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Ah yes the hypocrisy and double standards of the Progressives... or is it just overblown Identity Politics and they don't know the difference, because there isn't any?

Why Obama’s ‘Jew’ slur must be called out

The silence that has greeted the former US president’s description of Nicolas Sarkozy in his book reflects the normalisation of casual anti-Semitism on the ‘progressive’ side of politics.

By Henry Ergas
From Commentary
December 17, 2020

**The words leap out and grab you. After all, in countless pages of prose, no other world leader is characterised by Barack Obama in anything like those terms.

But there it is, in Obama’s recently published memoir, A Promised Land: Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president from 2007 to 2012, is, Obama tells us, a “quarter Greek Jew”. Little wonder then that Sarkozy has “dark, expressive Mediterranean features”, which resemble the exaggerated, often distorted figures “of a Toulouse-Lautrec painting”.

And little wonder too that he is “all emotional outbursts and overblown rhetoric”, while his conversation, which reflects unbridled ambition and incessant pushiness, “swoops from flattery to bluster to genuine insight”.

One might have thought Obama was deliberately directing at the Fifth Republic’s first president with a Jewish heritage the insults notoriously hurled at Benjamin Disraeli, the first person of Jewish birth to become Britain’s prime minister.

Driven by “a tenacity of purpose” that was “a Jewish characteristic”, said Lord Cromer, the Conservative prime minister, with his swarthy “Oriental features”, was consumed by an “addiction” to the “passionate outbursts” and “excesses of flattery” that were the hallmarks of his “nimble-witted” race.

Cromer’s taunts, which Obama so uncannily echoes, were hardly unusual. On the contrary, as Anthony Wohl, a distinguished scholar of Victorian Britain, and the late, lamented David Cesarini showed, the traits Obama attributes to Sarkozy — from the oily complexion to the pushy, self-centred assertiveness — were at the heart of the anti-Semitic caricature of the Jew that crystallised, with murderous consequences, in the 19th century.

That history makes calling Sarkozy a Jew vastly different from noting, say, that Angela Merkel’s father was a Lutheran pastor; and if anti-Semitism involves using the label “Jew” to evoke, emphasise or explain an interrelated complex of unattractive attributes, as Gordon Allport suggested in his classic book on The Nature of Prejudice (1954), Obama’s snide description of Sarkozy is unquestionably anti-Semitic.

Now, one might dismiss that as a mere blemish in an extremely lengthy volume. It is, however, indisputable that had Sarkozy’s flaw been that he was black, gay or Muslim, each with its associated stereotypes, the slur would have unleashed storms of protest. And assailed by hordes of distressed employees, Penguin Random House, the book’s publisher, would have been forced into grovelling retractions.

In reality, the only roar was that of a deafening silence. From The New York Times to The Washington Post and beyond, not one of the gushing reviews considered Obama’s statement even worth mentioning.

**In part, that reflects the normalisation of casual anti-Semitism on the “progressive” side of politics. Just how far that process has gone was thrown starkly into relief last year when The New York Times’ international edition printed a cartoon of Benjamin Netanyahu that could have been lifted from the Nazis’ Der Sturmer. A simple “error of judgment” made by an overworked staff member, the paper claimed.

But as the Times’ own columnist, Bret Stephens, asked, how could it be that the paper’s editors, who were “hyper-alert to nearly every conceivable expression of prejudice, from mansplaining to racial microaggressions to transphobia”, now found “even the most blatant expressions of anti-Semitism almost undetectable”?

“The reason”, he went on to argue, “is the almost torrential criticism of Israel and the mainstreaming of anti-Zionism” in the left-leaning media, “which has become so common that people have been desensitised to its inherent bigotry”.

Yet the left’s problem with Jews goes well beyond the blurring of the lines between criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism.

Rather, in an age where to hold to a faith is regarded by “progressives” as a sign of mental debility, Jews, whose intellectual achievements are second to none, defiantly retain the faith of their fathers, with its unflinching insistence on the moral law.

Moreover, just when the left would make every aspect of personal identity a matter of choice, and reduce collective memory to a sin, this small minority remains a covenantal community of faith, with its most pressing command being Deuteronomy’s hammering injunction to “Remember the days of old, consider the years of ages past.”

