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Because....the prophete

RemiDallaire 9 Aug 28
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The meaning revealed....

33 In the same way, any one of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple.


Fairly normal bevaviour in fanatical Islamic populations.

Your comment is off topic, What was said is that being a Christian
necessitates your obedience thesis. The Muslim would ignore
his parents and remain in the land of the living to serve the Lord.

@2FollowHim Actually its not off topic at all


Jesus said your enemies are of your own household. This is WHY Jesus said to HATE the blood family. To follow Jesus, ties to blood must be ended, unless they want to know your faith.
I'd say OTHERS could help them. When I join, I join. When I leave, I leave.
IF they became Christian, I might see them. But probably not.
Hostility for Jesus can be devious, deep.
I know I'd be slandered.

When you cut ties, cut them completely.
There's no such thing as family love: love comes from God, Jesus not ever Muhammad.
Remember we only hear what one unverified man says ABOUT Allah, never from Allah. Nothing like Christianity or Jesus.

Does Jesus really teach us to hate our families? Or are we putting our misinterpretations into His mouth?

Taquia ?

@eschatologyguy The churches are not your teachers, You can only learn
how to make the Bible your teacher through the Holy Spirit and you
then will begin to know Jesus Christ.To accept the interpretation of the
churches is folly.Every church have a different interpretation of and only
agree on what is very false. You are not to LOVE the
family more than Him. And more! Jesus set an example for us by pointing to His disciples and calling this family, those who do the will of the Father.

@RemiDallaire Nah. But somehow the video triggered his response above.

"Jesus said your enemies are of your own household. This is WHY Jesus said to HATE the blood family."

So Jesus says to hate your family because they're your enemy. But then He also says to love your enemies. So which is it? The way you exegit scripture is incoherent and (sorry) sloppy. You know the rule in hermeneutics, right? If your interpretation of a passage does not cohere with the rest of the bible, go back to the drawing board.

@eschatologyguy What we don't 'get' is what Jesus meant and did not mean by HATE. Hate in the Greek means HATE. So what do we do?
Is not Jesus our example in everything, including 'hate the family'?
Jesus did not listen to or follow His brothers' advice. Jesus actually rebuked Mary but nobody knew it when the crowd tells Jesus 'Your mother and sisters are here to see you'. HATE = reject, don't obey and further
Jesus tells the crowd who His family is. At this point in time, it's not Mary!
But SEE what happens!! Don't His brothers and Mother TURN AROUND?
They turn around only when you..go your way.
Think again about this tragic story. If the new Christian man HATED them, ie. REJECTED their advice, and witnessed to his mother, who knows?
I think he'd be alive. In US, other places, family kill your zeal so you become lukewarm.
Please think about it.

@eschatologyguy This teaching is one of the most dramatic teachings Jesus gives. But it works.

@2FollowHim As I've said, your exegesis is incoherent.

@eschatologyguy The Jews lived under Roman rule. They had authority over Jews. Love your enemies is what the Roman's couldn't handle.

BTW? What part of Jesus's statement 'hate the family' can't you get?
Again, the story above. Read it.
Imagine if the new Christian knew to HATE or REJECT or TESTIFY AGAINST the Muslim family.
You can't belong to TWO families: partly with Jesus, partly with blood.

Flesh and blood oppose Jesus. Unbelieving family oppose Jesus.
Again. Notice how Jesus's family went from opposing Him to converting.

Blood family are more likely to change when you cut ties.
That's HATE, not what people call hate, so destructive.
It's easier on everyone to leave when Christian.

I read 'behold ALL THINGS are new.
Maybe this is incomprehensible also.

But that young man would not be dead.
Jesus speaks on this more than once.

If you love Me, keep my sayings' -Jesus.
I found them true, and good, freeing from bondage.

@2FollowHim OK. Make sure you love your enemies also then.

"What part of Jesus's statement 'hate the family' can't you get?"

