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Seems simple to me. Troops voted Trump., but war profiteers that didn't like that troops going home, hooked up with Biden and stole the votes, illegally off course, so they can have their war and continue to make money. Trump might be friend to American people, and even the troops, but not the military-industrial complex.

US Election 2020: The Military Mail-in Mystery

Krunoslav 9 Nov 14
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Leftist Logic:

Progressives constantly protest war and love Obama. Obama was embroiled in foreign military adventures.

Progressives hate Trump, who avoided big foreign military adventures, and sought to draw down troops.

GeeMac Level 8 Nov 14, 2020


But I think its important to take into account the whole military-industrial complex that have been making money from wars since Eisenhower warned about it. And both democrats and republicans were part of the deals made with private companies to make money from it. Not to mention various think-tanks and special interest groups and God knows who else. All making money from taxpayers financing deals made between military, congress, and private companies that supply the military. Think thanks are payed to come up with policies why there need to be war somewhere. And more and more there is reliance on various private military firms to supply PMC's, logistics etc.

I think that is such a huge part of where taxpayers money go that it goes beyond parties. Dems and republicans are getting piece of the action. Trump was an outsider that didn't make money from the deals so he wanted to play by common sense. Biden / Commie Harris is more than happy to continue status quo.

The so called progressives are really not part of the deal directly, they are more like cheerleaders. They are officially anti war as you said, but are more than happy to elect guy that makes money of the war like Obama, simply because the color of his skin. I call that regressive politics.

"We don't like to think of ourselves as a militant nation, but we are, in fact, an incredibly militant and militaristic nation.

It's not a view of ourselves that we wanna carry around but the fact is, we are. If the President and the military-industrial complex, the defense establishment, if they all have decided that suddenly there's a problem somewhere and we need to drop some bombs or even put land forces somewhere in some country, this is a ritual that we have been seeing for decades.

We've toppled governments. We've done coup detats. We've used intelligence services for covert and done horrible things around the world. And we have put up with the most heinous human rights abusing countries. We have propped them up. We've even trained them how to commit human rights abuses.

Today's demon was yesterday's friend all in the name of either the Cold War, or for commercial reasons.

It's basically economic colonialism. (Neocolonialism)

No one uses the colonialism word, but instead of just taking over the countries, we have a better way. We just go in and have free markets. Whether we're trying to sell our products to their citizens or we're trying to mine their resources, we need to be in that country for some reason. And, therefore, we're gonna talk about free markets, free trade. But what's really going on is we want our companies to get rich in your country.

We have been lied to in every military escapade, frankly, over the last 50 or 60 years without exception.

There's no better example, probably, than Vietnam, where you had the President of the United States and the top generals in the Pentagon, out-and-out lying about the Gulf of Tonkin incident that got us into the war, about the casualties, about how the war was going. Anyone who has ever looked closely at the Vietnam War can see that the public and the media were manipulated substantially."

― Why We Fight (2005), Charles Lewis is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. Founder, and ex-executive director, Center for Public Integrity—non-profit, non-partisan "watch-dog" organisation established in 1989—investigating and reporting their research about U.S. public policies.

.....this is partly why after Vietnam war was a disaster but also lesson for government. They could lie about the Vietnam war casualties as long as poor and unrepresented were drafted, but when middle class started going to war, and sons of more influential voters were coming home in body bags, the support became hostile. So after Vietnam war they got rid of draft and mandatory service. Now they go to poor neighborhoods and recruit. And as a volunteer your objections don't hold as much weight.

On the dangers of being an invading military force and fighting war on two fronts.
One in the battlefields far away, and the other close to home on in the news.


"It is a fallacy that prolonged war will weaken an occupied enemy.

It most likely will make your enemy stronger. They get used to the deprivation, and they adapt and respond accordingly.

In the background image of [News reporter on the TV: "The explosion occurred in one of Manchester's heavily Asian neighborhoods."]

While here at home... with every death reported... ...we have to deal with a public-opinion trajectory that slides rapidly...

...from supportive to negative to downright hostile. "

― Ed Hoffman char. played by Russell Crowe in Body of Lies (2008) a Ridley Scott film.


War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures. – Ron Paul


"Does not compute" That's a fact!

guru Level 9 Nov 14, 2020

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