7 1

The Proud Boys, the QAnon Shaman, Tea Party activists...
Do you, as law-abiding rightists, condemn those individuals who behaved unlawfully at the Capitol rally, or do you firmly believe that they did nothing wrong?

Also, whichever side you are on, please feel free to comment on what has been reported by the media so far.

Capitol riots: Who broke into the building?

Fact check: Men who stormed Capitol identified by Reuters are not undercover Antifa as posts claim

  • 12 votes
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Naomi 8 Jan 10
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The last time I checked, I saw two people voted "No, they did nothing wrong." Those votes disappeared, though. Strange that.

Naomi Level 8 Jan 11, 2021

The problem is not who will or won't condemn this or that, but that large numbers of influential voices on the Left refuse to condemn their side's crazies, and even deny they have any. This has been a problem so long Alexander Kerensky's claim "No enemies to the left" has gather quite a lot of fame. This is much less a problem on the Right -- we know we have extremists and outright crazies and we actually make good faith efforts to police them, and when required, expel them. If only the left did this too -- but they don't. Until they do, poll questions like this are nothing but obvious hypocrisy.

I see hypocrisy on both sides.

The Republican Party caters to the far right. The progressive left (not even the far left) is completely shut out from the Democratic Party (they occasionally try to coopt them but mostly ignore them). And the far left and far right are not morally equivalent.


The far left have NO morals!


Do you remember how many were arrested for rioting in DC when Trump was inaugurated?

Do you remember what Madonna said the day after?

Do you remember Kathy Griffin's stunt?

I don't condone the violence we saw the other day. Riots solve nothing. How about I condemn them as much as the Left condemned the above acts?

Hello there. You and I agree that we don't condone the violence we saw the other day, or any day, and riots solve nothing. And that applies to both the left and the right, or any individual or group for that matter. I'm not interested in "What about them?" arguments that try to expose the opposite side's hypocrisy, though. Hypocrisy is present on both sides, and only a few people are honest and fair enough to admit their own hypocrisy.


My take on it: Maybe some citizens are just tired of bending over.
Did they do wrong? Yes. Do I condemn them? No.

ktpinto Level 7 Jan 10, 2021

Hello. Sounds like you support vigilantism, i.e. taking the law in one's own hands in the name of justice?

Lock 'em up or no?

Hi @Naomi; you can't be a vigilante when there's no "Law" to take into your own hands.
When the Law is not being enforced, or it is being selectively enforced which is even worse... then you do not live under the Rule of Law.
You're on your own. The "Law" is: whatever you can get away with.

That's the mess that the Left has created, for decades now... but most-dramatically for the past year or so.
Vigilantes ignore just Law to impose their own. Opposing unjust law, or simple lawlessness, is not vigilantism; it's Patriotism. It's not only the Right, but the Duty of every American... and I would say every Westerner, and anybody else who wishes to live in a "free" society under the just and legitimate Rule of Law.

If you choose to break a just law in the process, i.e., violate somebody else's rights (or destroy public property breaking into the building); then you are legitimately responsible and accountable.
You may decide it's necessary and that you're willing to pay that price, but don't cry about it if you get caught.
In this case: the only people who stood to benefit from that decision were the anti-Trumpers instigating the riot.

Hello rway.

"The "Law" is: whatever you can get away with."
If that view is shared by many in America, I would have to assume that the US lawmakers don't understand the importance of "rule of law" or they simply ignore that principle. If that is the case, the world will see that America's democracy is fake. 😟

By "lawlessness" he implies a sense that the "natural order" of white supremacy is being turned upside down. That's "law and order" not "rule of law."


You mean like #ANTIFA & #BlackLivesMatter - disregarding law & order, resorting to violence, looting, burning, destroying lives & businesses & even murdering people - and the Democrat governors & mayors instructing the police to stand down & refusing to request Trump send in the National Guard?

Hello w0tn0t. I don't take sides. I don't even live in America. I've seen so many comments like yours that sound like that they are looking for excuses to justify the riots at the Capitol. I find the "they do it, so why not us?" type of arguments inane TBH. Whatever the circumstances, why look at the poor standards of others and feel better about yourself?

@Naomi I can't help what things sound like to you. -shrug-

@cRaZyTMG They broke the law, people died, they should be punished. But their punishment should be equal to their crime, and I have a feeling that won't happen.
Of course, I said the same about BLM and was deemed a racist, but that's nothing new.

@Naomi Please don't assume... it weakens the conversation. 🙂

America isn't a democracy, it is a republic. Just saying.

