) immigrant. So far, in my town, foreign residents are integrated in their neighbourhoods. We have no ghettos or the like.

@Naomi We could go by the numbers if you like and talk about all the reasons why I am stereotyping, but the bottom line is that government has adopted policies just like in Germany and in France and in Scandinavia and in Italy, and In Ireland and Scotland, that are suicide to individual nations.

The people who moved from Eastern Europe were going to Western Europe for job opportunity and sending money back home or buying stuff they could not if working in their Country. Just check Romania and UK story and see what happened.

Real problem came about in 2015 when Merkel let a million people into the EU who were not by and large there to adopt to culture and many could not. Maybe you remember the mass harassment, crime, rape and terrorist attacked that followed but were tried to covered up. Since than human trafficking has been established across Europe. Its more lucrative than drugs almost.

As for generalization, hmm here is a "useful idiot" lefty in Britain who tried to make a case that yes there are problems but we can work it out,..... Channel 4 - Things We Won't Say About Race That Are True (2015)... that was in 2015. Since than when he tried to speak up about the problems, they had him canceled.

You can see how certain people in London self segregate in the video and this is long known for other cities. Little Italy, China Town, Irish Quarter etc.

Trevor Phillips confronts some uncomfortable truths about racial stereotypes, as he asks if attempts to improve equality have led to serious unwanted negative consequences.

The truth is that when you leave people do decided for themselves what they want to do, they segregate themselves. Like consorts more readily with like. People are tribal and if there is nothing but fight for resources that bonds them together, than all you will see is competition for the same resources. Each race and ethic or religious group will segregate themselves from others. When they are all in the same space, competing for same resources and that is the only thing they have in common, expect tension and eventually violence. The idea of "equality" is utopian ideal that cannot be practically enforced and the idea of multiculturalism working as single culture is an oxymoron.

"Diversity" is not a magical word that means harmony, what it means is that borders existed for the fact the people were and are diverse and that even if you forcefully put all people in the same group they will group themselves into tribes. Just look at prisons. The only diverse thing about it is that all manner of people are put in same space, but if you look closely you will see they all have their tribe they prefer.

I think that in the upcoming years the main divide between people of the world will be that of globalism vs nationalism. And it seems that is where the tensions are pointing out.

Those who think globalism is good are those who either benefit financially like business or politicians who are virtue signaling. In short term immigrants also benefit. But in the long run people segregate themselves. It is unavoidable.

Even large religious organizations have split apart first in two major groups like form example, protestant reformation.

It split the religion into two groups and later into smaller groups. If one religion could not keep people together, why would anyone thing that multiple often opposing religious groups, ethnic groups would stop endless centuries of differences and be one big happy family. Its a nice idea. The end. Reality it is not.

You can unite people on values that are not superficially determinant. War and natural disasters are example of times where people work together for common good or against common enemy. But there must be something that binds people, something deeper that superficial characteristics like color of skin. And I don't think that is driving force behind globalism in politics.

“If your political theory requires humanity to "evolve", then you do not have a theory.... you have a dream.”
― A.E. Samaan

@Naomi Illegal Immigrants are Invading England.

Here are "refugees" discarding their own credit cards into the sea as they cross the English Channel because that way they can get more than your local in benefits.

@Naomi What you can get as an illegal immigrant in the UK - even if you are rejected

I think I'm pretty ok with generalization of the issue, because it is a quite general issue. Its not a random individual , its the policy of the EU.

I could go on and on and on give you endless examples of this problem, but I think its pretty obvious at this point as was always obvious that forced multiculturalism does not work. Its a globalist Marxist agenda not a way to run a country.

“Prosperous non-white nations such as Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea would be very desirable destinations for Third-World immigrants, and if those countries opened their borders, they would quickly be filled with foreigners. They keep their borders closed because they know they cannot have the same Japan or Taiwan with different people. Israel, likewise, is determined to remain a Jewish state because Israelis know they cannot have the same Israel with different people. In 2010, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved tough measures to deport illegal immigrants, calling them a “threat to the character of the country.”

Linguistically, culturally, and racially, Japan is homogeneous. This means Japanese never even think about a host of problems that torment Americans. Since Japan has only one race, no one worries about racism. There was no civil rights movement, no integration struggle, and no court-ordered busing. There is no bilingual education, and no affirmative action. There is no tyranny of “political correctness,” and no one is clamoring for a “multi-cultural curriculum.” When a company needs to hire someone, it doesn’t give a thought to “ethnic balance;” it just hires the best person. No Japanese are sent to reeducation seminars because of “insensitivity.”

Japan has no Civil Rights Commission or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It has no Equal Housing Act or Voting Rights Act. No one worries about drawing up voting districts to make sure minorities are elected. There are no noisy ethnic groups trying to influence foreign policy. Japanese do not know what a “hate crime” would be. And they know that an American-style immigration policy would change everything. They want Japan to remain Japanese. This is a universal view among non-whites. Those countries that send the largest numbers of emigrants to the United States—Mexico, India, China—permit essentially no immigration at all. For them, their nations are exclusive homelands for their own people.

