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Vaccine Choice Canada: Drs. Paul Alexander and Mark Trozzi - The War On Our 5-11 years old ends when Canadian Mothers Stand Up!

Dr. Paul E. Alexander and Dr. Paul Trozzi are being attacked and censored for stepping forward to share the truth of what is going on in the Canadian medical profession and the high cost to humanity we are all paying. Several other Canadian doctors joined on this call to share their experiences while attempting to help protect their patients.

warminster100 9 Nov 12
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Parents trust their doctors for advice and to stand against medical malpractice, but the vast majority of doctors are not standing against this politically motivated malpractice that calls for parents to allow their children to get the jab. They haven’t stood against the move to foolishly jab everybody against their will either. Some have even demanded everybody get the jab against their will. Look up Dr Sohrab Lutchmedial. He famously said, he wouldn’t cry for anyone who refused to get the vaccine. Then he got his 3rd covid jab. Two weeks after getting that booster people were crying for him after his sudden and unexplained? death. Don’t expect this into make it into the VAERS DB under Covid vaccine deaths though. That doesn’t fit their narrative.


They've been jabbing teeners over here too.

Yes, teenagers were an easier target to conquer first, because the left has convinced so many that teens should decide everything without parental interference on everything they do, from what they wear and eat to having sex and murdering the resultant babies they make. We seem to have bred out the protective instincts of parents. (Not with my children and grandchildren).

I guess they believe they have brainwashed enough of our population to enable them to complete the tyranny by making our toddlers “wards of the state” (government property, like the rest of us).

The total abandonment of our constitution (legal documents guaranteeing God given rights and protections), laws, logic, scientific evidence and decency are evidence in this power grab. If we allow it, there will be no turning back to freedom, ever, without an obvious miracle from the one true God and creator of everything and everyone. I hope your door posts are appropriately marked.

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