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And the French are sooooo deep in it...All those people on this panel have death threat from Muslims

RemiDallaire 9 Oct 22
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I lived in Strasbourg, France for a short period of time and have visited Paris and Le Midi and other parts of France. One thing I observed is that there is a big difference in the people who live in different areas of France. (Just like in America, Germany and other countries in which I have lived).

Although the Parisian’s perspective is the one most frequently used to represent France as a whole, it is seldom a full picture of France as a whole. One of the arrondissements of Paris has become almost a war zone and is considered a no-go area for non Muslims. Being a big city and the seat of what is considered acceptable as “French”, trends tend to be amplified in Paris.

However, much of the problems experienced first in Paris are becoming more of an issue throughout France and other European countries. These issues stem, to a large degree from the liberal policies of good-intentioned people. As a liberal country, France has for many decades seen work as something of a necessary evil that should occupy as small a part of their life as possible. Young people often stay at home with their parents into their late 20s or early 30s focusing on “free” education. When they finally begin to support themselves, they only work 35 hours per week. Then, most of them feel it is only right that they be able to retire at age 55 at the latest. This leaves a very small portion of the population to support everybody. Their taxes are outrageously high and most people live at a low standard (compared to many developed countries like Japan, USA, Canada, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland). The problem has been exasperated for decades by declining birth rates.

This brings us to how the Islamist terrorist issue began. First, upon seeing the declining standard of living caused by a declining young population, they decided to increase the number of foreign workers. They began with the idea that these people would come from low income countries and would stay for a period of years before returning home with more money and others would take their place. While they were enriching themselves, they would be heavily taxed and support the economy of France. The problem is that they decided they wanted to stay. France didn’t plan for their growing influx and their need for housing and cultural accommodation. Con sessions were made to increase the rights of the visiting workers who had decided they no longer wanted to be just visitors. As their numbers swole far beyond a few percent, they began demanding more rights and these rights were often in direct opposition to the rights of the host country. This problem has snowballed and is now nearing a breaking point.

When I lived in Germany (in the 80s) I saw the beginnings of a similar problem with Turkish immigrants to Germany. However, this was during the American benevolent occupation of Germany (after the war and throughout the Cold War) and Germany didn’t have a desperate need for foreign workers. After President Regan called for the USSR to “bring down that wall” and the East Germans were allow to flow into west Germany and fill any need for lower income work, there was no need for foreign workers and many were invited to leave when cultural differences caused problems. (Turks were known for stabbing locals that offended them).

This is a simplistic summary of the issues, but there is a lesson for other countries facing similar issues.


I don't speak French but I listen to FIP Marseille, the French radio station which plays virtually non-stop eclectic music, aside from the hourly news update. The words 'Islamist', and 'terrorism', are used almost every time the news is updated.
France is overrun with hostiles.

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