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I told you so. But nobody ever listens to me because you get AIDS cancer if you do, or something. If Trump loses, there will be nobody to defend you. If you had started back then when I did, and inspired others you could've kept Trump. You better pray it's true that Trump is playing 4D chess because you've got no other defense against phase II of the Culture Wars, The Great Reset: World Communism. Pre-welcome to being a voiceless Mexican-like peon.

A1fredo 8 Nov 9
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Only Republicans, or 'the right' would get hurt. A lot!!
Newt Grenwich(spelling?), explained it was fake Republicans in his own party that caused this, and he explained why. Very logical, very well put.
Very petty on their part.
This is the same really as Communism which certainly is not real Communism but the ARBITRARY decisions of those in power rewarding their 'friends', punishing their enemies.

While Trump is better, plays by the rules, he ALSO strongly rewards his family, all employed, and advisors, ALL JEWISH.
Read that again, all Jewish.

So, I'd call worse.
I don't think the President's chief advisor should be his Jewish son in law, a multi billionaire. Who's never known a day of want.

I must say POOR Mr. Biden is a broken man, losing his
first wife and little girl and then his son.
It's no wonder he's got dementia. He shouldn't be running,
too damaged.
Kamala is the opposite, who uses anything, everyone for her personal ends, often money. Very possibly feminist, hater of men.

Yes, I think worse. She will hurt all Trump people.
Trump won't.

But when secretly, many in your party ALSO hate you, but hide it UNTIL it's time, then it won't work.

Know what saddens me? Trump himself didn't need to do any of that.
Yes, he didn't want to lose his own investments but that's too costly to TRY to protect it.
He may lose everything!

Why are you taking the perspective of t hose people, any of them? It's not about Trump or Biden, or any elites. It's about you for you, and it's about me for me. Did only "Republicans from the right" got snuffed off in Mao's China? No. You may say I'm being hyperbolic, but no one knows yet. Still, I personally am in such a bad situation that adding Communism to it is bad enough. So whether it's Communism all the way, or a few steps towards it, I am doing everything I possibly can to stop it already, and I think everybody else should do the same. As I've said over, and over, and over, and over; every single fucking day that goes by, it gets harder and harder to oppose. DO. SOMETHING. No Trump won't be saving no nobody's day. It's up to me. It's up to you.

@A1fredo Well, it ISN'T about me, It has nothing whatsoever to do with me, even indirectly.
I did lots of things even THOUGH not about me, or my country.

It's NOT about anyone, that's right.
Don't play the blame game with me.
This is about very high levels of evil.
The very BEST explanation came from Newt who wrote a whole book on it. It's about Republicans who AREN'T! Like
Mitt Romney, many others, the inner clique.

I ALSO have to do what I can in my own country where the leader thinks CCP is the Best!!?? And live my own life, as a senior.

Your frail HUMAN efforts won't budge this.
These are POWERS. Look. See. See that people can't go up against this directly. Need SUPERNATURAL help.

So, stop pointing fingers, being all righteous in your own eyes.

Start knowing this will take prayer into those realms where it originates.

@2FollowHim It's not a blame game, it's a prevention strategy. I don't care who's fault it is, I care about it not happening. Live as you will, you don't really have to worry about it. But at least I'm trying no to live as the powerless voiceless poor asshole in a third world country I was born in. So excuse me for trying to get a hold of the destiny of my own life. I had no God who gave me everything like you did, so fuck your beliefs. In a land without God, you have to do what you got to do. And I am certainly taking the most righteous path I possibly can. That doesn't mean I am pretending to be any saint. Look: fuck you, old fart. Because I don't care. It's not about my virtues, but about avoiding the catastrophic results. And people with two neurons to rub together and a lifetime long enough to actually be affected by this, will side with me not because how nice I am, but because I am urging to work together towards a better future for us all. As much of an asshole that I am.

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