3 1 DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & EQUITY? Isn’t saying that Diversity is better due to the Inclusion of different views & opinions of diverse participants to the problem solving at hand? If that is the promotional (AND IT IS) for Diversity & Inclusion, isn’t that also saying there IS a difference between groups of people religiously, culturally, sexually & YES RACIALLY! Now, why precisely doesn’t that make Diversity & Inclusivity FUNDAMENTALLY RACIST??????

To make this as brief as possible this post is concerned with just Diversity & Inclusion. Professor Peterson gave an excellent videoed lecture on so called ‘white privilege’ that deserves its own individual post to think about.

As for Equity, it to would be better served by its own post to consider separately as there’s a lot to consider with covetous human behavior. The Socialist of this world have quite literally made an activist career out of their religion of envy.

Professor Peterson has recorded several outstanding videoed lectures on the wicked (evil if you prefer) subversion's of DIE (Diversity, Inclusion & Equity). Here’s one of those lectures.

Posted by: Rational Philosophy ~ Nov 22, 2017
“Jordan Peterson - Diversity, Inclusivity & Equity”

1914wizard 8 May 21
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A leftist friend commented that “working hard and succeeding is selfish.”


I have little time for ideological narratives that can't even manage consistency of thought.

For example, we are hearing now that merit is bad. That working hard, studying hard, being better at what you do than others, and expected to gain a competitive advantage because of that, is both racist and wrongthink. That in order to promote equity, we have to stop using merit as a consideration for things like university admissions or job applications.

I have yet to hear anyone make that argument to the NBA. Why is that?

@Alysandir @1914wizard @Samuelcolt @Beachslim

The NBA should mandate height equity.

1 in 7 of people in the world that are over 7 feet tall are in the NBA.


What is this post about? I want to hear it In your words. Maybe I could understand it better also if you tell me, what is Inclusion and equity? WHAT IS INCLUSION RESPONSE?

COMMENT BY: @Casseyxsharp2 ~ May 21, 2021
What is this post about? I want to hear it In your words. Maybe 
I could understand it better also if you tell me, what is Inclusion and equity?   

Inclusion is when: Want - Merit x Feelings = Quota Expectation.

It’s discrimination perpetrated on an individual or class today for things that may, or may not, have been done, or happened, to another individual or class somewhere in the stream of history - justified by Marxist “Critical Race Theory”. It’s class bigotry justified solely on Marxism & “Critical Race Theory” of perpetual zero sum tribal competition for dominance being the alpha and will be the omega the of human existence.

Forced inclusion is but one aspect of the devolution of the human species of which the Individual it the ultimate inter-sectional minority - as our forefathers figured out long long ago.

I would posit that there is little, if any at all, biological difference between the first human & we today other than the incessant degeneration to death of the species - after adjustment for time & methods of archiving knowledge of course. That is why “book burning” and today’s data dumping is so abhorrent an act.

I suppose that I’m one of the few that reads in conjunction Genesis 2:3,4 with Genesis 2:16,17 seeing that a CREATION DAY is a GENERATION DAY that need not be 24 hours. “.............. for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” So for what honest purpose would someone laugh & poke fun at seven says of creation or the day in which man as a species dies? We have no way of knowing how long a heavenly generation day is other than it’s a heavenly generation long.

Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, (kjv)

Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (kjv)

Is there any doubt that humanity is progressively getting more & more ignorant - that’s what I’m talking about - humanity is devolving into death just as condemnation requires.

PS. Equity is the same as handing out participation trophies to everyone rather than accomplishment trophies to individuals for their achievements. (Almost overlooked that)

Posted by: Better Bachelor ~ May 17, 2021
“This is probably the biggest reason why most men quit dating”

@1914wizard I wanted to ask since I already had my own interpretation of things. I thought that it would be something forced on someone for some kind of reason such as that. I don't know what exactly you incidentally happen to believe about equity now, but I happen to think as it happens that equity is righteously driven however it just so happens that I happen to also not be believing in something like forcing Inclusion if the intended goal was to give everyone a reward based on participation.

A lot of what you said in your post doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I don't know what it is that you just happen to be believing or arguing. Could it be that you're actually asking a question for an answer? Well, as for that, I just so happen to see it the same way, is diversity and inclusion just plain racist, could it be for intensive purposes racist since that's the norm being promoted, well that assumes that there's a certain right way to be human, it believes that all humans should be diverse but that if there's someone different you must force Inclusion onto them if they just happen not to be the same as you, I don't believe in doing that but I do believe that there's a right way to being human at least, and that's why it's so as is the way of the people to have such ideals just as it is in the belief that being racist is bad, however, as to answer your question, is it racist, yes it's the same as being racist when you believe in such a thing as a human being, because yes it's an ideal that could be believed, it's not just an ideal that should be believed In, there is a right way of being human and so if you it doesn't matter what you believe about people if you do that you can call it either racist or diversity and Inclusion but what it's not is what's right to either do or believe being human, because, there is a right way of being human and that just so happens not to be that and that's why it's bad. I didn't have to believe that I had agreed with you to answer your question or tell you all that, I don't believe in Inclusion is right and I believe that diversity can be a good thing, but coming from a person a human being that happens to believe that diversity is good but wouldn't even be the one to know what that is, you can call it just an ideal or albeit just call it racist if you will but that's just wrong no matter what you call it since anyone who was wondering that would more than likely tell you the same thing too that's just an ideal that humans would have and think about asking about if they didn't know what that right way to be is, but it's still wrong and I don't really care if that just so happens to make me be forcing Inclusion or not, that's what I would say, that's just wrong no matter who's on the recieving end. I just so happen to believe, that I think, everyone should know that.

@1914wizard and, yes, humans are devolving, because they ask such things such as that and none of them really know what it means to do so, that's diversity and Inclusion, and it's wrong just no matter how you look at it, it's what you should call a bad ideal and no one should be believing in doing that despite that what people assume is that if you hold an ideal over rationality that it would just make you be a bad person, I don't believe in doing that. Oh, but yes it's also still important, that's why I still believe that people should be the ones who to keep asking questions for answers such as this and I'm glad that you thought about asking too.

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