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i understand the freedom to choose. But I also have the right and choice to protect my family from un- vaccinated kids who may well be carrying the virus and passing it on yet to be vaccinated kids. I know that if at least 80% of people are vaccinated, the chance of infection drops dramatically. But why take the chance? Imagine if people refused to have their children vaccinated against's polio, measles, and other diseases that once killed or maimed millions.

angelo Level 8 Feb 26, 2021

As you say, everyone should have a choice. Along with mandatory testing there is mandatory school attendance. Zero choice!


I understand why people are upset about the authoritarian road that Covid has taken us down but I don't understand the focus.

Masks and testing are just not big issues. Intentional destruction of small businesses is. The socialist mind bent is to hate anything they can't control but health and safety is something we can all get behind I would hope. I also understand how destructive over regulation is but if people showed more self control we wouldn't need so much regulation. It would be nice for example to live in a world where recreational drugs were legal but not used.

It seems to me incompetence is the real issue. Stupid people regulated by stupid bureaucrats. And congress, I take one look at Nancy Pelosi, AOC, or Schiff to name a few and I see incompetent asses. Sometimes I think we deserve the idiocracy we live in.

In the past we didn't have to worry about stupid. It took care of itself, you get addicted to drugs you die, you rape someone you get hung, you didn't want to work you starved, steel a horse they hanged you, you run a crooked business and they would tar and feather you and send you out of town on the rail. Even a nastier aspect of the Darwin awards was in place before the industrial revolution. You don't have the resources to avoid the plague you died. Downward mobility keep the population healthy and sharp because of natural selection. Today you don't want to worry about pandemics well maybe that is natures way of thinning the herd.

The thing about this pandemic is it should have been a civil defense exercise but we turned it into political theater. The Democrats used it to manipulate the election process and the republicans did nothing. The entire government preformed badly but Fauci and most everyone else still have their jobs because feelings. The only competent looking person in government was Trump and frankly in a less clownish world he would have gotten booted just the same. He was playing political theater along with the rest like it or not. The irony is Trump didn't get booted because of incompetence he got booted for feelings. He just was a mean man who tweeted mean things and wasn't caring enough to put people before the economy. As if the economy was somehow less important than feelings or drama, theater, networking, and appearances. No other politician did any better and most of the Democratic governors worse, because wait for it, yes that is right feelings. Most of them saw their job as pretending to care and covering up what they obviously didn't care about. Being "leaders" guiding the unwashed to the promised land. Stupid people elect stupid politicians because feelings. People need to get over themselves, there is no such thing as emotional intelligence, their is only hard work experience and common sense.

I don't want to go back to the Dark Ages when natural selection took care of stupidity and weakness. It seems a lot of people are hell bent on taking us there.

A good start would be to automated biological testing. Install reasonable filtration and ultraviolet sanitation in the air handling systems in buildings and transportation, stop touching each other, wash our hands, keep your hands away from your face, find out why our immune systems are so weak compared to less civilized people and why we have such crazy autoimmune diseases. Stop worrying about "racism" and have some reasonable international standards for travel, get the morons in the Chinese government out of the World Health Organization. Stop idiots from setting up bio labs in chicken coops or if they do at least monitor what the hell they are doing. There are a million things we could do but we are worried about masks and testing?

The next pandemic is only a matter of time and it could be a lot deadlier. I would stop worry about masks, testing and vaccines and worry about that.

wolfhnd Level 8 Feb 26, 2021

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