@ktpinto You said: "Did they do wrong? Yes. Do I condemn them? No." Why not condemn them for their wrong doing? You won't clarify. Maybe you hadn't thought it through at the time of posting your first comment. I rest my case.

@w0tn0t Isn't that why the DC police were directing the protestors towards the capitol, because they had been told in the past to stand down and let rioters do what they want? Just a question. 🙂

@ktpinto The United States is a representative democracy.
This means that your government is elected by citizens.

@Naomi : You're really not getting it, and it seems you already have a perception of America that's clouding your narrative.

A meth head in Minneapolis dies while resisting arrest (and died from a heart attack due to his drug use, apparently) and that apparently gave people carte blanche to burn down cities across the country that had nothing to do with the incident, for SEVEN MONTHS. And the government officials not only condoned it, but rewarded them and encouraged them to do more.

A group of citizens, pissed off by the way the government has handled the country for the past year, as well as the questionable outcome of the election, stormed the Capitol building, which is where the people that pissed them off were located. They didn't burn down Miami because they were mad at DC politicians. They didn't beat up and kill store owners in Bangor because they were mad at DC politicians. They attacked the hub of the government, which is where their anger was directed.

Honestly, I don't care that it was politicians that were attacked. They have done nothing for me and they deserved a wake-up call, which I'm sure they won't get.

Did the capitol protestors do wrong? Yes. Do I blame them? No. Do I condemn them? No.


Yes. I condemn all who acted unlawfully at the Capitol. I 100% support the peaceful protesters, and this has been my stance with BLM as well.

Prolonged protests lead to violence. I believe that is what happened for a majority of the peaceful BLM protests at the beginning of the summer of 2020. I don't know if anyone remembers, but many of the BLM protesters shielded police and buildings from violence and destruction. As the protests dragged on, Antifa and other extremists took over. It was my feeling then, that these extremists aren't politically loyal and only use the large crowds as cover to commit acts of violence.

I believe something similar happened with right (and or left) extremists at the Capitol. Regardless of whatever political side these individuals are on, they should not be seen as justified in their actions. If anything, they made things worse with their actions. There's speculation that this was "all Antifa", and an inside job. Unfortunately, even if that's true, and much the same with BLM, the violence has overshadowed the grievances. It's going to be less of a question as to why, and more of an action to prevent it from happening again.

Police riots took over the BLM protests. And then they marched on the Capitol.


It is unlawful to prevent the owners of a property from enjoying it.

Don't the citizens of America own the capitol building?
(not being sarcastic, just not sure...)

@ktpinto just pointing out the dissonance in identity politics

@cRaZyTMG Thank you for responding! It's appreciated! 🙂


Some incited the unlawful actions of the many. Those who incited the actions (I'm talking those who led the charge and broke the windows, not Trump who called for folks to "Stay Peaceful" and to go home) should be prosecuted as Trump stated in the summer. Those who were caught up in the moment/mob mentality to a lesser extent (maybe a fine or something? I don't know) but those who just stood there or never even entered the building should be left alone.

Hello there. There is a "they made us do it" attitude generated among many Trump supporters. Any thoughts on that?

@Naomi I've expressed similar feelings along the lines of "they made us do it". Just to be clear, I don't condone violence. So, it's hard to get into the mindset of those who do. My perspective is that prolonged protests of large groups of people like BLM and MAGA, as well as demonization might lead to the kind of violent backlash we've seen time and time again over the years. Not excusing it. Just saying, it looks that way to me.

I'm still trying to figure it all out. So, I may be wrong. If the actual grievances are going unaddressed, I'm concerned it may get worse.

@Naomi Unless a gun is pointed at you or a loved one, everything is a choice.

@coalburned if only it were that simple.
Government is Force. Deadly force. Any time the Government is being wielded against you, then a gun is effectively being pointed at you. When it's being done without the legitimate consent of the governed, the word for that is "Tyranny."
Your "choice" is to lie down and accept the dissolution of the last great hope for a free humanity... or to do something about it.
Legitimate elections, that reflected the consent of the governed with some confidence, were the key to the periodic and peaceful transitions of power that made the system remarkable and successful.
Democrats have taken that off the table.
The only thing that leaves, is un-peaceful transition... just like every rock-throwing, stick-jabbing, or goose-stepping society that has ever existed.

Re-establishing legitimate Government and the Rule of Law seems the preferable choice. And that might make a little noise before it's over.

Should the Oath Keepers be prosecuted using RICO laws?

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