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Biden this, Biden that... Are you guys in America going on like this for the next four years? Are you happy to carry on with the current hyperpolarisation? Don't you want to make the best of what you've got for yourselves, your friends and families, your local communities and your country?

Naomi 8 Jan 21
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What makes you think that we would have better lives if we didn't obsess over Biden, which by the way I'm not? If we spend 30 minutes a day commenting about politics that still leaves 16.5 hours in which we are enjoying our families, hobbies, jobs etc.

The second part of the question concerns getting along. The old saying is you have to go along to get a long. Under the circumstances that may be one of the worse choices a person could make. It could be kind of like sleeping with someone you don't really like and waking up hating yourself.

wolfhnd Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

Might as well, we did it for the last four years. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander...
How’s that unity thingy going on your side of the pond? Sitting around the fire singing Kumbaya?

2peros Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

Well, Brexit is happening, and it didn't trigger civil war or European war. It was the most civilised independence movement in the world history.

@Naomi I wasn’t talking about Brexit, I was talking about unity, and from this side of the pond, it appears that you’re having a similar problem.
Who said anything about civil war?

@2peros Brexit divided the nation but it didn't break unity. Many folks here and on other social media mention civil war. I made a post about it a few months ago. Many seem to think it is only a matter of time before America faces another civil war. Not sure if they really mean it, though; maybe they love fantasy.

@Naomi you keep mentioning Brexit while simultaneously ignoring the rest of the problems, seems like a diversion of sorts. The only people I know who speak of civil war are the ones who watch too much tv. Are you one of those?


The Left has eagerly abandoned the principles of Western Civilization.
We cannot "meet them halfway", without abandoning them ourselves.
That's not the right answer.

All we can do is continue to speak truth and try to educate.
If the Religion of Self, blind ambition, and willful stupidity have truly become an insurmountable theocratic 'movement'... then the West is done anyway, and we're just fighting over the memory of a dream that our forefathers had long ago; a dream, it turns out, that we were not fit to realize.
If that's the case, it's every man for himself; and the Holodomor, the Holocaust, Pol's Killing Fields, and Mao's Great Leap Forward... are just going to look like minor precursors to the epic, global tragedy being ushered in by [drumroll to highlight the dramatic irony of the name....] Progressives.

rway Level 7 Jan 21, 2021

Hello raway,

Political commentators who are invited to talk by the media in the UK are predicting that it is going to be hard for Biden to unite his own party because he himself is not progressive enough and whatever proposals he makes, progressive leftists like Saunders and AOC are not going to like it. If their prediction is right, with Biden in charge, your country is not going to change so dramatically that your life is going to be upside down. What is your prediction? How do you think the Biden administration is going to affect your everyday life in the next four years?

@Naomi In the next four years? ...probably not much.
The first four years of terminal cancer aren't so bad, either... you may not even know you have it.
Until it's too late.

@Naomi Biden, Saunders, and AOC are just trees. Our problem, yours and mine, is the forest not the trees. The forest has been growing for over a century and a half.

@rway Yeah, I understand what you mean by "forest".


Where were you when it was Fuck Trump this, and Fuck Trump that? It's all too easy for you ,across the pond, to cast judgment on us, huh? We have to live this nightmare. Maybe you believe whole heartedly that Biden won fair and square and that there was no evidence of fraud, despite the MOUNTAIN of evidence that our corrupted elected officials chose to ignore. It's fine if you do, but you need to realize: More than half of this country aren't buying it and are highly disenfranchised by what we are seeing, how the media keeps twisting the truth and lying to us, and by the aggressive censorship that's taking place against anyone who questions their narrative. Media can no longer be trusted, and more and more of my countrymen and women are waking up to it. It was the same American news media who claimed that mail in ballots would create tons of ways to commit fraud in 2016/2017/2018/2019 and then turned around and started telling everyone that mail in ballots are the "safe new way to vote" in 2020 and there's NO CHANCE of fraudulent ballots. It doesn't take a bachelor's degree in common sense to see that corruption now has control of everything in America. Making the best for ourselves, our friends, and our families doesn't mean we have to swallow their lies. If the Biden hating is getting to you, then maybe you should stick to Facebook and Twitter where they ban people for speaking ill of their falsely elected deity.

Fraggle Level 7 Jan 21, 2021

Feel better now?

@Naomi I feel the same now as I did before I started typing. Do you feel better after shaming folks for their opinions of Biden?

