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Rebel News: Disturbing pro-Hamas rally takes place at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square

A pro-Hamas rally took place at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square. Shockers! Police and City Hall Security did NOT threaten to “trespass” anyone. But why?
FULL REPORT by David Menzies
: []

warminster100 9 May 18
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It’s absolutely sickening to see people waving the blood-soaked Palestinian flag all over the west in solidarity with Hamas, whose openly stated purpose is genocide. Hamas only wins by purposely sacrificing the lives of its own people. The more civilians killed, the bigger the payback.

Hiding weapons in schools and hospitals, using human shields and sending thousands of unguided rockets into Israel says it all.

The enemy of the Palestinian people is their own backward, bloodthirsty and failed leadership.

GeeMac Level 8 May 19, 2021

anyone surprised by this? really? - given the Marxist take over of Canadian and American politics and societies there is nothing that can surprise me any more.
All atrocities, all variety of true injustice - all edicts regardless their obvious fallaciousness...the worst that can be imagined - is now in the realm of possibility if not probability.

iThink Level 9 May 18, 2021

We sit here with our most basic civil rights taken away and we have a group of people cucking for Israel or Hamas. Neither one is in the right, Both are guilty of atrocious human rights violations.

Our loyalties should be with CANADA! Canada is going through incredible tyranny! We need people to focus on our own country


Imprison all participants and make them eat back bacon every Friday for 5 years.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 18, 2021

Where do I sign up for the five years of bacon?

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