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If someone claims to be for freedom of speech and against censorship but they’re not bothered by what’s going on.. they need to admit that they’re not for freedom of speech and they’re not against censorship. From Taibbi, who has been one of President Trump’s most brutal critics:

“The incredible decision by Twitter and Facebook to block access to a New York Post story about a cache of emails reportedly belonging to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter, with Twitter going so far as to lock the 200 year-old newspaper out of its own account for over a week, continues to be a major underreported scandal.

The hypocrisy is mind-boggling. Imagine the reaction if that same set of facts involved the New York Times and any of its multitudinous unverifiable “exposes” from the last half-decade: from the similarly-leaked “black ledger” story implicating Paul Manafort, to its later-debunked “repeated contacts with Russian intelligence” story, to its mountain of articles about the far more dubious Steele dossier. Internet platforms for years have balked at intervening at many other sensational “unverified” stories, including ones called into question in very short order..”

“As has been hinted at by several prominent journalists, controversies erupted within newsrooms across New York and Washington in the last week. Editors have been telling charges that any effort to determine whether or not the Biden laptop material is true, or to ask the Biden campaign to confirm or deny the story, will either not be allowed or put through heightened fact-checking procedures.

On the other hand, if you want to assert without any evidence at all that the New York Post story is Russian interference, you can essentially go straight into print.“


tonkotsu 7 Oct 25
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During the Obama/ Biden years, I got my first taste of just how biased the media was. According to CNN, those 8 years were the "No Drama Obama" days. Yet, next door over at FOX, Obama and Biden rarely did anything right. Still, the online world wasn't nearly as bad as it is today.

Then the last election year hit. Yikes.😬

2015/16 was the time I left Facebook, and I haven't been back since. I got a Twitter account the end of 2019, mainly because it's quoted on the MSM so much. I find it kind of an idiotic form of "communication" and an extremely dumbed down version of "news". It's obviously biased, so I'm unsure why it's given so much validation to even be included as a "source".

Google is horrendous. I had to switch browsers due to the complete lack of variety and one side only stories by leftist sites. Facebook, in the last 5 years since I left, has apparently also gotten bad. When, I was on FB, I rarely engaged in political discussions and I pretty much used it as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. I left because of the jacked up ways they kept messing with how I customize my page, feed, and posts. I felt like I had some kind of micro manager looking over my shoulder.

I really don't like the feeling I have the various members of social media moderator team are constantly dictating what "recommended people to follow", fact checking "misleading" information (like I can't do that myself), sorting my feed for me like I'm a child, organizing and promoting some news and events over others, and all the other small annoyances that add up quickly after a while. Let alone the needless censorship and bans based put in place based on whatever new subject is deemed "offensive". The political bias is just another added idiocy, and an obvious one at that.

With the continuing push to "purify" online communications by casting out "wrong thinkers". It's only a matter of time before they destroy themselves from the inside out. I think about the J K Rowling types and other newly deemed controversial left thinkers. Pretty soon these sites are going to be nothing but "woke", and even then, being "woke" will soon not be enough. It's a complete train wreck of sheer stupidity.

The more people that feel these big tech giants are unusable, the more they will flock to other more open sites. Personally, I think the government shouldn't intervene and just let them implode on themselves. Additionally, more people should just leave these sites and browsers all together.

Good advice!

Agreed. Ultimately, it’s down to us. People who don’t support the establishment, which has converged with the left, need to walk away. I understand that it’s not always that easy since, well, ESTABLISHMENT😄 but if it’s leisure (sports, movies, music, etc.) it’s not difficult. Stop supporting organizations/people who don’t value the same things you do. I used to spend time and money on all that shit like a lot of folks, but are you kidding? I don’t want to be lectured by adults who play kids’ games, play dress up, and play dress up with their voices.. especially when they support rioting and destroying the country that has made it possible for them to get rich and famous on their leisure/luxury occupations.

Democrats consistently DO that of which they accuse Republicans, who would not defend a document like the Constitution, if they did.

Anyone who demands reparations is an anti-Constitutionalist, which demands individual responsibility.

Anyone who demands entitlements is an anti-Constitutionalist, which demands individual responsibility.

Anyone who lies and rationalizes that everyone else does is an anti-Constitutionalist, which demands individual responsibility.

Anyone who hides behind a white hood, denies it, then tells the World it was a Republican under that hood is an anti-Constitutionalist, which demands individual responsibility.

The Democrat voters should be ashamed of their leadership. But they aren't. They shield themselves from the truth and that is the ultimate anti-Constitutionalist insult, which demands individual responsibility.

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