5 2

LINK The events of January 6th were a faith-based initiative, and Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement that believes Trump was literally sent from heaven to save them.

It's fun to laugh at QAnon, but if you accord religious faith the kind of exalted respect we do here in America, you've already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.

The events of January 6th were a faith-based initiative, and Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement that believes Trump was literally sent from heaven to save them.

JacksonNought 8 Feb 7
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Bill Maher doesn't understand Christians at all, nor how they think about Donald Trump, let alone how they understand the Bible. So why listen to anything he says about them?


Well he comes from an extremist anti-Christian back ground. Doesn't He. You think it's religion !

No it's the Culture they Hate.
The idea that the Individual is Sovereign and so "All are equal in the eyes of God" and the Law. This is antithetical to any Elitist Group or Culture Religion or Tribe.
The concept of Universal Justice and Individual Sovereignty are the basic building blocks of Brytonic culture. It predates Christianity even. Therefore it's the Culture .... not Christianity itself they hate. Although they hate that as well. For obvious reasons.


Cart, horse.


Good grief.... you have swallowed the looney pill haven't you.

Why don't you stop wasting your own time and move on.

@JacksonNought Where's the Giant Cuckoo emoticon.... so far no one is listening to your crap.
So far you are losing 2-0

@Lightman sorry, I do not feed trolls. Go away.

@JacksonNought But you keep feeding this site with your crap though eh.

@Lightman so you admit you are a troll then. Good to see you being honest for once.

@JacksonNought Did I?
Nooooo doesn't look like that to me.
3-0 now BTW

@Lightman how exactly are you keeping score? Is trolling and throwing out insults somehow "winning"? Is this like the "such much winning you'll get sick of it" former social-media influencer Trump talked about, before losing the election?

Whoosh, the point sails right by over your head. As usual.
Also I'm keeping score by counting the people agreeing or not with you. 3 - 0...

@JacksonNought 5 - 0 now.... 🙂

@Lightman ooh, I am so scared. Are you telling me posting conflicting views on a mostly conservative echo chamber is going to be controversial? I am going to get more dissenting opinions? Oh no, how could I have ever seen this coming?

Perhaps you are a bit too easily triggered (yes, triggered) that you feel the need to keep score like this. Notice how you didn't even try to watch the video or address the topic at hand, you just felt the need to insult me from the get-go. Common troll tactics. You show your true colors.

@JacksonNought Oh there's that word you use you say you don't again... as for the rest. Best you go home and lie down I think.
Never kept score in my life before... just doing it for you because you seem so deluded.

@Lightman yep, I keep using triggered because it triggers you. You seem to fly into a tizzy ever time, not my fault.

You still continue to lob personal attacks at me, never once actually commenting on the post. It's like you seek out my comments just to insult me. Not surprising really, I mean what else is a troll good for? I hope they pay you well for all the work you're putting in.

@JacksonNought lol... did I tell you... you're an idiot... stop wasting my time troll... ROTFLMAO


Oh I get it, you mean like Trump-Russia.

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