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When they tell you who they are, believe them!

Sensrhim4hizvewz 8 June 13
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They are trying to conflate communism and jews as the same thing. Surely they are not. Fake jews maybe, not real jews who believe in god

Zionism does not represent all jews and all jews are not Zionists. Zionism is jewish supremacism. The ADL is a Zionist organization that furthers the causes of a supremacist, Zionist state in Israel. The vast majority are Ashkenazis who adopted the Talmud as their ethos, originating from eastern Europe. In-breeding was a serious problem among the Ashkenazi jews and has caused a list of one of the highest number of genetic diseases among any group of people in the world, including psychopathy

@Sensrhim4hizvewz yeah it gets too.messy. zionism isn't communism, but israel was founded by an atheist


Non sequitur = being against communism doesn't mean you hate jews.

If you're a commie, you're a commie. There are Chinese commies, Korean commies, Vietnamese commies, white commies, black commies etc.


None of these things originated in the middle east.

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