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For almost a century the Left (read: post-modern neo-liberals, contemporary progressives, social democrats, and SJWs) in the United States have insisted on calling the United States a 'democracy' when, in fact, it is a Constitutional Republic. It is is not an artifact of their narrative, it is in the end goal of the narrative. This is precisely why every two years before, during and after elections they yammer on about popular vote and want to make the Electoral College defunct saying its 'un-democratic'.

Our Republic uses a democratic electoral system to elect representatives to the federal government and the 50 State Houses. Our electoral system has safeguards crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the mob mentality, which the Framers understood democracy to be. Just look at what's happening to 'democratic' nations in the EU and vaccine passports.The Framers were quite clear on the dangers of democracy when creating our Constitutional Republic to ensure our government was by the people and for the people:

"We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship." – Alexander Hamilton

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." – Thomas Jefferson

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” – Benjamin Franklin

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” – John Adams

“[Pure democracies] have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” – James Madison

*And so it is interesting that those born of the Wilsonian era (read: post-modern neo-liberals, contemporary Progressives, Social Democrats, and the Social Justice Warriors) thar insist that the American form of government is a democracy. They take every opportunity to reinforce the narrative through assertion every time they talk about our government, such as...

Our current sock-puppet in chief says, “American democracy is an ongoing struggle to live up to our highest ideals and to heal our divisions; to recommit ourselves to the founding idea of our nation captured in our Declaration of Independence, not unlike many of your documents… Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to renew it with each generation.” – Joe Biden

Marxist in chief #44 said, “Our democracy, our individual opportunity only exists because those who came before us had the wisdom and the courage to recognize that our ideals will only endure if we see our self-interest in the success of other peoples and other nations.” ~~ “And this is something that I emphasize wherever I go – democracy does not stop on Election Day. For a real democracy to work, and for a society to thrive and continually improve, it requires that people continue to participate.” – Barack Obama...

Our story in a nutshell began in Philadelphia, 1787 ~~ The delegates to the Constitutional Convention were just leaving Independence Hall, having decided on the general structure for the new United States. A crowd had gathered on the steps of Independence Hall, eager to hear the news. A sturdy old woman (sometimes referred to as an anxious lady), wearing a shawl, approached Benjamin Franklin and asked him, “well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied sagely, “a republic, if you can keep it.”

In most versions of the story, the old woman is supposed to represent the ordinary patriot in the new United States, wondering what the future would portend, but also fearful that the Constitutional delegates had chosen the easy and traditional option – a monarchy. Ben Franklin, among the eldest of the elder statesmen at the Convention, represents wisdom, and the foresight that decades in the Independence struggle had given him.

We have a Republic, but it will be up to the people to keep it a Republic. And that duty will require constant vigilance in the coming centuries.

2022 New Years resolution - always refer to the United States of America as a Constitutional Republic and take advantage of the opportunity to courteously correct people who use the term 'democracy' when talking about our form of government and educate them about why we are a Constitutional Republic.

dd54 8 Dec 24
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@dd54 @Serg97 @TimTuolomne

The only defense against tyranny of the majority is secession.

Democrats love wealth distribution but they hate power distribution. Democrats insist on central power. Democrats can't handle the concept of a confederacy of independent powers. Challenge Democrats to distribute power.

Republicans are comfortable with a confederacy of independent powers, and the more independent powers, the better.

Wealth distribution is characterized mathematically by the "Gini number". The definition of the Gini number can be applied to any distribution. It can be applied both to the distribution of wealth and to the distribution of power. This would expose how centralized power is in Democrat territory.

Power = Wealth.

For example, when Hillary was in contention for the Presidency, the Clinton Foundation got bigly donations. After Hillary lost, donations ceased.

Democrats are working to centralize power in America, and to increase the magnitude of the power. They are also weaponizing the government against Republican states.

Secession is inevitable.

Democrats are conquistadors. They are colonialists. They won't be able to handle the existence of independent Republican states. They will invade.

Civil War is inevitable.

For the past 3000 years, China has usually been in a state of dictatorship, with the dictator controlling all of China. On the occasions where China fractioned into independent states, war happens until the central dictatorship is restored, and 1/4 of the population dies in the war. Chinese wars are the most deadly wars in history. China has never known anything but dictatorship.

The Chinese film titled "Ran" mirrors the plot of King Lear. A Chinese emperor divides his kingdom equally between his 3 sons. The sons immediately go to war with each other. []

Hi-rez picture: []


The problem is in the fact that the difference is NOT taught nor understood by OUR Education System!!!
I dare you to ask and teacher that is currently teaching YOUR children the difference!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Dec 24, 2021


Once upon a time, education was legit. At Madison West High School, in the 9th grade, everyone had to take American history. We had a great teacher, Mr. Roger Wiebe. Mr. Wiebe was also the basketball and golf coach. Mr Wiebe was a big inspiration to students.

This was a long time ago. Education has declined. Teachers used to inspire, and now they indoctrinate.

@jaymaron Your last sentence is DEAD ON!!!!!!!!!


Well stated DD54.

I will add that before adoption of the Constitution, the Colonies adopted the Articles of Confederation, which was a loose association of the colonies; in effect a democracy of States. It failed almost immediately because no State had any interest in compromise. In our Constitutional Republic, a triumverate of powers was intended to only allow the interests of parties to be served in compromise.

And in ancient Greece, a pure democracy sent ships to attack Sparta one day, and the next day sent ships to stop the ships sent the first day, and a costly battle ensued, Greek against Greek. That's pure democracy.

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