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The General Lee... is canceled. Along with its owner. Where will it all end?

Haraldson 8 Mar 20
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Mopar or no car.

I am getting so very tired of the left.


Did the car feature in the Warner Bros. movie? Will Warner Bros. be cancelled?


I guess I see this a little different.

You all remember the Dixie Chicks, right? They criticized Bush for going into Iraq post-9/11 and basically got canceled for it. They clarified their statements too. They apologized too. Didn't matter.

I'm fine with people voting with their wallets, but this is something else entirely. This is partisan warfare. The left-leaning journalists that called the backlash against the Dixie Chicks a witch hunt are strangely silent now, just as the right-leaning journalists calling for the Dixie Chicks' heads are now complaining about the overreach of cancel culture.

All this is now is a pissing contest to see which ideological side can ruin more lives. It's bullshit and it needs to stop. It's destroying our country and leaving us vulnerable.

Do you really think most - or even a plurality of - left-leaning folks were demanding the borders to be flung wide open? I don't. I think it was done to spite the ideological Right, like a big middle finger.

Do you really think most - or even a plurality of - left-leaning folks were demanding that we force white people to acknowledge their racism, become anti-racist, and help tear down capitalism to replace it with socialism? I don't. Again, middle finger. Our side versus your side. You don't like it, so we're going to vote for it, no matter what it is. EVEN IF WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE VOTING FOR. That's how you got President Biden.

Enough already.


I agree it resembles partisan warfare, and as is the case in conflict, each side is still responsible for their behavior. Both belligerents aren't equally good or bad because they're engaged in battle, that judgement should be made according to their actions.

You make a valid and important point. But having said that, I don't see any fundamental difference in cancelling someone because they objected to the invasion of Iraq versus cancelling someone because they owned a replica of the General Lee. Even if you personally agree with one and disagree with the other, the act of trying to tear someone down for their beliefs is as un-American principle as I know of.

Again, I'm fine with voting with your wallet; it's one thing to say, "I'm not going to support this person or this company financially because their business practices or core values are anathema to mine."

It's another thing entirely to actively move to destroy a company or a person's career because of an opinion. Because when you do that, you're essentially saying to the world, "I want to abrogate your right to hear what this person or this company has to say because I object to it and I consider my objections to have more weight that your rights." Anyone who decides on my behalf what I should be allowed to see or hear or be exposed to because their principles are offended are - to me - an authoritarian.

I'm not sure I understand you entirely, and from here I may unintentionally veer off your track as a result.

No worries; let me rephrase.

I am not against disagreement; we're always going to disagree as a free people. But what I perceive is happening here is partisan warfare that - for most people - isn't even based on ideological belief as much as it is sheer pettiness.

Take the 2020 Presidential election: what were the core ideological issues? Did we even have any? Because I don't remember any hot button ideological issues getting discussed for more than a cup of coffee. What I do remember the key issue being is Trump is a great leader vs Orange Man Bad.

Biden? He barely left his basement. More votes than any candidate in history and no one knew until the debates what his "platform" was even about. I think the majority of people who voted Biden weren't voting for him as much as they were against Trump.

And why is that? Did the people who voted Biden not experience a couple years of excellent economic growth and low unemployment like everyone else? Why would they vote against that, ESPECIALLY to vote in a Washington-lifer that was clearly in cognitive decline? And enough people wanted that SO BADLY that multiple states violated their own constitutions to help grease the wheels.

Why? Because Orange Man Bad. Even though he gave America several good years, Orange Man hadt to go because he was the leader OF THE OTHER SIDE.

So now we have a new President, wide-open borders, a return of critical race theory, a return to military action in the Middle East, lost jobs in the energy and manufacturing sector, continued riots, et al and a whole lot of people with confused faces asking, "wait, things were supposed to get better; what happened?"

You observe that people must be held to account for what they voted for, and I agree that when you're voting for an ideology, that's absolutely true. But the voting public in the U.S has gotten to be so low-information they might as well be voting on America's Got Talent, for all the critical thought they put into who or what they are voting for. They were told that Orange Man was bad, spent zero time assessing that information, and voted to get him out, even if that was against their own interests.

And this is what's tearing our country apart and making us vulnerable to countries like China and Russia.

Anyway, hope that helps.


Spock: It's easier to destroy than create.

Dukes of Hazard is a great show. A great piece of creation. Hard to do. Takes much work.

Leftists are destroyers. They don't build. they cancel. That's easy. And lame.

It doesn't matter what leftists feel. What matters is if they can produce an entertaining product that can induce the audience to care how they feel. Leftists can't do this. Conservatives don't care how leftists feel, because leftists act like babies.


Now they'll have to give the job to someone that didn't merit it..... no wait...........................


The left will declare the American Flag to be racist and try to cancel it.

At the 2016 Democratic Convention, there was shame because they didn't have any American flags.

Once upon a time, a corrupt politician attacked Trump, claiming the flag pole on his golf course was too tall. Trump shortened the flag pole, and added to the height of the hill, so that the flag lost no altitude.

Just because leftists say the Confederate Flag is racist doesn't mean it's racist.
There are those that associate it with fine southern style and culture.

Flag haters are haters. Haters hate, and they lose the goodwill of those they hate. What did they gain in return? Goodwill from fellow haters. Lame.

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