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LINK Leftist Turns His Dad Into The FBI, Posts GoFundMe Raising 100k, The Culture Revolution Is Here - YouTube

What are your thoughts about this new twist in the culture war. People turning in friends, neighbors and family into the authorities. This guy tweets and starts a Go Fund Me and has raked in almost $100,000. This is a dangerous step in the marxist revolution to over throw the Republic.

dd54 8 Jan 25
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Hello. I'm a bit confused now. If my Dad told me that he was just about to do something against the law, am I supposed to cover for him and pretend I know nothing about it?

Naomi Level 8 Jan 25, 2021

@dd54 I'm afraid you ask questions no one can answer with accuracy because we simply don't know the exact background.

I watched Jackson, the Texas man's son, interviewed closely here:

He says “It wasn’t just because I think my dad is aggressive, I think what he’s been manipulated into thinking is aggressive.” He is a smart kid, cool-headed enough to observe and evaluate that his own father was being driven into trouble.

Jackson also prompted GoFundMe because he fears that he will be kicked out of house with no money but he doesn't want to stop studying at college/university. And it was the people, so many of them, who support him, who "asked for GoFundMe" and he took the advice. Check it out here. I wouldn't paint a bad picture of Jackson implying that he has some bad motive. It often happens that you go online and ask public for financial support, just a humble amount, through GoFundMe, etc., and then you get overwhelmed, realising how many people actually want to support you. There really is nothing to see...

That's about all the information I can get about Jackson on the Internet so far. So I wouldn't go judging that Jackson is in a wrong, while rationalising his father's unlawful behaviour, let alone assuming that Jackson has been indoctrinated purely because he is a student (a typical narrative to portray ALL college and university students) and that he has some ill motive in asking for financial support. To me, Jackson is a smart, cool-headed kid who takes his study and future seriously; he doesn't come across as an indoctrinated student at all. That's my take anyway.

I don't know what Tim Pool is playing at to be honest. I used to follow him but not much nowadays.

@DrHiebert "Are you supposed to run to the cops?" That's the thing; everybody seems to assume that's what Jackson did STRAIGHT AWAY. It is plausible that he initially tried to persuade his dad. Maybe that led to a huge row between them with his mother and sister taking sides. We just don't know, and I'm not a great fan of speculations and assumptions.

"The USA was founded on revolution where the people got fed up obeying tyranny. Stealing an election is tyranny!" I feel your frustration. That's all I have to say about that. I have no reason to take sides in the politics of any other countries except mine.


This actually scares the bejeezus out of me, anticipating far left daughters visiting in April. Wouldn't put it past the youngest to have us red flagged out of spite.

@dd54 They are not us. It's a generation without basic empathy.


If you send a child to school in America that is bona fide child abuse at this point. If you give them mobile device to read what google serves them that is bona fide child abuse. And if you child still rats out on you, than give it away and jump of the nearest building because you utterly failed as a parent.

One reason that my wife and I homeschooled all three of our children is that we saw, may years ago, the direction our schools were headed. Although not all school systems in America are that bad -- much depends upon local school boards -- it would seem that most have drifted far to the Left.

@KeithThroop Happy to hear that my friend. Its madness what is going on in most of these schools. Indoctrination camps.

@dd54 Yes, in the old days there was at least grandparents and older siblings around to help. In some places there is still that help, but in cities where people rent in small apartments and are away from their parents there is little help but payed day care which is questionable or sending children to school which is inadvisable.

@dd54 That's true. Breakdown of family units was final stroke that broke the camel's back.

“In the happiest of our childhood memories, our parents were happy, too.” ―Robert Brault

“Raising The Kids ....Running the Family Is A Combined Effort of Both Dad & Mom!”
― Jaachynma N.E. Agu, Woman: You've Got All It Takes!

Parents, not a single parent. I know to some this is crazy idea, but children are biologically designed to be such that they need both parents, male and female to work together for healthy psychological development. Can a single parent raise a child that is psychologically healthy, yes they can. But what is missing, must be look for elsewhere. And where does a child turn to... .pop culture? Cancerous identity politics that promotes anything but a healthy family unit. Wherever a child looks it is more likley to find just the opposite of what it needs for its development. There are many reasons why family units are failing apart in the West and other values are promoted instead, but I cannot think of one that is for a good reason.

When society fails families, society fails itself. For it can only survive as a family.

I can't remember last time I've seen movie about normal healthy functioning heterosexual family. Its either TV shows and movies about dysfunctional families or identity politics in your face wokness about preaching diversity and homosexuality as a replacement for normal healthy functioning heterosexual families. I can't believe I have to say it but I am not against people born as homosexuals but even they need a mother and a father, not two mothers and not two fathers, they need a loving caring functional mother and a father to grow up healthy.

Between a dysfunctional heterosexual family and functional homosexual parents, the child is better off with a loving homosexuals than, abusive heterosexuals. But all things being equal, things are not equal. Child needs a male father and female mother. Its part of our DNA to need this because that is how we evolved.

So why is there so many broken families, dysfunctional families, single parents, mostly women and culture that not only tries to prevent this but seemingly actively promotes against it. A society like that cannot survive for very long, its suicidal. its self destructive. I see this in America the most but every bad idea somehow finds its way across the Atlantic. Pop culture that is so influential is dominated still by American influence.

What I see more and more is failed family units, where identity politics led by feminism and LGBTQ promoted crazy set of ideas and they have reached religious proportions, not only ignoring psychological needs of every one of us, since we are still humans, but in the process has gone further down the rabbit hole of this crazy utopian world where nothing that has been tried and tested for generations and generations is good anymore. Somehow bunch of crazy arrogant people decided that their religion is better than everyone else's culture. And we are all paying the price for it.

Boys and men have been demonized by the feminists, resulting in increase in suicide rate and in extreme cases mass shootings, which will only increase over time. And with girls and women, I'm seeing other problems. Young women seems to be increasingly more promiscuous and with apparently no self respect selling their bodies wherever they can. Amateur porn and webcam porn is on the rise. Instagram is dominated by young women in competition for basically soft porn and only because there are some censorship otherwise I have no doubt it would be full on porn. Hook up culture, the idea that being a slut is somehow liberating freedom.

@KeithThroop I observe that In America, there seems to be so much brainwashing going on to think that all college/university students are indoctrinated.

@dd54 Actually, many homeschooling parents do cooperate a lot. For example, a homeschooling mother in our area was an art major in college and offered art classes for other homeschoolers. One homeschooling father was particularly good at science and had a lot of science in his college work, so he taught science and physics for junior high and high school skids. Other examples could be given, but these should suffice. The homeschooling community is a helpful community that tends to band together to offer help and advice and the best possible education they can offer their children.

@dd54, @Naomi Yes, there is a lot of brainwashing going on in a lot of colleges, but there are still some really good colleges around as well, although most of them are private colleges, and many of them are connected with various Christian groups. They are definitely in the minority, however, since even some of these schools have moved to the Left.

@KeithThroop Generalisation and stereotyping is one of my pet hates. Thanks for the clarification.

@dd54 Right now I think all 50 states allow homeschooling, although some regulate it more than others. So far as I know, those who homeschool can meet together and have various parents teach special classes if they choose. There is no need to form any formal cooperative.

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