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2peros 8 Feb 19
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First, I'd say stop calling it a "coup." It was a couple dozen asshats doing what stupid people in crowds do. The ones who committed criminals acts should be prosecuted according to their crime; the ones who protested peacefully and left should be left alone.

If we cannot call things what they are, then there will be no hope for America. You cannot call protesters attempting to burn a police station - with police in it - or a Federal courthouse, "peaceful protesters," while in the same breath call protesters taking selfies in the House chamber, "terrorists attempting a coup," just because you've been taught to believe that the only people who deserve to express an opinion are those who belong to your ideology. At least you cannot, if you still believe in the principles that our nation was founded on.

Conversely, if you believe that all conservatives are white supremacist Nazis and the only way for there to be true equality is to disband the Electoral College, overthrow capitalism, and install socialism/communism, then I'd say you don't believe in the principles our nation was founded on. In which case, you should probably stop referring to yourself as a patriot and call yourself what you really are. If you have to resort to subversion and doublespeak to be agents of change, then you're being intentionally dishonest.

Did you read the whole article?


The coup failed. The Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, but the security was able to evacuate properly, and then most of the insurrectionists were more preoccupied with selfies and social media cred. Trump tried to extort votes, it didn't work. The coup is over, Biden is the president now.

The coup didn't fail; Biden is "president" now.

@JacksonNought doesn’t read anything but headlines...

There was no coup...

@2peros I read the article. It tries to paint Trump losing as a coup. I am saying that isn't the case. The actually coup, or attempted coup, was Trump trying to overthrow democracy and steal the election. And it failed, since Biden is currently the duly elected president.

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