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  • Why 14 Critics of “Social Justice” Think You Shouldn’t Vote Trump


Helen Pluckrose, an anti critical theorist, recently retweeted this article. Her, as well as like minded liberals, believe a vote for Trump is not a way to rein in the illiberal left.

  • If you think supporting Trump is in practice a tactical corrective to encroachments of the illiberal hard left, answer this question: have the encroachments gotten better or worse during the Trump years? 
    -Steven Pinker

My opinion, which is not exactly nuanced, about illiberalism, SJWs, and the demonizing of western civilization values we've seen growing over the last several years, is that it is a bipartisan problem.

It's true that Democrats and liberals are more supportive of the SJW movements. They aren't, however, an accurate portrayl of leaders of the movements. Politicians take cues based off of social media trends and interests among the younger demographic, and lead more in a pandering way to them.

The Democrats didn't radicalize our youth, our youth have been radicalizing the Democrats.


  • In July 2013, the movement began with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin 17 months earlier in February 2012. 

  • Black Lives Matter activists became involved in the 2016 United States presidential election. The originators of the hashtag and call to action, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, expanded their project into a national network of over 30 local chapters between 2014 and 2016.


BLM began during the Obama/ Biden years. A youthful uprising that had presidential support as well as a large portion of the world by the 2016 election.

BLM is just one of many organizations following similar social justice beliefs. They are grounded in critical theory. They are largely coddled by Democratic leaders, given a free pass because their cause is seen as virtuous, and looked at by liberals as somehow being a group that can be reasoned with.

The Democratic, almost like mothers, are very harsh at anyone who dares criticize the SJWs. In more than just a figuratively speaking way, as well. During the summer, The Wall of Moms came out to physically shield rioting BLM protesters.

Republicans, like fathers, are not as kind to children who throw tantrums. The "law and order" approach can be seen as good or bad. In this case, it's rather idiotic to try a diplomatic approach in dealing with SJWs. Also, SJWs are only half the problem.


  • Anti-SJWs are a community that is the opposite of Social Justice Warriors. The community has been around since the mid-2010s, consisting mostly of conservatives, right-wingers, centrists, and even some leftists.


Where there are SJWs and PC culture, there is a counter culture or "Anti-SJW" groups. I believe both classifications to be two sides of the same critical theory coin. They tend to have further right leaning beliefs, a penchant for offense, and often times been supported by Republicans.

The actual organizations associated with them are not equally agreed upon. Anywhere from Proud Boys, to 4-Chan, Q Anon, and other groups have been lumped together in this category.

Again, I would like to point out that these individuals and groups aren't "led by" Republican politicians. Although Trumps Twitter feed can be largely looked upon as highly favorable to those who are sick of PC culture.

The reason why I believe anti-sjw types to be considered in the civil unrest equation, is because the further they are pushed, the more will become more radicalized in their actions.


  • QAnon has dominated the headlines in 2020, most recently after President Trump was asked to denounce the once-fringe conspiracy movement at a town hall event in Miami.


I find it interesting that Trump would be asked to denounce or "call off" groups like Q Anon and The Proud Boys. I also find it strange that Biden would be asked to denounce or "call off" groups like BLM and Antifa.

For one thing, regardless if Q Anon or The Proud Boys are supportive of Trump, or BLM and Antifa are supportive of Biden, neither of them is "leading" these groups. They only exist for the other.

Regardless who wins, I'll venture a guess that this will not be the last we see of these protests, and their associated SJW/ Anti-SJW groups. It doesn't appear to be something either side is willing to take care of together. So, bipartisan solutions are off the table. That just leaves the question of which party will have a better chance.

The way I see it, is that Republicans are the only ones wanting to enforce the law on violent offenders (regardless if they are SJW or not). Democrats have shown to only condem one side of the coin (right wing extremists) but have a double standard when it comes to groups like BLM.

I believe if this kind of double standard keeps being used by Democrats, we could be facing a large uprising of radicalized right wing groups. Every protest and counter protest has been getting worse over the years.

If we can bring law and order back to the streets, actually hold violent offenders responsible for their actions, and stand firm on banning critical theories, I believe we have a better chance. Which is why I find Trump to be the better choice.

saramarylop3z 7 Oct 28
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Double-think is a specialty of Marxists. Steven Pinker proposes that the rise of Leftism is Trump’s fault, as if a guy like the President would have had any chance in more civil times. Their level of delusion continues to impress me as unfathomable.

I could put some stock in the Trump theory as I have never thought he is right enough, especially since the left has went so left in the last 4 years. If he was that right Jared and wife would not be there, but for one example. I believe all of this above is causing a "reactionary" effect among the real right. Then all we will hear from the left evil media castle is "the right is reactionary" like it is the rights fault.

@johnlondon, In my view, the President is the perfect antidote to an out-of-control Leftist Deep State and media in the US today. So they are beside themselves in alarm, and can't say enough to try to get rid of him. Weak-minded conservatives and centrists are sometimes persuaded. When slinging mud, some always sticks in weaker minds.

@TimTuolomne We shall see. I believe he was a stop-gap measure. His personality was the perfect foil for the left, that is for sure. I don't know how many libs over the years I have met that put on this fake no conflict and I am such a nice peaceful person BS. Most of them will stab you in the back and rob your grandmother if given the chance. Trump was and still is needed that is for sure! I can't at this moment think of any other politician that could upset the left and that is a great thing Trump has going for him. When he wins the left anti-Americans are really going to play hardball though.

@johnlondon. I agree, however the Leftist media threw out any pretense of balance when the President assumed office, and all that did was reveal the Left for who they are. Democrats defected in record numbers. It wouldn't surprise me if upping the ante increases the defections.

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