On Friday, as Hanukkah, the eight-day Festival of Lights, draws to a close, that command will resonate in thousands of Australian homes. Commemorating the uneven but ultimately victorious struggle the Jews waged in 167-164BC to reclaim their holiest site, the Jerusalem Temple, which had been desecrated by order of Israel’s Hellenistic overlords, the festival has come to symbolise faithfulness under excruciating persecution.

And its account of seven brothers and their mother who all chose, successively, to die at the hands of their torturers rather than publicly disavow the God of Israel has been viewed as exemplary by Jews and Christians alike — indeed, long after the revolt, when the Jews had lost the books in which it was contained, it was the Christians who kept those martyrs’ narrative intact, making it possible for it to re-enter the Jewish tradition in medieval Europe.

In all those ways, Hanukkah, which means “dedication”, exalts the sacrifices we make for the sake of freedom. But the freedom it celebrates is not that to do as one pleases; it is the freedom to be bound to something even higher than freedom itself.

Hard won in the West, scarcely won anywhere else, the right of people of all faiths to peaceably exercise that freedom now faces threats from all sides.

Aggravating those threats, the left, which once had deep roots in both Catholicism and evangelical Protestantism, increasingly finds faith incomprehensible at best, irrational at worst.

Trivialising faith — as Obama did when he disparaged the working-class Americans who, supposedly out of ignorance and frustration, “clung” to their religion — consequently comes readily to it; and having derided faith’s significance, it equally readily allows the claims of those it casts as victims to trump the protections religious freedom affords, jettisoning the rights of faith communities along the way.

Ultimately, in mirroring those trends, Obama’s slur on Sarkozy may reflect little more than a form of educated thoughtlessness — a thoughtlessness that pervades the “progressive” milieu he inhabits.

But far from absolving it, it is precisely that thoughtlessness which makes it so terrifying: for where thoughtlessness prevails, there is nothing to restrain the old demons or to prevent new demons from emerging.

That is why calling it out is crucial, no matter how petty its expression may seem. And that is why it needs to be countered, time and again, by the greatest, and yet harshest, of the divine commands: for God’s sake, think.

Are Progressives closet racists?

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Lightman 8 Dec 18
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Lightman, your post is rather funny, some answers are funnier. Someone making progress for society would not be racist, that negative thinking would be regressive. Progress is motivating society to accept and help others overcome flaws, not ridiculing and dominating. I found that a racist is usually person afraid of a type of person they don't know anything about and they do generalize the negative because of fear. Many called Progressives by the general media are not, as the groups committing threats and violence are actually regressive. And some don't understand what they read, but that's ok, it can make good conversation.

I find nothing funny about people calling themselves Progressives that aren't. We all know when Progressivism came about and their actual ideology and who they were... this lot today are nothing like them and yes their emotive claptrap is regressive.


From what we've seen thus far in trying to fan the hate, yes they are. Myopic, narrow-minded people.

You say this as you generalize an entire group of people based on their political stance. Not every progressive is the same, so why are you doing what you're accusing them of?

@ktpinto Yet lots of them are ignorant and closed minded... almost all without exception do not tolerate dissent.

@Lightman "lots" is not "all"
Generalizing all of them makes you just as bad as those you are talking about. -shrug-

@ktpinto Rubbish... if I don't say something explicitly don't try reading my mind. Don't misquote me... I said "almost all" didn't I.
Just look at the US and ANTIFA and the BLM and those Loot burn and murder protestors.... not small in number... ignore them and you ignore the truth.
How many people voted for the Democrats ignoring the facts this year has presented?

Leftism is a spectrum. Those who are conscientious among them are just, sadly, deceived. Take "Global Warming" or "Climate Change", for example. Our island in Central PH cannot sink with the rising sea waters because we've installed floaters on our island 😂

Seriously, the sea level has never got past our pier's high tide marker in my 50 odd years here (I used to hold office at pier 4). All while the climate alarmist are screaming that the sea level is rising. Well, Jakarta is sinking, that is why they're slowly moving out of it. But it's not because of rising sea levels. That part of Indonesia is just settling down geologically. So is an island (forgot the name) in the Pacific. So is Venice. But, hey, a part of Sweden is rising, and land is being added daily to Hawaii.

