12 12

This election was not stolen. Joe Biden won fair and square.

Donald Trump is responsible for every COVID death in the country.

The 2016 election was stolen from Hillary Clinton by Trump colluding with Putin.

Barak Obama presided over the most scandal free administration in history. The transition to the Trump administration was unfettered, transparent and totally above board.

There are no questions surrounding Barak Obama’s, origins, upbringing and influences. Only conspiracy theorists disagree.

The carnage of 9/11 was fully explained by the Kean Commission. No reasonable person would raise any further questions.

TWA-800 exploded off Long Island for reasons that will never be known. 150 eyewitnesses who saw a missile trail rising to meet the plane just before it exploded were hallucinating.

The Murray Building in Oklahoma City was obliterated by a fertilizer bomb in a truck parked on the street. Press reports at the time of numerous undetonated satchel bombs found throughout the ruins never existed, and anyone who remembers them is making it up. Timothy McVeigh was the mastermind. There were no Mid-Eastern operatives involved in any way.

John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he wanted to impress Jody Foster.

George Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer for reasons that had nothing to do with the populist movement he spearheaded.

Sirhan Sirhan shot Robert Kennedy, acting alone, an event he still has no recollection of. There never was a woman in a polka-dot dress.

James Earl Ray, an escaped prisoner, shot Martin Luther King, then eluded an international search by law enforcement for two months before being apprehended at London’s Heathrow Airport with two fake Canadian passports. The FBI said he acted alone.

Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone to take out the leader of the free world using an Italian rifle with a misaligned sight that no marksmen could use to produce the results claimed by the Warren Commission.

The FBI’s integrity is beyond reproach.

Anyone who uses terms like constitutional rights, freedom, or liberty requires close scrutiny since they are likely domestic terrorists.

What is the prolonged effect on a nation when it’s people are forced to pay lip service to official narratives that no one believes. What happens when truth becomes just one more commodity to be weaponized in service of an agenda in which you have no role?

Edgework 8 Jan 25
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Well I don't see anything about Hoffa and Mary Joe Kopechne...grin I bet they would have a lot to tell if would pull the worms out of the nose of the their cadavers


You forgot to add that Jack Ruby, assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, also acted alone. 😉


guess they would never use 'entrapment' either


Wonder why no one has blamed TWA-800 on the Russians. Louise Mensch? Sarah Kendzior?

sqeptiq Level 10 Jan 25, 2021

you forgot - Jeffery Epstein and Vince Foster committed suicide Andrew Breitbart died of a sudden heart attack...

iThink Level 9 Jan 25, 2021

And you’re an idiot!

Jici Level 1 Jan 25, 2021

This election was not stolen. Joe Biden won fair and square.

Correct. Now you're getting it.

Donald Trump is responsible for every COVID death in the country.

Back in 2014, when there was a case of Ebola hitting the US, Trump Tweeted out: "If this doctor, who so recklessly flew into New York from West Africa,has Ebola,then Obama should apologize to the American people & resign!" So using Trump's own logic, because of COVID, Trump should have apologized and resigned months ago. Though of course he doesn't have an ethical bone in his boyd, and claims he takes no responsibility.

No one thinks Trump is responsible for every COVID death. But he certainly royally fucked up our pandemic response, and holds a fair amount of responsibility. Remember, he disbanded the WH pandemic response team in 2018. He knew about COVID back in January, and said it was a non-issue. Despite admitting in a February interview that COVID was serious and deadly, he spent months telling America that it would magically disappear, that people shouldn't distance or wear masks, and holding packed rallies and super-spreader events.

The 2016 election was stolen from Hillary Clinton by Trump colluding with Putin.