The United States has poured more moral energy into improving race relations than into anything else in its history. And yet, in November 2008, race was still the American dilemma. The fact that it was still a dilemma despite so much effort fostered something like a yearning for miracles.

Most people refuse to share their homelands. Robert Pape, a leading expert on suicide bombing, explains that its motive is almost always nationalism, not religious fanaticism. Whether in Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Chechnya, Kashmir, the West Bank, Iraq, or Afghanistan, its main objective is to drive out occupying aliens.

It is only Western nations—and only within the last few decades—that have ever voluntarily accepted large-scale immigration that could reduce the inhabitants to a racial minority. What the United States and other European-derived nations are doing is without historical precedent.”

― Jared Taylor, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century

....and now the critical race theory is being thought across the board, where the natives are told they are racist even if they have to pay for the privilege of being told they are racist. Hmmmm... who saw that coming I wonder.

“A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.”
― Tony Blair

“I believe Western culture -- rule of law, universal suffrage, etc. -- is preferable to Arab culture: that's why there are millions of Muslims in Scandinavia, and four Scandinavians in Syria. Follow the traffic. I support legal immigration, but with assimilation.” ― Mark Steyn

“Their priority has been not to clamp down on the thing to which the public are objecting but, rather, to the objecting public. If anybody wanted a textbook case on how politics goes wrong, here is one.”― Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

“The further Fascism receded into history and the fewer visible fascists there were on display, the more self-proclaimed anti-fascists needed fascism to retain any semblance of political virtue or purpose. It proved politically useful to describe as fascist people who were not Fascists , just as it proved politically useful to describe as racist people who were not racists.” ― Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

This is 2015, got worse since than..

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West
by Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard
February 14, 2015

Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.

Significantly, the report does not touch on the background of the rapists. One should, however, keep in mind that in statistics, second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes.

In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.

The internet radio station Granskning Sverige called the mainstream newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen to ask why they had described the perpetrators as "Swedish men" when they actually were Somalis without Swedish citizenship. They were hugely offended when asked if they felt any responsibility to warn Swedish women to stay away from certain men. One journalist asked why that should be their responsibility.


You can read the headlines of rape and Sweden.....


And if you dig a bit deeper you can see just how well multiculturalism is going.

Not all Muslims and Migrants are problem, but at this stage the people who go to Western Europe are people who go for benefits not culture. its easy money and easy prey.

@Krunoslav I don't do stereotyping. I don't talk about other countries and their people as if I lived there. I would rather listen to their insights than what YouTubers and other media sources tell me. Benjamin and Hopkins... sigh. I rest my case.

@Naomi Not much of a case. I could troll these two yahoos just the same. How hard would be to set up two blonde YouTubers. I mean seriously? They are entertainers. Who apparently have no clue about the seriousness of the matter and are more than happy to poke fun at serious problems for the sake of attention on youtube.

I imagine if you picked them, neither do you. They or you haven't really made an effort to talk about the well documented consequences of unchecked immigration. Beyond the obvious problems that everyone understood for ages. Why do you think people have borders? Why do you think people voted Brexit? Because of YouTube videos? lol Apparently you don't make a distinction between organized crime, immigration policies and individuals. I'm not sure if you don't understand the seriousness of the problem or don't want to.

Also, for some reason you seem to have prejudice against prejudice. Its a modern lefty thing. Political correctness. I don't know if you adopted it on purpose or without realizing, but its a luxury country cannot afford.

“...obscurantist feature in social scientists trying to combine pluralism with environmentalism. They are so preoccupied with the role of prejudice in creating hostile environments that they perpetually deny the obvious, that stereotypes are rough generalizations about groups derived from long-term observation.

Such generalizations are usually correct in describing group tendencies and in predicting certain collective actions, even if they do not adequately account for differences among individuals. Nonetheless, as Goldberg explains, the self-described pluralist and prominent psychologist Gordon Allport went out of his way in The Nature of Prejudice (1954) to reject stereotypes as factually inaccurate as well as socially harmful.

For Allport and a great many other social Scientists, nothing is intuitively correct unless it is politically so.” ― Paul Edward Gottfried, After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State

BTW. 150 000 migrants passed about a km away from my house in 2015, the so called refugees, that were escaping poverty and war. Non stopped in safe countries between Syria and Germany, UK, Sweden and France. When asked by a reported where are they going many said. "Well I don't know, I might go UK, or Germany haven't decided yet." Like its a buffet. Where they would be payed more. And right now there are police on the border not far from where I live trying to stop sex trafficking and illegal crossing. Along the way they trashed and destroyed private property of summer houses that they found.

I wonder where these two blonde YouTubers were when that happened? Maybe there were too busy being juvenile attention seekers to be adults and give the topic serious attention it deserves. Very interesting choice of video you had.

Maybe the two blonde guys can go to Greece during invasion from the migrants and blackmail of the Turkey. I'm sure they can troll the Turkey president same way. Give him a fake reward. I'm sure it will give them lot of views.

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