Jesus warned us of a strong delusion coming to the world at its denouement . If so, then where is it? With way over half the world's governments and people swallowing this alarmism hook, line and sinker, it is just right before our eyes. We can include all these other newfangled concepts and ideas that seem strange and even insane to us. It cannot be all about false doctrine as many Christians think it would be. Unbelievers don't care one iota about Christian doctrine.

@Lightman : I wasn't misquoting you; the question was asking if progressives were closet racists, meaning all. Selecting 'yes' means you're saying ALL progressives.
tosses the rubbish back into your backyard
Antifa and BLM are not ALL progressives. Again, generalization based on some people is pretty much what the progressives to which you are referring do.

@ktpinto Yes you did... my quote was in the post immediately above.... a poll is just a question asked to gauge opinion. For all you know I could be acting Devil's Advocate.
My actual quote... which you denied and called me a liar about.
Yet lots of them are ignorant and closed minded... almost all without exception do not tolerate dissent.

@Lightman Wow, it must be fun putting words in people's mouths.
I never said you were a liar; I was commenting on your comment and the fact that "lots" - which you said - doesn't mean "all" - which is what the OP survey infers.
Gawd, it's like talking to a woke person...
(oh, and woke isn't a generalization, it's a characterization to identify the progressives to whom you are referring to when you said "almost all, without exception" with the rest of them)
I'm sure you'll respond to this because again, qualities of the woke, but I'm done with this conversation.

@ktpinto I knew you'd say that.... if you tell someone what they said was wrong as you did and you state what they said you did you did not do... are basically calling them a liar.


I voted yes, but that is not entirely accurate. I don't believe they are closeted about their racism.


Sometimes not so closeted....


I voted No because progressives are not in the closet at all re their obvious racist ideas. Progressives are certainly blind to their own racism But there it is - so clear - so obvious that nobody with a modicum of objectivity would fail to see it.

iThink Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

They certainly deny their racism, overt, covert and indescriminate


King of the Woke, Justin Trudeau preaches equity 24/7, yet appears in blackface, fires women who threaten his ego, and engages in corruption.

GeeMac Level 8 Dec 18, 2020

I think in the U.S. we would call Trudeau a Democrat.


All people are not one thing, and to generalize them - even if they are progressives - is to be just as bad as many of them are.

ktpinto Level 7 Dec 18, 2020

Being progressive and wanting the government to be responsible for all and controlling all is being very regressive, as socialism and communism is government control. That is why the freedom was fought for in this country, the freedom to choose for your life, not a government telling you.

No one said all people are just one thing...

CONSERVATISM is: a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change, or simply change for its own sake.

Give me Conservatism over Progressivism any day.

@MilesPurdue yeah... that's not what being a Progressive is.

@MilesPurdue Actually, progressive means wanting change or reform. Not every progressive wants to burn down cities and pull down statues, and wants the government to be responsible for everything. Again, not everyone is the same, and not all progressives think the same or want the same thing. Don't generalize, or you're being just like the ones you're describing.

@Lightman The question wasn't about Progressiveness, it was about PROGRESSIVES. The question was "are PROGRESSIVES (the people, not the philosophy) closet racists?". Responding 'yes' means you're saying all progressives (the people, not the philosophy) are closet racists, and therefore are generalizing a group of people, which is something many progressives are accused of by many conservatives.

@JacksonNought for some reason in my reply I said regressive, as I do know what progress is. I also remember what 'deja vu' means, 'cause I've explained this 25 years ago with windows 95. History does repeat itself.

@ktpinto You are allowed to say no.... or even not sure

@Lightman I did respond 'no', and my comment was explaining why.


I wonder if the young adult Progressive doesn't realize he is regressive while being lead by predjudice.


Obama is a racist!

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 18, 2020

NO SH-T!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 Let me be a little more enthusiastic about this, Obama is a fucking racist asshole.
Come back regularly as I update this mans resume!

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