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Is this account shadowbanned?

I can create threads but i can't comment or reply to posts now, or react.

I thought this was a community that prided itself in free speech, not much of a shock it suppresses speech that goes against the grain.

bastion 7 Feb 4
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I've been having the same trouble all day @bastion. It's something to do with the site.


Maybe because your comments and replies are so full of cringe? Maybe because all you post is low level, humourless trolling?

Tom81 Level 8 Feb 4, 2021

Maybe @Admin can shed some light / provide tech support?


No disrespect intended, but I have yet to see you post anything that isn't intentionally trolling people. Frankly, I've wanted to have conversations with you.

I have no problem with you or anyone else saying whatever you like, but at least add to the conversation, you know? You're just trying to start fights for reasons I can only assume have to do with your own amusement.

It may be free speech to stand on the corner and scream "SH-TC-CK" repeatedly for an hour, but if you do it in my house, I'm shoving you out the door.

Hello. "It may be free speech to stand on the corner and scream "SH-TC-CK" repeatedly for an hour, but if you do it in my house, I'm shoving you out the door."
Interestingly, Bastion doesn't use bad language, yet he manages to trigger others. Skill? Lol
Anyway, I agree with you. Some people here believe that free speech means anything goes including the use of foul language, and the members here are mostly right wingers and Christians... Do you think they'll have to go to hell?


Some people here believe that free speech means anything goes including the use of foul language, and the members here are mostly right wingers and Christians... Do you think they'll have to go to hell?

I used that as a rather extreme, if not comical, example of what free speech is to some people: the right to say whatever they please without consequence or censorship. But that's not what free speech is, nor has it ever been that.

To give another example, I recently had an exchange with another member here who believes that we should reject NewsMax en masse for them censoring Mike Lindell. My perspective is that they invited Lindell on to talk about his ban from Twitter, and the moment he had the open mic, he proceeded to go an animated rant (for lack of better term) about how he has the election machines and he's going to prove the election was stolen, and NewsMax lowered his volume, told him that this isn't what the topic is, and then gave a boilerplate statement regarding NewsMax' official stance on the election. That is, the First Amendment does not require people to allow you to say whatever you like or allow you to filibuster the space they have provided you.

Now, I know some people will come back at me with Twitter, YT, and Facebook and do I agree with them banning people? And my answer is both yes and no. They are a private platform, this is true. But they are a very poor one in that they choose how to implement their own standards while claiming to be fair and balanced. If you're of one ideology you can be as nasty and threatening as you like; if you're of another you may be banned or censored for making factually correct statements that are inconvenient for the narrative. That - to me - is quite a different matter from NewsMax inviting someone on to talk about a topic only for that person to go immediately off topic.

Also, to answer your question...I would never speak for the disposition of any man's soul - including my own - and where it should end up when we part this mortal coil. That's not my decision, nor do I know what criteria is ultimately used. No one does. Anyone who claims to is making their best guess.

@Alysandir I just find it pathetic when grownups so readily resort to foul language on social media. Surely, they are not like that to their neighbours, co-workers, etc., because they know they shouldn't. Perhaps, they are so discontent with their real lives that they have to vent in the name of free speech. Lol Like you say, that's not the real meaning of free speech.
Incidentally, I am agnostic.


Surely, they are not like that to their neighbours, co-workers, etc., because they know they shouldn't.

Speaking as someone who has been both at the bottom and - well, closer to the top than to the bottom - of society's hierarchy, I can sincerely say that swearing is a cultural norm. Some places it's openly acceptable - by women as much as men - and in other places it's done only in private, usually to provide a sense of emphasis or seriousness.

It has taken me almost a lifetime to stop swearing like a sailor, given where I came from.

@Alysandir Your reality and my reality are very different. That's for sure. Lol


Are you posting on a mobile device or a computer? I found that there are a few script errors present on a computer which prevent the react and comment buttons from functioning. No such issues on mobile, I suppose Slug loads a different JS file for mobile.


Looking back through your replies, it's most likely from inflammatory comments like this, "you guys must be really upset they didn't manage to kill her while she was at work." Maybe re-read this... and take a closer look at #4. And then honestly ask yourself why you're really here,

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