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overheard my mom talking today regarding post election thoughts and how she is glad the man child is out of the white house and we don't gotta deal with his tweeting anymore. she also said how glad she is about jill biden’s cause and how she know melania had one surrounding bullying we never heard about it. i mean im sorry but who’s fault is that? it’s not that he was some mad tyrant and his wife was absent from the spotlight because she wasnt doing anything, the media just wouldnt cover her good work since that would mean admitting something good about trump

Joehlert11 7 Nov 10
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I would think that Trump has done more useful things as a "man child" than Obama and Biden did in 8 years of government.


In 1996, Mrs. Trump moved to New York and ten years later, she proudly became a United States Citizen. Mrs. Trump has always been an active member of her community. In 2005, she was Honorary Chairwoman for the Martha Graham Dance Company. That same year, she was awarded Goodwill Ambassador by the American Red Cross—a role she served in for four years. Mrs. Trump served five years as Honorary Chairwoman for the Boys’ Club of New York and was named Woman of the Year in 2006 by the Police Athletic League. Mrs. Trump has participated in National Love Our Children Day and National Child Abuse Prevention month, ringing the closing bell at NASDAQ.

In 2010, Mrs. Trump was the Chairwoman for the American Heart Association, which raised $1.7 million for research.

In her role as First Lady, Mrs. Trump focuses her time on the many issues affecting children. An unwavering characteristic of the First Lady is her aptitude for showing love and compassion in all that she does.

Mrs. Trump spends much of her time meeting with children who are patients at hospitals and care centers. Recently, she took valentines to the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Over the Easter holiday, she made a surprise visit to St. Mary’s Medical Center in Palm Beach, Florida, bringing Easter baskets to the children. Following the devastating hurricanes last year, Mrs. Trump visited Texas to meet with families that suffered greatly under Hurricane Harvey. In the wake of two horrendous mass shootings, Mrs. Trump traveled with her husband to Las Vegas and Parkland to be with the victims and families in their times of need. Internationally, Mrs. Trump has visited several hospitals and schools. One of her most memorable visits being at the Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu in the Vatican City, where she met a boy who had been waiting for a new heart. Upon arrival in Belgium the following day, Mrs. Trump learned that the hospital had found a transplant for the boy–Mrs. Trump celebrated the news in a press statement and said “my own heart is filled with joy over the news.”

As First Lady, Mrs. Trump has made multiple visits to schools—both foreign and domestic. From participating in a Viking huddle class, which focuses on emotional learning at Orchard Lake Middle School in Michigan, to taking the Queen of Jordan to Washington, D.C.’s first public charter school for girls at Excel Academy in Southeast, Mrs. Trump is always bringing children to the forefront of her agenda. While traveling abroad, Mrs. Trump visited the American International School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with Education Minister Ahmed Al Eissa, and took a calligraphy lesson with local children at Kyobashi Tsukiji Elementary School with Mrs. Abe while visiting Japan. Earlier this spring, Mrs. Trump invited a group of local students to the White House so she could talk with them, hear their stories, and understand the issues they are challenged with today. Mrs. Trump addresses those issues each opportunity she gets. From Governors’ spouses’ luncheons to the United Nations General Assembly, Mrs. Trump puts the emphasis on children and how we can protect them, teach them, and empower them.

In the midst of the opioid epidemic, Mrs. Trump has utilized her platform as First Lady to raise awareness about the dangers of opioid abuse—notably the devastating effects it has on infants and unborn babies. Mrs. Trump traveled to Huntington, West Virginia, where she visited Lily’s Place, the Nation’s first nonprofit infant recovery center that prioritizes the whole family to ensure infants born dependent on drugs are given the best opportunity to thrive. More recently, in February, Mrs. Trump traveled to Ohio to visit Cincinnati Children’s, a leading pediatric hospital where she learned more about the ongoing research around neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)—a harmful result of drug abuse in pregnant mothers. Mrs. Trump has participated in multiple opioid summits and continues to work with the Administration on raising the awareness of opioid abuse and how we can better protect children from it.

On May 7, Mrs. Trump launched BE BEST—an awareness campaign focused entirely around the well-being of children. The campaign has three pillars, which represent key areas of concern for Mrs. Trump: well-being, which includes the social and emotional health of children; social media, and understanding both the positive and negative effects it has on our children; and opioid abuse, and how to protect our most vulnerable from the effects of drug abuse while educating parents about the detrimental effects of opioids.

Of course there is more...

@Lightman im glad my mom was aware of any accomplishments. like i mean even as a Trump supporter i knew next to nothing but thats because we had to spend so much time focusing on Trump himself and its not as if pointing to her accomplishments would do anything so she got overlooked. such a shame much of it will go unnoticed


The media are complisent in the guaranteed future of countless more dead in the middle east. A far more damaging habit of increased censorship.
Praising Biden's administration for ending Covid. When we all know who did all the work.
Reintroduction of critical race theory. To continue to brainwash the youth.
Abolishing the 2nd amendment..etc. Etc...It's looking really bad.


Goodbye to the big baby!

Wily... Wily... Seriously Biden.. Big Tech & legacy media now control America.. Good luck.

@Seriousreason That sounds like a better and more direct fight to me.

Time will tell dear Wily.. The " Baby " Had the best foreign policy of any president since the 40s . Prior to China fucking us over with Covid. Trump's economy embarrassed Obama..
But call him a baby if it helps. Crush a Cheeto

@Seriousreason CHINA! CHINA! CHINA!

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