I wouldn't say stolen. Clearly there was a disinformation campaign attacking Hillary, and Russia was involved. There is no question about this. That doesn't mean the election was actually stolen, like votes changed or anything. Collusion certainly happened, but the degree of which is questionable. We know Trump asked a foreign country to hack his political rival - he did it on live TV, asking Russia and China to hack Hillary's emails. We know his children and campaign team met with Russians multiple times on promises of dirt. Trump admitted he would accept foreign interference and not warn the FBI. Several of Trump's campaign and administration were indicted on collusion and lying to the FBI and Congress.

Barak Obama presided over the most scandal free administration in history. The transition to the Trump administration was unfettered, transparent and totally above board.

The reasoning for this common statement is because all Conservatives ever complained about were tan suits and mustard, as well as Michelle showing her arms. We also had 8 years of Trump spreading lies about "birtherism" which of course drowned out any real criticism. But ask any actual Liberal / Progressive, and they are certainly critical of Obama's use of drones and extra-judicial murder. The ACA roll-out was super messy, although this is also the fault of Republicans consistently messing with it. We also were critical that it took him until his second term to deal with marriage equality, but at least he finally did.

There are no questions surrounding Barak Obama’s, origins, upbringing and influences. Only conspiracy theorists disagree.

Correct. Obama was born in America. He is a Christian. End of story.

The carnage of 9/11 was fully explained by the Kean Commission. No reasonable person would raise any further questions.

I think it is safe to say it was foreign terrorists linked to Al Qaeda who were responsible. Are you insinuating Bush did it to force DHS and the Patriot Act to strip away our freedoms? Well, if so, that's on the Republicans.

TWA-800 exploded off Long Island for reasons that will never be known. 150 eyewitnesses who saw a missile trail rising to meet the plane just before it exploded were hallucinating.

Don't know enough about this to comment.

The Murray Building in Oklahoma City was obliterated by a fertilizer bomb in a truck parked on the street. Press reports at the time of numerous undetonated satchel bombs found throughout the ruins never existed, and anyone who remembers them is making it up. Timothy McVeigh was the mastermind. There were no Mid-Eastern operatives involved in any way.

Correct. It was white supremacist domestic terrorist McVeigh.

John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he wanted to impress Jody Foster.

From everything that came out around this, yeah that seems to be the case.

George Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer for reasons that had nothing to do with the populist movement he spearheaded.

Can't say for sure, I wasn't there.

Sirhan Sirhan shot Robert Kennedy, acting alone, an event he still has no recollection of. There never was a woman in a polka-dot dress.

Can't say for sure, I wasn't there.

James Earl Ray, an escaped prisoner, shot Martin Luther King, then eluded an international search by law enforcement for two months before being apprehended at London’s Heathrow Airport with two fake Canadian passports. The FBI said he acted alone.

Can't say for sure, I wasn't there.

Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone to take out the leader of the free world using an Italian rifle with a misaligned sight that no marksmen could use to produce the results claimed by the Warren Commission.

Again, can't say for sure, I wasn't there.

The FBI’s integrity is beyond reproach.

I disagree. But I definitely trust the FBI over Trump.

Anyone who uses terms like constitutional rights, freedom, or liberty require close scrutiny since they are likely domestic terrorists.

Disagree. But anyone who uses those terms in attempts to suppress the Constitutional rights and freedoms of others is (like saying their right to religion means others can't get married or have abortions). Or anyone who screams those terms while storming the Capitol building because they are sad their candidate lost the election.


-Anyone who uses terms like constitutional rights, freedom, or liberty require close scrutiny since they are likely domestic terrorists.

Ok so what do we do with terms like.......Alluh Akbar ? (c'mon say it grin)

-The FBI’s integrity is beyond reproach.

Of course it is. grin they are purrrrrrrrrrfect in every way...

-This election was not stolen. Joe Biden won fair and square.

Really ? Math is NOT you strong suit.....
This from census USA...The numbers from 2020 are not posted yet.. My guess is they HAVE something to hide but...Who knows right ?


But if you look at november 2018 registration numbers there was 153 000 000 registrated voters.

