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Hey, guys. I'm close to finishing up a rough draft for the entirety of the video. If you know me, I'm always feeling kinda insecure and looking for feedback, comments, criticisms, ideas, and or collaboration with anybody who wants to help in. So I was wondering if you guys do want me to post that rough draft so I can take your opinions into account before I finish and record my script. I'm thinking making both a Spanish and an English version since it's so relevant. I'm also open if anybody would like to take the English version for him/herself as I do have a very thick accent. As far as I'm concerned, it's not so much about me, but about the people we can reach and how much we can help. I have just 12 subscribers, so launching it in my channel means kinda nothing. So if some YouTuber out there watches the draft and would like to take over the English version, I'm definitely open to giving it up to him/her. I don't even need the credit, just having more people being aware of what''s going on is enough for me. cof cof @DaisyCousens cof So would please comment me whether or not taking a look is something you guys are interested in? Because I expect the rough draft to be quite long, about an hour and a half, and I don't think I can cut it down below and hour fifteen give or take. Also, let me know if you want me to tag you so you get a notification and don't miss it when I post it. I feel like it's rude to post the same thing several times. I'm not familiar with Slug's tagging system, so could you please let me know if this is the way that works, @govols, @Tati and @tracycoyle? Did you get a notification for this? Thanks for the support, y'all!!

A1fredo 8 Oct 28
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All the best with your project.

guru Level 9 Oct 29, 2020

Thanks, man!


What is the topic of your video?

The Culture Wars.

@A1fredo What aspect of the culture wars? Are you speaking only about the culture wars in the United States, in the greater "western world," or across the world? Are you speaking of entertainment culture, economic culture, religious/philosophical culture? I'm interested, but I probably can't help much with areas far outside my areas of familiarity.

@WftRight I am trying to get the big picture. It's lots and lots if shit. I'm trying to mesh everything together in a way that we could make sense of. I think one of the problems is that we cannot easily encapsulate it in a way we can comprehend it and explain it to others easily.I don't have a script yet because what I do, my style, is build around the relevant clips. I thought of enlisting the subtopics, but I don't think it would really say as much as just showing you the demos I've been releasing. It's a lot to watch, and it's probably only around half of what I have right now, or less. But you can skim it and see what it's about. What's your area of familiarity. I could easily use some help.

@A1fredo I've watched bits and pieces of these videos, but I still don't see a central thesis. Without that, I'm not sure what you are trying to do or even what side you are trying to support.

I have three engineering degrees. I'm pretty good at helping someone develop a thesis and figure out how to support that thesis. If there is no thesis but just some kind of nebulous, stream-of-consciousness rant about various things online, then I'm no help. That approach might work very well with some people, but I don't reach those people.

@WftRight Well, I am a poor guy in Mexico. I don't have three degrees. Perhaps people who actually know what a central thesis is don't really need your help. But hey, If Im not the type of people to be reached to, what can I do? Sorry I wasted your superior time. Guess I better work harder on being perfect without resources and opportunities instead of failing to come up with the knowledge of 200,000 years of human history on my own. How silly of me.

@WftRight For whatever is worth, Im not seeing anybody else actyally trying to do anything for anyone tho, three degrees or not. So perhaps nebulous thesises arent quite as bad as non-existant perfect central thesiei , or whatever the plural of "thesis" is. I don't even know that.

@A1fredo I'm sorry that I offended you. That wasn't my intent. There are different ways of communicating. I have one way that has worked for me in my career and life, but much of the world doesn't respond to my approach. I'm not saying that other approaches are wrong or even that my approach is necessarily better. Again, I'm sorry that what I said sounded that way. I'm just saying that I'm not able to help in a type of communication that just doesn't fit me. I wish you the best in your efforts even though I'm not a good fit for helping you.

@WftRight Yeah... I carry like a few jumbo packs of extra salty chips on my shoulders about poverty. And I'm in general feeling pretty bad lately, so it may be me... don't worry about it.

@A1fredo i think it is VERY good , that you are "angry" i See as pro-point, too. (Iam German so sorry my english is füll of mistakes)

What i just wanted to say about Trump and the media. Oldschool Media are dieing, or better said, their clients and buyers grew old And Start dieing. Next Generation don't consumes them anymore (that leads to the BBC model = politics said to journalists " You stop reporting what we don't like and instead neutral Journalism Start doing Propaganda för our "cause".)

Political correctness = self silencing of the white (male) population, of the West.

And for Media Trump at first was a "win-win" Situation, cause they know (worldwide) everybody knows hin, everybody buys articles about hin. And as they realised that it is no pr stunt, it was too late, but after they created hin, it was their creation and they thought they can "destroy" him.

And "Gamergate" has about 0 books, it was the first Time somebody stand up against the "sexist" insult and was SUCCESSFULL.

@A1fredo all anti SJW activism is good

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