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This is such a popular word with LW Progressives these days...


Learn to pronounce
noun: insurrection; plural noun: insurrections

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

My guess is that the BLM and ANTIFA "protests" were actually INSURRECTIONS

What stand did the Democrats take?
They supported them mostly.
Oh and of course ANTIFA doesn't really exist.

Does ANTIFA really exist?

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Lightman 8 Jan 21
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ANTIFA is not an organization. It's an idea / movement. No different than Pro-Life. There can be ANTIFA organizations just as there can be Pro-Life organizations, and both can be guilty of engaging in violence and terroristic actions. But they are not organizations as a whole.

Joe Biden completely denounced the riots during the summer.

And yes, the Capitol riot was an insurrection. They used violence to try and stop the government from conducting its duty.

...a distinction without a difference.
If two or more people are working together on the same "idea", it's an organization; whether anybody's bothered to write down a charter or not.
People are also funneling money into, and directing their actions. Whether they're "all" in the loop is irrelevant. There is no organization where "all" members are in the loop; most of them are tools.
"Human Resources"...

Joe Biden's a tool.

@rway ok, so Pro-Life followers have committed murder. They have bombed clinics. They have engaged in kidnapping and harassment. So I guess we can just say Pro-Life is a violent terrorist movement?

It is called the pro-life movement sunshine.
Get it? Come on man... girl... whatever.
BTW Biden and co supported the riots etc until they started to notice it was affecting their support.... yet still Harris and co bailed out these rioters.
Come on man....

@JacksonNought To whatever extent people are organizing and arming-up to go commit terror in the name of "pro-Life", yes... they are nothing more than terrorists. They're doing it wrong.
That is also happening in the name of AntiFa, to the extent that it is the underlying theme of the whole "movement".
What is the real theme of Antifa, in your estimation?
How do you combat "fascists" in the streets... peacefully?

@Lightman nope, Biden was always against the protests, and both he and Harris are against defunding the police. Also, Pro-Life people have still committed murder, it doesn't matter what their name is. So I can just say "it's called anti-fascism sunshine" and dismiss your criticism?

@rway yes, there have been people who could be considered terrorists in the ANTIFA movement, and people who could be considered terrorists in the Pro-Life movement. They're doing it wrong, as you say. That is my point. The whole underlying theme of the movements are not violence.

@JacksonNought At Pro-Life demonstrations, violence of any sort is a quite rare exception.
At Antifa demonstrations, it certainly seems to be the rule. At the very least, it is orders of magnitude more prevalent.
But, more importantly: the violence is accepted, rationalized, and openly supported, subsidized, and endorsed by public figures, and get this.... by public officials in the course of their official duties; the very people whose positions exist solely to maintain Law and Order.
That's the key, that is what makes it dramatically more dangerous, and that is the reason that this "anti-fascism" movement is more accurately characterized as simply: Fascism

@rway many prominent politicians condemned the actions, including the current president. Many groups involved distanced themselves from the violence and destruction. Many protesters were in fact peaceful, and then the cops came in and started brutalizing them.

Sorry, but my analogy stands.

@JacksonNought ...yes, thank you, that's exactly the sort of rationalization I was talking about.

@JacksonNought oh for goodness sake do at least try and be in the real world.... we all know even those of use 1000s of miles away what was happening.

@Lightman do you ever actually contribute anything, or is your only purpose to troll?

@JacksonNought LOL says the Democrat troll... ROTFLMAO
Biden and the Democrats sat on their hands and did virtually nothing for months whilst they thought there was a political advantage, Please explain then Harris and the bail-out fund? Or the Mealey mouthed have it both ways 30 second statements from Biden until August? where finally he came right out and suddenly spoke directly out against the rioting. Don't deny it, its true... up till then he'd say things like rioting is bad but its completely understandable...


"oh and of course ANTIFA doesn't really exist" ~ seriously? Antifaschistiche Aktion



I’m surprised they can spell it let alone know what it means.

I'm not sure they know what it means...


But Bidenass thinks it’s an idea?
Trueandanashdasuffaprzur WTF was that?

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

I will tell you what will happen with that.. right wing extremist WILL disguise in Antifa and do some shit too...

Most are too sane and law abiding to bother.

I don't know about RW extremists, but Jared from Steven Crowder's show infiltrated them a while back for some funny insight into the Incel world. If the FBI wasn't being run by lefty enablers, it should fall on them to get somebody inside. The CIA isn't supposed to, but I'd be alright with that too.
The problem is that anybody right of center is called Alt- or Extreme. Unlike the light spectrum, Ultraviolet and Infrared do not wrap around and meet, if you go too far right and too far left, you end up with antifa. Or Auntie Fay, as I like to call them.


Either ANTIFA actually exists of there are a great many people being beaten up, cars vandalised, things set alight, graffiti sprayed upon and windows broken, by a figment of Joe Biden's imagination.

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