Now... 159 000 000 voted in 2020 right ? So in 2 years you would have to have an augmentation of 6 000 000 registrated voters Right ?... And a turn out of votes at 100 %... DURING a pandemie ...

This is the average voters turn out versus the registrated voters stat..

I say WE HAVE A MIRACLE on our hands.... Halleluia.....Praiseeeeeee the lord....Because the average turn out on previous recent elections not under a 60 % give or take.... But WE GOT 100 %

Let's say we are generous...and 80 % of the registrated voters did turn out...In a pandemie...which still would be a guiness record in the 2 last centuries...
That's 127 200 000 of voters...

159 000 000 -
127 200 000
=31 800 000 more than likely to be fraudulent votes in my book... Possible more much much more.

But hey....It's just math...and stats...They...arent an exact science in your book..Right ?

I think they used Common Core math equations, so there's no problem ~wink wink~


We're "gaslit" to the max. We tend to think of voters as persons, the Left thinks of voters as
collateral---like collateral on a loan, or on a bill in congress.

There's no advice to offer beyond voting your interests, and knowing what those interests are.

hooman resources


Why stop there?

  • The Revolutionary War was about liberty & freedom for all men, not just landowners and the ruling elite.

  • The Civil War is a clear template for how we should respond to tyranny today. Once begun, people will rise up and flock to it in droves. They're just waiting for someone like your out-of-shape-middle-aged-ass-with-an-AR15 to stand up and lead them. After all, they can't kill us all.

  • Conservatives are the last bastion of secular civil liberty, which is why they spent decades trying to deny gay people the right to marry, women the right to have abortions, and established decency rules for what you're allowed to see and hear on radio, television, and film. "We must think of the children."

The door swings both ways; no one's shite smells of roses. The sooner we embrace this, the sooner we'll make progress as human beings.

Actually, your door didn't swing at all. Your history is all jacked up. Look at what party voted repeatedly against gay marriage, in fact look at your current sitting president⭐ who voted multiple times against gay marriage, then look at what party both instituted and fought to keep slavery and segregation, in fact look at your current sitting president⭐ who fought to keep segregation (he's on film for both, so no need to rely on propaganda.)

@MelanieHope - If that's what you got out of my post, then I must humbly observe that you missed the point. This wasn't a "your side is bad; my side is good," post, because I don't take sides. This is more of a "clean your own house before talking about how dirty someone else's is," post.

Now, if you take exception to the idea that you should be at least - if not more - critical of what you yourself do before being critical of others, then I can't help you.

@MelanieHope Democrats who fought to keep segregation = Conservatives, Republicans fighting for civil liberties = Progressives. Of course the parties had a re-alignment, and now Conservatives are Republicans and Progressives are Democrats. So let's move past party, and admit that Conservatives and Right-Wingers were pro-segregation.

As for the current sitting president... if I recall correctly, he was the catalyst for passing marriage equality, one of the biggest things that made me support him. Even Obama didn't fully support marriage equality publicly. It wasn't until a 2012 interview that Biden made a "gaffe" saying he supported marriage equality, that finally Obama and his administration started to publicly support it and lead to the monumental decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. I will always praise him for that.

Either way I see no point in oversimplify.

While it is true that the American Revolution would never have happened if wealthy colonists had not been treated as third class nobility the principle of small central government and separation of power means that the founders recognized human frailty. Not only in others but in themselves. It represents a new level of consciousness for the human race or at least one not seen since the Greeks in a organized philosophy.

The Civil War is poorly understood. Slavery in the Americas has more to do with class than racism. The landed nobility you mentioned in your first point discovered that the serf system of Europe couldn't be transplanted to a frontier society with unlimited land to the west for the taking. The answer was a common one of creating an "untouchable" class. You have mistaken who represents the slave owners in an analogy. The "your out-of-shape-middle-aged-ass-with-an-AR15 to stand up and lead them" resembles John Brown more than a Southern sympathizer. I suspect as a part of the new petite nobility you can't recognize your own position in the corporacy. A corporacy that is analogous to a plantation system. I recommend Charles Murray's "Coming Apart: The State of White America".

