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I guess it's not rioting when nativist white men do it because they alone are patriotic citizens who pay taxes /s. []

WilyRickWiles 8 Jan 7
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Can you tell me which government or policy is being protested by burning down target or stealing from a local liquor store?


No, it wasn't, it was a mostly peaceful demonstration that was false flagged by Antifa.

Matthew Heimbach is an antifascist in deep cover, huh.

@WilyRickWiles Not only do you not actually understand the basic fallacies, but you have no idea what sarcasm is, either.

@AdrianRainbow There's a reason there aren't many conservative comedians.

@WilyRickWiles I know, it's called peer pressure.


You are a piece of work that’s for sure!

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 7, 2021

You cunts, smeared Trump from day one, you bought fake reports from Steele and Russia, you hated Trump, you sold the USA to China, you rigged the elections, you bought Antifa and now the dictatorship poised to do exactly what Hitler did. What’s your next move? Gas chambers? Pelosi would, given a chance.

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 7, 2021

Have you ever made any contribution to society? Creating strawmen is not a contribution.

Where we are at now was predictable in the 60s. What kind of children did we expect the narcissistic and ultimately nihilistic 60s generation to produce? The Jack Dorsey's and Mark Zuckerberg's are representative of a generation that are mostly ignorant of the broader sweep of history coming to power.

Wake up dude, the world is leaving you behind. Father Coughlin is long gone.


I don't consider you a well informed person. You have a bit of knowledge but you lack context. Like the kid who in his sophomore year of college thinks he is smarter than the Professor. It's all fun and games until you have to produce something of real value.

@wolfhnd You're brainwashed or drank too much of your own Kool-Aid. The whole lot of you.

Also, if you answer what you think is a straw man with a straw man, don't expect to get a thoughtful response in return.


Don't kid yourself you are not thoughtful you are the class clown.

@WilyRickWiles You don't appear to understand what actually constitutes a straw man fallacy, not at all.
I don't think anybody is expecting a thoughtful response from you dude.

@wolfhnd @AdrianRainbow I answer 🤡 with 🤡


You never really answer to or for anything or stand for anything of value.

@wolfhnd And you're a Nazi apologist at best.


"Nazi" lol you lose shallow little man

@wolfhnd You're a friend of Matthew Heimbach.




No, it's not a riot because the word "riot" no longer has a definition on the left after a long summer of mostly peaceful protests. Now, if I was talking to someone on the right, yes, this is a riot just like all the riots that the left (including team Biden and Nancy "People will do what they do" Pelosi) defended over the summer.


i guess its not rioting if its Blm or anitifa in portland and they firebomb a federal building and try to force entry for 100 days straight

RobD1 Level 7 Jan 7, 2021

It isn't? You see, I can be objective, but I'm going to guess that you're going to conflate that with every leftist protest and with every leftist. Moreover, you don't see that white supremacy is not morally equivalent to racial justice, for example.

@WilyRickWiles so patriot protest one day and it's white supremacist, so i guess you are a BLM activist. here's one of your activist friends CONFIRMED: Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to “Rip Trump from White House” [] it was a black man that killed the white patriot as you can clearly you can quit with the dividing of the masses we are all in this together.

@1patriot It will be a cold day in hell before I ally with Nazi scum like Matthew Heimbach.

@WilyRickWiles your sounding like Biden, your comment has fuck all to do with my comment above you are a communist and they are white supremacist so spread your leg and take it like a good communist does!

@WilyRickWiles well my home town has had riots for over 220 days now. No one seems to give a shit. Kamala harris said. “Be careful we have Antifa on speed dial” no one gives a shit.(encitment yes) Nancy Pelosi said, “I can’t believe more people arent taking to the streets as Kenosha burned, no one gives a shit. (Encitement yes)A close personal friend of mine was hospitalized after a BLM marked van ran her down because she had the audacity to come home to a neighborhood with a riot in it. She was cleaning up her business that had its windows broken out that day. She lost her home and her business this year. No one gives a shit because, the media backed leftist marxist did it. 3 autonomous zones... no one gives a shit. 100 days of firebombing federal buildings no one gives a shit. I fact only 17 people have been prosecuted in Portland and 1 of them killed a dude on camera and gave tv interviews for a week before anyone did anything. And thats just in 1 city.

All in the names of “Black Live Matter” whom managed to raise enough money to give every black person in america $33million dollars last year but apparently all that money is just for Marxist politicians Advocating a system of governance that has claimed direct responsibility for over 400million murders and untold starvation.

@WilyRickWiles the only white supremicists in Portland or DC were wearing black block.

@RobD1 Lol, I wish Kamala said that.

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