I got it alright. But what you are obviously not getting is how the word "hate" was used in bible times. It was in a much broader sense then than how it is used now. Back then, it included matters of preference, and not just spite. Jesus explains it with "he who loves... more than Me is not worthy of Me." See? Preference!

Doubling down on your error makes you no different than the arrogant religious of old (Isa 65:5). You say churches are not our teachers. Then you need a refresher on Eph. 4. Don't you go to a local church? To learn? So what does that make you?

If this is what you're learning from your pastor, you're being fed sloppy Theology.

@eschatologyguy I explained it had NOTHING at all to do with SPITE.
SPITE is EVIL. Jesus does not teach EVIL.

Please look again at this tragic story. For the 3rd time!!, if the new Christian
ex-Muxlim young man had HATED his family,
Like Jesus did, reread those accounts please.
He wouldn't have been lured BY SATAN into that ugly trap that CRUELLY took his life.
Whoever speaks EVER about SPITE?
Come now, SPITE is not Christian.
I told you that we learn, ONLY learn what Jesus means by HATE the family by studying how He did that.
Equally, to know LIVE your enemies, study how Jesus LOVED His ENEMIES.

Jesus had enemies. The Jews set Him up, collided with the Roman's, broke all their laws to cruelly impale Jesus who never hurt them.

Remember that Satan corrupts language so words take on other meanings.
We never disrespect but we REJECT the satanical advice oof unconverted family. And we testify about Jesus to them.

Otherwise, your family will cause lukewarm.
It's a spiritual battle.
Obviously, you'd have to consider HOW to do that.
I know that if I'd had a loving, kind, atheist parent, I'd find it very challenging how to do all to the glory of God.

Keep wrestling with this!

@2FollowHim you're playing around wiith semantics in your doubling down on this exegetical error. None are as blind as those who do not wish to see. You may not see it from your end, but this doubling down is really pathetic. Have it your way then, that your interpretation is, Jesus is teaching you to hate your family - your siblings, your wife, your own children - who do not believe as you do. But know that your teaching this erroneous interpretation of Jesus teaching hate is a disservice to the Gospel of Christ.

@eschatologyguy No playing, no semantics. Plain, straightforward reading.
Where does it say that Jesus's teaching of 'hate the UNBELIEVING, UNCONVERTED blood family is DISSERVICE.

Are you DEAF? Did you not read the account AT ALL?
Vir the FIFTH TIME, the new Christian young man would be alive today if he had known and done what Jesus said.

He had to testify to his mother, let her know his life now was new.
INVITE her to consider Jesus but he could not return.

That is hate the family. It's similar to what Our Savior Jesus did with His family.

I think you are unable to hear this major teaching of Jesus.
It's simple, clear.
You resist this teaching that's central.
You can't BE a NEW creature in your OLD family.

I can do no more now.
See where it takes you, and I've ALREADY seen the miracles.
We'll have to stop. You aren't able to take this central teaching.


"You can't BE a NEW creature in your OLD family."

You don't know the half of what you think you know, and you know nothing about my family. We are all believers and have regular family bible study. My wife exegits better than you do, by the way.

"I can do no more now."

Please do no more. What you teach with your online comments confuses people and are veritable stumbling blocks to the Gospel.

Interpret it like you do and you run into trouble with numerous other passages that contradict that interpretation that you have now. So what do you do with those passages that contradict your take? Ignore them?

Jesus clearly stated to hate the unconverted family, end of
story, Why try to prove that the Scripture reads differently.
If Jesus said to LOVE the family, then you and everyone
else would have been in harmony, right, Do you agree that
Jesus made the statement, HATE The Family. What is
your problem..

@eschatologyguy it means HATE the UNCONVERTED, unbelieving family.
You aren't reading it.

If your family BELIEVES, then all now belong to a NEW FAMILY.

I could do no more with you, then.

But your situation is NOT what Jesus was explaining.
Your wife can look up, explain Jewish families, what they were like.
As you know, Jesus is talking to the Jews about being His disciple.

I will continue to discuss what the straightforward truth of the New Testament says.

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