As an Atheist myself I understand how someone may find traditional values rooted in a Christian tradition disturbing. But it would be a mistake to assign the anti gay, anti women, and censorship of conservatives to the underlying philosophy of the U.S. constitution. All of these discriminations require "big government" even if at the local level. And no I'm not an anarchist. I'm also not an idealist. Having finally struck down the final vestiges of official Christendom the current intellectual class has unavoidably created a new secular religion of wokeness. It is a testament to the incompetence of that intellectual class that they didn't see it coming. And the shallowness of that class that they take no responsibility for it.

History is written by the victors, or at least the last ones standing. I don't think it is swinging doors except in the swinging trap door. More of a revolving door entering the building and the left keeps throwing you back outside not letting you into the building.

@wolfhnd - As I tried to explain - it would appear, poorly - in my first response to MelanieHope, the point I was attempting to make is that it's very easy to look at the thing you're against and be critical of the things that don't make sense, while ignoring your own such frailties.

That is, Edgework's post is full of examples of how the government is "lying" to us, and he frames each example in such a way that they are obviously lies that we are forced to accept. The examples I provided were equally ridiculous things that I've heard espoused by conservatives - the natural opponent of government overreach and control - except, I framed them in a way to make them look ridiculous. So for everyone responding to me that I'm oversimplifying or have the wrong of it...YES, that was the goal: to take a handful of commonly accepted "truisms" by conservatives and observe how there's nuance.

Again, my whole intention here was to point out the absurdity of calling out an entity when you're guilty of the same kind of behavior. I'm usually pretty good at getting my point across in writing, but this time, I failed to do so. They can't all be gems.


I got your point. It isn't that it wasn't accurate it just isn't helpful to make an argument by equivocation. If you have the ability to write well then use it to discriminate.

It's not that I don't appreciate allegory and satire. What I dislike is the adolescent like qualities of our intellectual community. The hang over from the youth culture of the 60s has put tremendous strain on the social fabric and despite it's claim of wanting social justice has accomplished very little in practical terms. Civil rights and woman's rights were established by the old left and Northern conservatives not the youth culture. Youth culture snickers at the black preacher who said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.".

Youth culture has fully embraced the we believe in science cult and thus accepted by extension that freewill is an illusion primarily because it's responsibly that adolescents reject. That and the feeling of superiority that comes from being " modern".

@wolfhnd - "It isn't that it wasn't accurate it just isn't helpful to make an argument by equivocation."

I must respectfully disagree that this is what I was intentionally doing. As I said, usually I'm better at making my point and just delivered a dud in this instance. In my defense, I was hurrying to get out the door.

I am a strong believe in the use of examples and metaphors to make my point because writing is a poor medium for conveying nuance (or - if you prefer - I don't have the skill to convey nuance). If you are inclined to peruse my posts, you'll see that I use examples and metaphors extensively to 1) say what I mean, and then 2) give an example of what I mean. In my experience, if someone doesn't get the first point, rephrasing it as something that is familiar to most people (whether it be pop culture, myth, what have you) can sometimes bridge the gap of understanding.

But I'll take this for what it is, a deserved critique of my writing.


Thanks for the curiosity of a reply. I'm unaccustomed to your style on the internet. It is probably why I dragged this out unnecessarily.


What is the prolonged effect on a nation when it’s people are forced to pay lip service to official narratives that no one believes. What happens when truth becomes just one more commodity to be weaponized in service of an agenda in which you have no role?

Well consider that your own list spans several generations that... well. Not a damn thing will be done about it. Cool story though

Pattyb Level 5 Jan 25, 2021

You know.... If I would obey by the same rules than Twitter and facebook do...I would delete this post grin

Come on! Hit me with your best shot! 😂

@Edgework Oh Pat Bennetar was good 😉

She had a good voice, too

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