Shaming folks? Where on earth did you get that idea from? I made a simple observation. I rest my case.

@Naomi If you don't see how what you posted is shaming people who post ill of Joe Biden, then you are either helplessly clueless, or you are playing dumb. I think it's the latter. I think you're fully aware that what you posted is shaming people for speaking ill of Biden and you're just here to gleefully stir the pot. Ever heard the expression 'Playing Coy'?

@Fraggle ????? Why should I take sides? I'm not involved in American politics, nor are billions of people outside America. Just replace Biden with Trump in my post; Trump this, Trump that... Still the same post. Stop taking things personally.

@Naomi You DID take a side when you shamed people for bad posting Biden and asked if we're going to keep going like this for the next four years instead of doing things to better our lives. You're not only shaming people, but you're also acting like the previous four years didn't even happen. Like the left didn't spend the last four years calling us racists, bigots, Nazis, and a WHOLE list of other insults. Also I did look at it from the other side. I even asked you where you were when it was Fuck Trump this and Fuck Trump that. Guess you were too busy enriching the lives of your community?

@Fraggle ??? Off course I was too busy enriching the lives of my community. You are funny.

@Naomi Well I'm going to continue to do what's best for me and my family and friends, while also bad posting a president who with the help of corrupt officials, big tech, and the media; cheated his way into office. Like I said, if the hateful Biden posts bother you enough to shame people for doing it, then maybe Slug isn't the right place for you. Consider that.


I must say that I can understand this. Trump, and his supporters, have dealt with a lot of attacks and negativity from msm and the left for almost 5 years, yet now are expected to let it go.

Add to this that the right is still being attacked by the left and msm, how can you expect them to give a just move along, nothing to see here attitude?

Hello. So, what do you think YOU can do in the next four years, for yourself, yours, your community and your country?


I’m speaking as an outsider as I’m Canadian. What I do, personally, is work, follow the law, and voice my opinion about things in an unemotional way. I support my community in any way that I can and use my vote to help guide my country in the right direction. My vote, by the way, which I take very seriously, goes to the party that offers the best platform for my country regardless if it’s best for me personally.

I seek the truth in all things and use logic and discernment when I make decisions about what I believe to be true. I am empathetic to those Americans who are struggling to be heard and understood whilst being disenfranchised by those who don’t have the same belief structure.

I also tend to stand up for those that seem to be being trodden upon in ways that silence their voice.


Well, I'm going to try to avoid it, but honestly the SJW-Left and their Party enablers have showered about a third of the country with literal HATE for long enough now that the feeling is mutual. Whether we like it or not we're going to continue the more and more polarize that we'll have to sort the population and partition the land just to keep the rest of the world safe from our wrath.

Fun time ahead.

govols Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

You say the SJW-left party. You mean as the entire Dem party? Political commentators who are invited to talk by the media in the UK are predicting that it is going to be hard for Biden to unite his party because he himself is not progressive enough and whatever proposals he makes, progressive leftists like Saunders and AOC are not going to like it.

@Naomi, no, I'm referring to the "Cathedral" notion of ruling structure that includes"higher education," expert managerial class, political uni-Party, blah, blah, blah. Thier obvious failure that will prevent "unification" is the monsters they raised up as their army.


While playing on Twitter Over 3,300 people have died today due, specifically, to Joe Biden's mishandling of Covid-19... two can play at this game...

Hello there. So, you're happy for this game to continue, you mean in pseudo reality, not in real reality. Does that mean you don't feel your daily life is threatened by the hyper-polarisation?

@Naomi Why do you think that only the right should turn the other cheek? Why should they be forgiving when the Left have been and still are the problem.

@Lightman EXACTLY!

@Lightman It's not like giving in to the left. I don't mean that at all. So, you don't think it is possible for American folks to find the middle ground, then? In that case, what do you think they should do to ensure that they can carry on with their everyday lives, their livelihoods, etc. safe and sound. That is the bottom line for ordinary people like you and me.

@Naomi Oh yes it is exactly like giving in to the Left. It is giving in to the Left. They accept no compromise, never have, never will... Progressives do not tolerate dissent.
The People? They will carry on best they can like we all do on the planet.
Eventually though we will have "war" or one side will be subsumed.
The Progressive Left do not compromise... they cancel, destroy, delete, ignore, de-platform, vilify, persecute, ridicule, lie, cheat, steal, etc, etc, etc as one well known LW politician once said here... WHATEVER IT TAKES.

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