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What Do Chinese think of Trump and Biden? China Street Interview. US 2020 Presidential Election

Uploaded on October 21, 2020 by ChinaBill Cinese

"I am a regular Chinese guy and I make videos to introduce the real China for people around the world(pardon my average skill). I am happy I am doing a meaningful thing."


What Do Americans Think of the US-China Relations? (August 2020)

Krunoslav 9 Jan 5
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it's amazing there's a complete cottage industry now just to make the hurt feelings of trump fans a little better.


Lets start with the Chinese. When do young hot women care about politics in a foreign country? They do not even care about their own country let alone a foreign one, 100% CCP propaganda. There is no foreign news getting inside of China, its completely cut off, there is zero free press inside of China. Its illegal to have a VPN or express options not sanctioned by the CCP, if you get caught get you will be tried in a kangaroo court, convicted and punished. Most Chinese do not understand English and they do not care what is happening outside of their little world just like here. Even super wealthy Chinese like Jack Ma are not immune to the CCP's thumb screws.

There is a massive propaganda effort pushed by the CCP, there is a lot of it on YouTube, US news media and Hollywood.

ADV China is not part of the CCP.

Hello there.
"When do young hot women care about politics in a foreign country? They do not even care about their own country let alone a foreign one, 100% CCP propaganda. There is no foreign news getting inside of China, its completely cut off, there is zero free press inside of China."
Are you sure about that? I find it off-putting that grown-ups often assume that young people, especially young "hot" women, don't care about politics.
Moreover, nowadays, the Chinese, especially the middle-class, are great holiday makers. You go abroad and you can't not see Chinese tourists. Also, there are many Chinese businesses established outside China, not to mention many Chinese academics working abroad.
China is still classified as communist but it is no longer like Mao's China.
Let's not become affected by propaganda that tries to superimpose the image of Mao's China upon today's China.

We are talking about today's 2021 China, Mathew and Winston were living in China a couple years ago. Chinese, honey traps, agents have fucked with Winston here in the USA. Chinese CCP propaganda of today is far beyond anything done in the Mao era. It was completely different in the Mao era, the CCP only did propaganda efforts on there own people and did not care much about the rest of the world.

Todays China operationally functions more like Nazi Germany did in the 1930's, that is in its internal governance. Its not exactly the same but much closer to the Nazi system than the way things worked under Mao. China is an existential treat to the USA. We are in a cold war with China now.

@Naomi "Let's not become affected by propaganda that tries to superimpose the image of Mao's China upon today's China."

Lets try not to pretend that Xi is not reincarnation of Mao's ideas, only with global ambition.

How Xi Jinping’s “New Era” Should Have Ended U.S. Debate on Beijing’s Ambitions
May 8, 2020 by Daniel Tobin, Senior Associate (Non-resident), Freeman Chair in China Studies


While I think the biggest victims of Communism are off course the party in which its established, and in a weird was the party members themselves , because that is how communism works. The military buildup, the consolidation of centralized power for the Xi who made himself in office for life, and ideological, economic and military appetites for global governance, aren't exactly something to dismiss easily.

China Uncensored Part 2: Uyghurs & the CCP's History of Genocide

Are you sure about that? I find it off-putting that grown-ups often assume that young people, especially young "hot" women, don't care about politics.

My assumption is 100% correct about young hot women in China. Unless they are singing for the CCP then you will get something very odd like they care about foreign politics that they have no normal way of getting any information about. It is obviously staged. In fact this is a very common propaganda tactic the CCP uses, maybe reread Sunzi a couple times, the CCP certainly has. There is no western style of political correctness inside of China, it does not exist at all, projecting western politically correct sensibilities onto hot young Chines women living inside of CCP controlled China doing a CCP propaganda hit piece is going to lead to completely faulty conclusions. The CCP is well aware of western political correctness and uses it against us.

One final thing ChinaBill is doing hit pieces on Laowhy86, why Chinese nationalist hate Laowhy86. Does it need to get any more obvious.

Look at the language "Chinese nationalist". China is currently run by the CCP, Chinese Communist Party. Lets put that together Chinese Nationalist Communist Party. Its very similar to the NDASP, the mind set is similar. Mainland Chinese are extraordinarily nationalistic. Western press loved the Nazis in the 1930's, Hitler was Times man of the year. The mainstream could not see the threat of that system. The same is true of China right now.

Anyways its blatant CCP propaganda and if you can not see it your perceptual filters need a little work.

Here is another interesting thing. There are these Mao stores inside of China. They will sell all sorts of Mao trinkets like Mao bobble heads, etc. Inside of China Mao is treated like a sort of George Washington. Yet the people running China now lived through the Mao era, basically a Lord of the Flies scenario for 10 years. No one is wanting to confront the truth that's for sure and I have no idea what it will mean for the future.


If you can be bothered to read this article...

I'm inclined to go along with this perspective which is different from yours.

Also, again, if you can be bothered to read this:
"China after the death of Mao"

And this: []
"Neo-Maoist historical revisionism is strengthening under Xi Jinping. This is not because Xi seeks to reintroduce the Red Guards who carried out the Cultural Revolution. But Xi sees the party’s revolutionary history as one of its strongest sources of legitimacy, and by extension his own legitimacy as leader. That’s why he has targeted “historical nihilism,” which portrays Mao and Stalin negatively (or, as one might put it, “accurately&rdquo😉. Mao’s historical stature is a useful ideological cudgel."
Some may support neo-Maoism within China, but having read these articles, I don't think that Maoism is applicable to today's China.

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