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We Should Go All In

JacksonNought 8 May 19
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All those are bureaucracy arguments. "How would the paperwork be handled?"

Your point seems to be that this is an idiotic idea because it would make work bureaucrats. The same bureaucrats I think should be tarred and feathered.


Only if abortion is considered murder by law at 6 weeks

In Switzerland we have abortion as punishable for everyone at Day 1 (except the mother), at 12 weeks the mother is included. But there are grey zones after 12 weeks, like a gene defect, that would make the child unable to live, if it would even come to term or circumstances, where only the mother could be saved and the operation/medication would let her miscarry. The further the child has come to the delivery day, the greater the reason has to be, to be alowed to abort.

Therfore insurance fom week 13, child support from week 13... quite the idea

@RaikaRah yes extenuating circumstances should always be considered.

  1. Personhood begins at conception.

  2. Child support should start when it first costs money to support the child. There is probably a good argument for sharing the cost of antenatal care, seeing it directly involves the health of the child. Having said that, a father should not be legally liable for any child support until paternity has been proven or accepted by him. Child support is one case where a tax payer funded government program may be a good thing, to assist the mother if there is a delay before the father starts supporting the child. The father should then be required to pay the government back. If it comes to light that he has been paying child support for a child who is not his, then the government should immediately refund him in full - maybe even with interest, and the mother should then be required to pay the money back to the government.

  3. Birthright citizenship needs to end, but until it does, I'm not sure about fetal/embryonic/zygotic citizenship - I would need to study the question further. I think it could sometimes be difficult to legally prove what country the child was conceived in.

  4. Insuring a fetus? Sure - why not? I understand miscarriage can be a very traumatic experience and some additional funding may be helpful to a grieving family.

In addition to all of this, the war on the nuclear family needs to end. If society provided sufficient encouragement and support for families to stay together, like it is supposed to, the need for these government programs would be minimal. Family breakups - like abortion - should be safe and rare.

There is no war against the nuclear family dude. The nuclear family is just collateral damage of the leftist agenda, like rationality or social cohesion.

@Hamulus Well, whatever way you spin it, the nuclear family is under fire from the left. For the sake of society, that needs to end.

@DaveO276 Totally agree dude, but it won't happen. The nuclear family is a patriarchal institution and must be torn down. The sake of society? lol Yet another patriarchal institution that must be torn down. What are we gonna replace it all with? Dunno. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.


Free abortions for blax.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 19, 2021

At least you're wearing your racism proudly on your sleeve

@JacksonNought It's a joke dude. He's a funny mouse.


I am glad I survived that thought 74 years ago.

You mean so far so good. Commies are slow dude. Maybe they just haven't got around to dealing with you yet. Still, that's a few 5 year plans...

@Hamulus yeah, we've been hearing about the "communists" for decades. Maybe find a new bogeyman.

@JacksonNought Spoken like a true commie. lol

@Hamulus spoken like someone who doesn't even know what the word means.

@JacksonNought I don't get it dude. Why are you even on here? Are you a rage-aholic or something? You seem to be triggered at every comment I see you respond to. You have no idea what my politics are and seem determined to interpret jokes as attacks on some cherished belief you hold.

@Hamulus yet you seem to think some imaginary "communist" is coming for you, and "the left" is trying to take your family away.

@JacksonNought Desperate move dude, taking someone's joke and pretending it represents their ideology. I've said elsewhere that they are under my bed also, though I haven't physically checked in years. Politically I used to be slightly to the left of Marx, but I'm white and male so these days that puts me slightly to the right of Hitler. Grow up dude. A joke is just a joke and rarely anything to get butt-hurt over.

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