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Is citizen oversight and paper ballots the only way to know an election is demonstrably decided based on votes cast and counted?

govols 8 Sep 13
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The easy and honest fix is the old way. Send out verified absentee ballots who know they cannot make it to the polls on the selected day. On the selected day you get your arse down to the poll with a picture ID in hand. They check it against the poll for that district (if you aren't on the list, you messed up -- try again next year -- your fault). You then go fill out a paper ballot that is counted right there and SAVED for audit.
If it takes 3 bloody days to count up every ballot then do that. MSM doesn't like waiting? Screw MSM! Quality and honesty take time. No one is asking you to hold your breath.


yes but only if the News media are on board with keeping it that way - which they would never agree to ...

iThink Level 9 Sep 13, 2021

If the election is national, and if one district cheats, it can swing the national election.

There are districts where more people voted for Biden than live in the district.

The way out is republican style. Grassroots style. Elect local officials, who elect state representatives, who elect national representatives, who elect a president. This way, each district's vote matters.

Government should be built bottom up, not top down.

Local votes matter!


The last Presidential election had a metric ton of unsolicited paper ballots and oversight. It didn't help. The paper ballots could not be validated and the oversight wasn't allowed in "after hours." And entire states had their election laws overwritten by executive mandate.

The election process is compromised, period.

Metric ton of MAIL-IN ballots and rigged oversight.. That's where the fraud was amplified. Mail-ins are rife for shenanigans. As long they keep using that appalling grift in place the closer we are to becoming Third World losers . Our last election put us one step in that direction. Midterms will be the measure if our great experiment has finally run it's course. If it happens again.. we.are.doomed..

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