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At least learn to understand the meaning behind why people are posting this stuff. with Biden, it’s not about making fun of speech impediments and dementia (granted idk any conservative making the claim it’s his speech that is the issue, i don't think anyone would have an issue if the preaident just had a stutter). the point is the man is clearly not in any state to be running the country and we axtually frel bad that people are putting him in this position despite his clear state of decline. it’s not so much him we are making fun of but thise too blind to see the man should not be president given how he acts.

with Trump and Chrissy i definitely think there is a more vile motive especially given the fact those saying this stuff claim to be compassionate but again, i get it. its calling them out for the hypocrisy of the things they’ve said and done. like, “see what the policies you pushed for get you? now you have to suffer”. the part i also find most alarming with the the Trump haters is the fact they called out conservatives for wanting people to die of Covid when that was never their stance, they just didnt want to see people die and suffer from the effects of lockdowns, and yet now the Trump haters are ACTUALLY saying they want someone to die from Covid. like wtf? don't tell me I want people to die when i never said such but now you are litterally saying just that.

Joehlert11 7 Oct 27
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There is another component here, revenge. For 5+ years the left spewed hatred towards anyone who favored anything about DJTrump. Even before that, the worthless racist Obama spewed his own hatred towards Americans in general.
I'm personally tired of having hatred, not disagreement, hatred thrown my way by a large group of NPC's egged on by elites who think of me as nothing more than a peasant.
F**You, Biden supporter.

DJTrump's election was in response to Obama's incessant crappola. Think on that a bit.


I never mocked anyone for having any kind of mental or physical deficiency or perceived deficiency - such as crooked teeth or baldness or a homely or fat appearance. It's just morally wrong to do that.
Therefore I never mock Biden - but I have been known to mock B Obama and a few others. LOL
When Trump mocks Biden I consider that to be an ad hominem personal attack and it offends me.
Although given the same set of circumstances I would still vote for Trump over any candidate who was Dem or Independent.
Trump really is an egotistical bastard but I would rather have that than a wussy woke whiny witch like Hilary or a dopey dumbass degenerate deficient like Biden...and the list goes on.
It truly is a sad time for our country when the best person we can find for POTUS is Trump. But hey - no sane, sensible, steadfast, smart stalwart person like ...gee whiz someone help me come up with a name! LOL

iThink Level 9 Oct 27, 2021

reminds me of The Eiger Sanction movie and Dr. Hemlock describing our side and how bad can the other side really be....LOL


Let's go Brandon!


I am not suffering at all except from tolerating the incessant diatribes of puppets of Corporate America & the CCP.

I remember being called a Trumpanzee and quite a few expletives. Been called expletive anti-vaxxer when I am a pro-choice vaxxer. I don't feel bad at all about the President but I can't remember any of them saying 'our President' when Trump was in office, as we did with Obama and his atrocities.

No, I am not with you at all on that one. I could start with the Dems behaviours on the Americans with Disabilities Act if I wanted to really get deep into it. Just ask veterans in the VA or people on disability about what the Dems have done to them.

Nope...ALL HAIL THE KAKISTOCRACY....all 81 million of you that voted for him.

Quite a petulant post actually, worthy of Alyssa Milano and her offering the olive branch after years of her liberal bellicose belligerence.

hear hear!


My father died with dementia. I'm not going to stop saying Joe has dementia just because of my father's death.

He has dementia. I'm not calling a duck an ostrich to save the ducks feelings. It knows what it is. And, so do I.

yup, that was my point. like i get the meaning behind the post is we should be better, but like don't make a straw man argument of what is being done either. like yes call out people for being bullies and making fun of him if that is what they are doing but that isn’t the motive. the motive is pointing out the obvious, the man is not fit to be president and here is why…

@Joehlert11 most people don't read whole posts when it's long. In which case, it's best to start with the gist 😊

To point out that the man has dementia is not to mock the man. It is merely pointing out a truth that every single person in gov't, news media and most folks who think of themselves as "woke" REFUSE to fkg acknowledge!
My wife died of dementia (Alzheimers Disease) - I know exactly what you her sole care giver I know what Alzheimers looks like, sounds like and how it behaves...I would bet all I have that his form of Dementia is Alzheimers.
I have no doubt that Biden wears pull ups...someone helps to buff him up for his planned public appearances and or they are using a double to stand in for him.
Regardless all of that - there just is no way Biden can make any kind of decision - the man can barely tell you his own name. Which leads to the obvious question: So - who the hell is running the
I believe we are being ruled by a back chamber stealth politburo


It's "FU" from the insane woke to conservatives, but when conservatives push back, it's "you're being mean."


No dice. My beloved grandpa died with Alzheimer's and I'm still gonna mock Sloppy Joe.

sqeptiq Level 10 Oct 27, 2021
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